Unapproved Minutes UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE 12 May 2011 (2– 4pm) DRAFT MINUTES Chair Mrs Rosy Stamp Present Miss Rachel Earle, Mrs Sue Endean, Ms Rachel Fletcher, Ms Angela Jones, Mr Colin McAuley , Prof Peter Patrick, Ms Hannah Prime Secretary Ms Karen Bush In attendance Ms Marianne Provan, Mrs Karen Stephenson APOLOGIES Noted The Chair noted that apologies had been received from Mr Neil Barnard, Dr Wayne Campbell, Mr Syd Kent, Mr Saeed Mohammed, Prof Colin Riordan, Dr Kate Rockett, Prof Jane Wright MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 8 February 2011 Approved MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Noted No matters arising. MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF REFERENCE (Paper EADC/10/38) Agreed The terms of reference should include the following ‘to provide governance and strategic oversight of the Harassment Advisory Network’. 41/11 Noted Judith Judd, an external member of Council, will succeed Mrs Stamp as Chair of EADC. Her term of office is 1/8/2011 to 31/7/2014. The appointment of a Dean and a Head of Department is still pending. Post-meeting note: Dr David Pevalin, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering and Dr Alison Rowlands, forthcoming Head of the Department of History will also become members of EADC for the period 1/8/2011 to 31/7/2014 42/11 Noted Ms Hannah Prime’s term as the student member elected by the Students’ Union Council has ended. 43/11 Post-meeting note: It was agreed that Ms Karen Bush, Human Resources Policy and Projects Officer should become a member of the committee with immediate effect and Mrs Karen Stephenson should take over as Committee Secretary. Action The Committee Secretary to make the changes to the Membership and Terms of Reference noted above and submit them to Council for approval in July 2011. 44/11 Action Ms Provan to inform the Committee Secretary of the new Students’ Union representatives. 45/11 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES a) Caring Responsibilities Project (M.02/11) Reported Ms Fletcher reported that she has now submitted a Budget request to Professional Services and if it is approved, the project can move forward. Ms Fletcher and Ms Bush had met and agreed that ownership of the project should sit with Equality and Diversity as the project will cover both staff and students and that a detailed project plan and job description for the Project Officer should be written. 46/11 Action Ms Bush to prepare a detailed project plan and a job description for the Project Officer. 47/11 b) Equality Act 2010 (M.11/11) (EADC/10/39) Reported Ms Bush reported that the general duties contained within the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) came into force in April 2011. The specific duties have not come into force and have been put back out for consultation. In addition, the dual discrimination provision has been repealed and the third party harassment provisions are also likely to be repealed in July 2011. 48/11 Reported Section 159 of the Act: Positive action in the recruitment of staff. Ms Bush presented the paper on behalf of Mr Kent who proposed that the University should not adopt this measure which permits an employer to take a protected characteristic into consideration when deciding who to recruit or promote, where people with the protected characteristic are at a disadvantage or are under-represented. 49/11 Agreed The Committee agreed to Mr Kent’s proposal not to adopt Section 159 with the proviso that the decision is reviewed in a year’s time, when Human Resources will be looking at Recruitment statistics. This item will be put on the agenda of the May 2012 meeting 50/11 Action Ms Bush to put this item on agenda for the May 2012 meeting. 51/11 c) Options for providing a mediation service - progress (M.20/11) Reported Mrs Endean reported that options for providing an in-house and an external mediation service were being explored. UCEA and ACAS both run accredited mediation training and costs for these have been obtained. Ms Bush has attended an initial briefing session run by Total Conflict Management (TCM) who offer a range of options from providing a full external service to running a range of both accredited and non-accredited training courses. A representative from TCM, is due to deliver a presentation to HR in July after which a recommendation as to the preferred option will be made to USG. 52/11 Noted Ms Fletcher pointed out that students would benefit from this service and that a cross-organisation arrangement should be considered. 53/11 Action Mrs Endean to identify the preferred option and present a costed proposal to USG. 54/11 d) Recruitment of HAN advisers (M.22/11) Reported This round of recruitment is open to staff and students who teach. 26 people have shown an interest with 16 firm applications. Interviews to take place on 7, 8 and 9 June. 55/11 Noted Ms Bush and Mrs Stephenson facilitated a session on ‘A Day in the Life of a Harassment Adviser’ during the University’s Learning at Work Day. This was very successful with 19 attendees out of which 6 people applied to be advisers. 