APPROVED UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX UNIVERSITY AND STUDENTS’ UNION CONSULTATIVE GROUP (USUCON) Wednesday 16 May 2012 MINUTES Chair Bryn Morris, Registrar and Secretary (BM) Present Ashley Rudge, VP Welfare and Community SU (AR); Chris Oldham, UECS Operations (CO); Craig Stephens, CEO Students Union (CS); Daniel Smy, VP Loughton and Southend SU (DS); Hentley Ignatius, President SU (HI); James Thornton, VP Student Activities SU (JT); Kunal Patel, VP Services and Communication SU (KP); Leonidas Basatis, VP International SU (LB) Paula Rothero, Deputy Director of Student Support (PR); Peter Church, Director of Commercial Services (PC); Rachel Fletcher, Director of Student Support (RF); Wayne Campbell, Academic Registrar (WLC) Secretary Corinne Bacon, Student Support 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Andrew Nightingale, Director of Estates (AN); Camilla Thoresen, VP Education SU (CT); Linda McCanna, General Manager, Accommodation Essex (LM); 40/2012 2. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 22 March 2012 Approved The minutes of this meeting were approved 41/2012 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Noted All actions were completed with the exception of: 42/2012 Noted 95/2011 AN to review the use of the squares and produce updated protocol. AN had produced a form for booking the Squares, which the Students’ Union (SU) were reviewing. There were areas for further discussion. 43/2012 Noted 19/2012 LB to supply existing data on alcohol use to RF HI to follow-up with LB to provide information gathered from religious and cultural societies about provision of alcohol at events. A further survey of international students’ was ongoing; the outcome of these would be combined with the previous outcomes and would be available at the next meeting on 28 June 2012. 44/2012 Noted 33/2012 RF to liaise with AR regarding organisation of future Welfare Forum meetings. Information had been sent to Fiona Harvey in respect of her managing the forum meetings going forward. AR would follow up. 45/2012 Noted 36/2012 WLC and CS to nominate a representative to produce a draft terms of reference for USUCON for the next meeting. RF and CS had 46/2012 been nominated to produce these. A first draft had been produced and was under discussion. It was agreed that the draft would be brought to the next meeting of USUCON. 4. FEEDBACK FROM MEETINGS a) Welfare Forum (no minutes available) 47/2012 Noted b) Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Centre (no minutes available) A meeting had taken place recently and minutes would be available for the next meeting. 48/2012 Noted It was confirmed that a student representative (AR) had been involved in the MFCC review and it was noted that the review would report to USG shortly. 49/2012 5. ACCOMMODATION CLEANING COMPETITION Reported The scheme was in place and would run this term before a significant launch at start of Autumn term 2012/2013. Wins would be announced in the week commencing 4 June. Initial numbers indicate good engagement. 50/2012 Noted Southend campus students’ did not seem to be aware of the competition, this would be reviewed and lessons learnt for the launch in October. 51/2012 Agreed BM noted that the committee had previously agreed to review the impact of reduction in cleaning frequencies at end of year. Complaints seemed to have stopped, it was agreed that this would continue to be monitored but that at this stage it would seem that the reduction in cleaning frequencies had not had a significantly negative impact. It was noted that surveys covering the student experience within accommodation may contain relevant feedback. 52/2012 Noted PC noted that Commercial Services were investigating the possibility of an initiative aimed at driving down energy costs in student accommodation. Other universities using a similar approach had seen a 22% reduction in energy costs. This could be an opportunity to offer rent reductions. The committee considered this a good idea in principle, but noted the need to maintain appropriate safeguards and checks and balances to protect students’ best interests. 53/2012 Action CO would ensure that the RSN were involved in initiatives designed to enhance the life in the residences. CO agreed to check the Student Satisfaction Survey results and establish a small group to review survey output, including SU reps. 54/2012 Action 54/2012 6. MEADOWS & QUAYS Reported A paper would be presented at the next Council meeting to take the process forward, with the intention that accommodation would be available for 2013/14. Stringent controls had been put in place with the new operator for rent setting. There would be seamless integration of the accommodation and the RSN would cover this accommodation in the same way (and would be funded by the University). Application to, and allocation of, accommodation would be through Accommodation Essex. Similarly stringent controls would be in place with the Facilities management company, Derwent. 55/2012 7. SOUTHEND ACCOMMODATION Reported There was 74% occupancy this year, which equated to a £1.4m loss. It was expected that there would continue to be challenges and losses next year. 2 56/2012 Marketing initiatives were underway to encourage occupancy with returning students and with SEC students, as well as summer opportunities. Noted Students appear to be using a specific private sector company and indications are that this is based on cost, despite a range of problems being experienced. It was confirmed that significant research had been done and price reduction in University accommodation was not a viable option. 57/2012 Action SU will work to understand private sector letting agency actions and support students. 58/2012 Action DS suggested that the University should target a summer offer at nursing students who would benefit as their courses are year round. CO and DS to discuss further. 59/2012 Action WLC to speak to RF and Partnerships Office about further support and actions related to actions of private sector agency. 60/2012 Noted Evolve would open in Southend on 2 July and comprehensive marketing was under way. It was also noted that a competing gym will be opening in the area in September and the University would be running a summer deal to encourage people to join early. 