Approved Minutes UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE 20 November 2007 (2:00pm – 4:15pm) MINUTES Chair Present Apologies Secretary Mrs Stamp Dr Burnett, Mr Capella, Mrs Endean, Ms Fletcher, Ms Jones, Mr Kent, Mr Murray Mrs Collett, Ms Gray, Dr Martin Ms Romaine, Graduate Trainee MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF REFERENCE (EADC/07/06) Noted Mrs Collett would be retiring from her post as Academic Registrar at the University in March 2008. EADC thanked Mrs Collett in her absence for her hard work and commitment to the Committee. She had made a considerable contribution to equality and diversity at the University this was greatly appreciated. 30/07 Members questioned whether it was necessary to use titles such as Dr, Mr and Ms in the membership list. 31/07 Secretary’s note: The inclusion of titles in the membership list was a convention applied in all University committees. 32/07 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 22 MAY 2007 Approved The minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2007. 33/07 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES a) Establishing a network of equality committees at partner institutions (M. 4/07) Reported The first meeting of the equality network had taken place. Equality representatives from the University, Writtle College, South East Essex College, Colchester Institute and Insearch had met and discussed the benefits of such a network, which would be a useful forum for the exchange of documents and ideas. The next meeting would be held in January 2008 and it was hoped that representatives from both University Campus Suffolk and the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust would be able to attend. 34/07 b) Update on e-learning package (M. 6/07) Noted The Equality and Diversity Unit was able to access data on the individuals who had completed the e-learning programme and the scores they had achieved. The Equality and Diversity Officer agreed that, from a rights perspective, users should be informed that the Unit had this facility, and noted that it would be 35/07 useful for Heads of Sections/Departments to be aware that the Unit could provide this information for monitoring purposes. The data showed that uptake of the e-learning programme had been disappointing. The current approach had been to limit access to certain sections of the University whilst the programme was phased in. The Equality and Diversity Officer agreed that more publicity and an ‘open access’ approach might be more effective in increasing participation and agreed to consider this. 36/07 The Equality and Diversity Officer would also consider the suggestion that the elearning programme be added to Personnel’s Useful Information for New Staff webpage. 37/07 The e-learning programme was not designed for students, however, students in specific roles where equality and diversity issues were very relevant, such as those in the SU or the Residents’ Support Network, would be encouraged to complete the programme. The Equality and Diversity Officer would contact the SU to organise this and the SU Equal Opportunities Officer indicated that it was likely to be a welcome development. 38/07 c) The ‘two ticks’ disability symbol (M. 7/07) EADC agreed that consultation with Heads of Sections/Departments would help to galvanise support for the University to apply for the ‘two ticks’ disability symbol. The Director of Personnel Services would begin the consultation process. 39/07 DISABILITY MATTERS a) New training programme for disability awareness Reported A programme of disability awareness training was being introduced, with generic sessions for all staff, and more specific training aimed at academic staff. It was hoped that in-depth courses on mental health issues and dyslexia would be introduced once the new training programme was underway. 40/07 Noted The SU Equal Opportunities Officer queried what training Security staff received in terms of non-visible disabilities and mental health issues. Student Support had previously requested to be involved in the training of patrol staff, however, response to this request had been limited and therefore the Director of Student Support agreed to follow this up with the Security Manager. 41/07 b) Access Forum’s Terms of Reference (EADC/07/07) EADC appreciated the Forum’s enthusiasm, however, it was important that the Forum did not over-formalise itself or duplicate the work of other staff or groups. EADC recommended several changes to the terms of reference, which the Equality and Diversity Officer would communicate to the Forum. 42/07 STATISTICS a) Student equality and diversity statistics (EADC/07/08) The SSS demonstrated that students with dyslexia rated certain aspects of their experience, such as learning resources and academic support, less highly than 43/07 the University average. It was possible that dyslexic students were not fully engaging with the sources of support available at the University. Reported The report from Undergraduate Admissions showed that the Department of Law had rejected 30% of all applicants with a declared disability for entry in 2007/08. EADC was concerned that this statistic was high compared that of other departments (allowing for exceptions where low numbers of disabled applicants which made the percentage of rejected disabled students appear higher). 44/07 The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Comparative Studies agreed to discuss the high level of rejected disabled students in the Department of Law with the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Management. 45/07 The report from Graduate Admissions had highlighted that the percentage of postgraduate applicants who declared a disability was lower than for undergraduate applicants. The Assistant Director of Student Support (Disability) agreed to discuss this issue with the Head of Graduate Admissions. 46/07 EADC noted the significant differences in the gender of applicants to traditionally male and female subjects. It was acknowledged that this was a problem at ‘grass roots’ level and that the Widening Participation Office worked with schools to raise the aspirations of local school children. EADC agreed that it would be helpful if future reports on the gender of applicants could include some comparison with national averages, if available. 47/07 The report of the Disciplinary and Membership Panel had highlighted the disproportionate number of Nigerian students who were required to see the Proctor in 2006/07. One of the cases had involved a student with mental health problems. Student Support was aware that the percentage of international students who disclosed mental health problems was lower than for home or EU students. This was thought to be caused by issues such as lack of special funding for international students with mental health problems, and cultural concerns about disclosing mental health difficulties. 