56/11 Recruitment of Student advisers will take place next year on a trial basis. 57/11 e) EIR on Annual Review Procedures for Academic and Research staff (M.34/11) (Paper EADC/10/40) Reported The Panel has been set up and Ms Bush has briefed the Chair and Secretary 58/11 REVISED EQUALITY POLICY AND STRATEGY (M.12/11) (Paper EADC/10/41) Reported The revised Equality Policy and Strategy was approved by USG to go forward for wider consultation with minor wording changes. During the six-week consultation period, the only comment received was a suggested re-wording of the ‘Introducing Essex’ section by the Internal Communications Officer. 59/11 Noted The development of a Charter is part of the Policy’s action plan. The Dignity and Respect Group have already produced a draft Charter and Equality and Diversity, as part of the consultation on it, have fed in their views. Staff and students will be encouraged to sign the Charter but are not obliged to do so. 60/11 Agreed The Charter should be written in such a way so as to encourage people to sign up to it. The Charter will not be linked to any disciplinary procedure and the fact that someone has signed it or not, will not be taken into account when considering appropriate disciplinary action. 61/11 Approved The Equality Policy and Strategy was approved to go forward to Council in July 2011 for final approval. 62/11 Action Ms Bush to put the Equality and Policy Strategy forward to Council for approval. 63/11 FEEDBACK FROM MEETING WITH STONEWALL REPRESENTATIVE (M.09/11) (Paper EADC/10/42) Reported Ms Bush and Mr Kent met with a Stonewall representative and were convinced that becoming a Stonewall Diversity Champion would be a very positive thing for the University. 64/11 Recommended The University join the Stonewall Diversity Champions’ Programme on a one year trial basis in the first instance. 65/11 Agreed The University should join the Stonewall Diversity Champions Programme with immediate effect and find out if it can be done in partnership with the Students’ Union. Ms Provan agreed that if this was possible, the Students’ Union would contribute financially. 66/11 Action Ms Bush to find out if the membership could cover the Students’ Union in addition to the University. 67/11 Action Mr Kent to seek University funding for the first year’s membership. 68/11 EIR ON PROGRESS AND RETENTION OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS - FINAL REPORT (M.32/11) (Paper EADC/10/43) Noted The committee noted the findings of the Panel and how it complements work that is already ongoing. In particular, the University has recently focussed on this issue as part of its Access Agreement. The Panel’s report suggests that those at risk of withdrawing are drawn from a broad range of students but it 69/11 didn’t identify any particular group of students as being at a more significant risk than others. The committee agreed it would be helpful if those with caring responsibilities could be identified in order to assess whether this group of students experience particular disadvantage. The committee also acknowledged the difficulty the Panel had in obtaining relevant data. This will be addressed as part of an action under the Equality Policy and Strategy to identify what data should be collected for equality monitoring purposes. It is also being considered by the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee, as is the issue of encouraging students to discuss their intermission, withdrawal or any other such process with their department. 70/11 Agreed The Equality Opportunities Monitoring form for students should be updated to include a question about caring responsibilities. The issue of retention and progression should also be included in the Caring Responsibilities project. 71/11 Noted Progress on the recommendations in the report will be reported to EADC in May 2012. 72/11 Action Ms Fletcher to speak to Dr Campbell about the inclusion of a caring responsibilities question on the Equality Opportunities Monitoring form. 73/11 Action Ms Bush to include the issue of student retention and progression in the Caring Responsibilities project. 74/11 DISABILITY MATTERS Agreed The Access Forum should report annually to EADC, each February. 75/11 STAFF STATISTICS Noted Mrs Endean explained that the implementation of the new IHR system left HR with no functionality to produce staff statistics. As discussed in previous meetings and in line with the work of the new Data Analysis group, the next set of staff statistics will be accompanied by an analysis of the data. 76/11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Noted Mrs Endean expressed her thanks to Mrs Stamp for her work as Chair of the committee and noted that her commitment over the last six years has enabled several large projects to move forward. 77/11 Action Mrs Stephenson to arrange a handover meeting between Mrs Stamp and Ms Judith Judd, the incoming Chair, before the next Council meeting on 18 July 2011. 78/11 Ms Bush to write a formal letter of thanks to Mrs Stamp. 79/11 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Noted 15 November 2011 Karen Bush Policy and Projects Officer, Human Resources August 2011 80/11