48/07 In order to attempt to reduce incidences of conflict, information designed to enhance cultural understanding had been disseminated this year to students living in University accommodation. 49/07 KPIs a) Progress on the Race Equality Scheme action plan (EADC/07/09) Noted It was very satisfying to see the areas of progress highlighted in the action plan. 50/07 (b) Progress on the Disability Equality Scheme action plan (EADC/07/10) An implementation group would be set up to monitor progress in the Disability Equality Scheme action plan. It was suggested that the Access Forum could benefit from participation in this group. 51/07 The first year of the action plan had set ambitious targets. More work would be required from both the SU and Student Support in order to implement the objectives outlined in the plan. 52/07 (c) Review of KPIs (EADC/07/11) Resolved EADC’s KPIs were updated as outlined in Appendix A. 53/07 GENDER EQUALITY SCHEME (EADC/07/12) Reported The Gender Equality Scheme had been revised following additional consultation. The revised version had now been approved by the University Steering Group. 54/07 Noted The action plan included a requirement to carry out an equal pay audit. The Director of Personnel Services reported that the equal pay audit was already in progress. Initial findings had been positive, although certain areas required further investigation. The outcome of the audit would be summarised at the next meeting of EADC. 55/07 The action plan also included a requirement to investigate the possibility for the cost of pre-paid parking permits to be calculated pro-rata for part-time staff. This issue had already been raised with the Estates Section, but the Equality and Diversity Officer would continue to pursue the matter. 56/07 The consultation exercise had found that 31% of respondents did not know who to contact for advice if they encountered a gender-related issue. It was pointed out that although these respondents might not know who to contact, they may still know where to find this information. The Equality and Diversity Officer appreciated this suggestion and would consider revising the wording of such questions in future consultation exercises. 57/07 The Equality and Diversity Officer and Ms Dennett were thanked for their hard work on the Gender Equality Scheme. 58/07 that the Gender Equality Scheme be approved. 59/07 Recommended to Senate and Council EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (EADC/07/13) Reported Dr Burnett was a member of the GTA Sub-Committee and reported that the Committee had already established a working group to consider the recommendations made by the Equality Impact Assessment Working Group (EIAWG). 60/07 Resolved EIAWG had recommended that EADC receive annual statistics on GTAs/Demonstrators by department and equality target group. EADC agreed with this suggestion and would incorporate these statistics into its annual consideration of staff statistics. 61/07 Noted EIAWG had also recommended that EADC consider whether the timing of the publication of the teaching timetable could have a negative effect on equality target groups. It was reported that the timetable had been released approximately two weeks later than normal this year, and that even this short delay could have a significant effect on the planning of personal arrangements such as childcare. However, EADC heard that the Timetable Office already strived to publish the timetable as early as possible and that there were significant constraints (such as the need to carry out detailed analysis of complex data on staff availability) on their ability to publish it any earlier. EADC 62/07 acknowledged the difficulties involved in publishing the timetable earlier, but agreed that even slight delays could increase the negative impact on GTAs from equality target groups. EIAWG had provided useful feedback on the process of conducting equality impact assessments (EIAs). These suggestions would be noted for future impact assessments. 63/07 Reported Two more EIAs were planned for the near future. These would cover student admissions and the recruitment and selection of staff. 64/07 Agreed The Academic Registrar, the Director of Personnel Services, the Equality and Diversity Officer and the Assistant Director of Student Support (Disability) would meet to agree the membership of the upcoming EIA panels. 65/07 UPDATED POLICY STATEMENT AND CODES OF PRACTICE Reported Revision of the Code of Practice on Disability for Students would be completed shortly. 66/07 a) Policy Statement on Equality and Diversity and Code of Practice on Equal Opportunities for Students (EADC/07/14) Recommended to Senate that the revised Policy Statement on Equality and Diversity and Code of Practice on Equal Opportunities for Students be approved. 67/07 b) Policy Statement on Equality and Diversity and Code of Practice on Equality and Diversity in Employment (EADC/07/15) Recommended to Council that the revised Policy Statement on Equality and Diversity and Code of Practice on Equality and Diversity in Employment be approved. 68/07 c) Policy Statement on Equality and Diversity and Code of Practice on the Promotion of Racial Equality (EADC/07/16) Recommended to Senate and Council that the revised Policy Statement on Equality and Diversity and Code of Practice on the Promotion of Racial Equality be approved. 69/07 d) Policy Statement on Equality and Diversity and Code of Practice on Disability in Employment (EADC/07/17) Recommended to Council that the revised Policy Statement on Equality and Diversity and Code of Practice on Disability in Employment be approved. 70/07 Noted In considering the codes of practice, members discussed use of the term ‘mature students’. The Director of Student Support, who was in the process of reviewing the University’s prospectuses, queried whether the term was still appropriate. EADC agreed that the term was helpful and non-discriminatory and advised that it should continue to be used in prospectuses. 71/07 PROMOTING DIVERSITY ISSUES IN STUDENT ACTIVITES (EADC/07/18) EADC found the paper very informative and requested that, if completed, the outcome of the SU’s Diversity Audit be discussed at the next meeting of EADC. 72/07 ANY OTHER BUSINESS None. Date of next meeting: 2pm on 20 May 2008 in the Council Room (6.02) Camilla Romaine Graduate Trainee, Academic Section 10 December 2007 F:\eadc\meeting2007-11-20\2007-11-20m.doc 73/07