61/2012 8. TOP BAR & FUSION Reported A take-away menu had been launched and a new evening menu developed. A 62/2012 Friday night curry club had been introduced and had proved popular so far. Losses had reduced against budget in Top Bar. Action CO would meet with Reeves Watson to discuss Top Bar / Fusion partnership work to maximise potential. 63/2012 9. PASSPORT TO SPORT PRICES Reported Price tables were discussed. Processes would be put in place to allow cross 64/2012 campus use of gym memberships. Action There was a South Essex College (SEC) price difference associated with VAT, PC and CO to confirm this in light of SEC students being classed as University of Essex students for award purposes. Charges should be equitable where possible. 65/2012 Agreed The prices would be discussed at Sports Management Group but in future they would be brought to USUCON for approval. 66/2012 10. SU 2012 CHARITY DINNER Reported This had been a successful event. The SU noted that the support which had 67/2012 been received from UECS and Wivenhoe House staff was invaluable. It was noted that not many staff attended and it was felt that his may have been due to the relatively late notice of the event. It was hoped this would become an annual event. Action CS agreed to forward SU annual calendar to WLC so that staff can be aware of key events and plan ahead. 68/2012 11. SPORTS STRATEGY Reported SU and UECS will be working together on strategy for sports management going forward, to improve students’ sports experience. It was planned to take the Strategy to USG in September. . 12. VOSCARS FEEDBACK 3 69/2012 Reported BM reported that it was an inspirational event. The demographics have shown 70/2012 that volunteers have largely been female international students. It was noted that new VP Activities will have responsibility for volunteering opportunities and encouraging wider participation throughout the student body. Agreed The membership of the employability action group would be revisited as the VP Student Activities would be a more appropriate member than the VP Education. 71/2012 CS to amend membership of employability action group. Action 13. SOCIETIES GUILD AWARDS AND SPORTS AWARDS FEEDBACK 71/2012 Reported The event was held at Firstsite and the food was very good. This had also 72/2012 been the case at the Sports Awards dinner held at the Weston Homes Community Stadium. Pricing was adjusted to reflect aims of the dinner for the latter. 14. THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE SURVEY Noted HI commented that the Students’ Union has moved up 11 places and that Sports had moved up from 50 to 44. He also noted that the University as a whole had dropped 11 places. Agreed As only 102 responses received, it was important to view these results with caution. In terms of a plan of action, the critical survey output would that from the National Student Survey. The Times Good University guide was also important and the University strategy now reflects that in its ambitions. Action THES awards nominations are currently open and the SU was encouraged to look at opportunities for submission. RF will contact CER and ask them to approach SU. 73/2012 74/2012 15. SABBATICAL OFFICERS HANDOVER Noted This had been moved to 27 June. It was confirmed that this was an official event. 75/2012 Action PC asked about plans for the handover of relationships which have built and developed over this year. CS to circulate chart of key relationships 76/2012 Noted HI and CT would attend Council and Senate in July. 77/2012 Action HI enquired about the plans for Sabbatical officers to attend graduation. WLC will ask the graduation office to make contact. 78/2012 16. SUMMER BALL Noted Over 50% of tickets had been sold and in excess of 200 VIP responses had been received for the President’s reception. 17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS BM asked if there had been any feedback from SU Student Conference. It Noted 79/2012 80/2012 was noted that any feedback relating to the University had already been passed on. Action JT asked for clarification as to whether Wednesday afternoon timetabling policy also applied to Southend campus. It was confirmed this was the case. JT will send any specific examples where this was not being followed through to the Academic Registrar’s Office. 4 81/2012 Action WLC to explore situation with nursing students in Southend, who have Thursdays free but lectures all day on Wednesdays. Reported Dom King, SU staff member, moved up 15 places in world ranking for Race 82/2012 83/2012 Walking and had been invited to altitude training in Spain by Olympic Committee. Noted As JT would not be able to attend the next meeting, BM formally thanked him for his work this year as Sabbatical Officer. 84/2012 8. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 28 June 2012 at 2pm ACTION TABLE AN LB AN to review the use of the squares and produce updated protocol LB to supply existing data on alcohol use to RF - HI to follow-up with LB to provide information gathered from religious and cultural societies about provision of alcohol at events. RF to liaise with AR regarding organisation of future Welfare Forum meetings. Information had been sent to Fiona Harvey in respect of her managing the forum meetings going forward.AR would follow up WLC and CS to nominate a representative to produce a draft terms of reference for USUCON for the next meeting. RF and CS are nominees. It was agreed that the draft would be brought to the next meeting of USUCON on 28 June 2012 CO agreed to check the Student Satisfaction Survey results and establish a small group to review survey output, including SU reps. The RSN would be involved going forward. SU will work to understand private sector letting agency actions and support students. Also suggested that target summer offer at nursing students. CO and DS to discuss further. DS suggested that the University should target a summer offer at nursing students who would benefit as their courses are year round. CO and DS to discuss further. WLC to speak to RF and Partnerships Office about further support and actions related to actions of private sector agency. 95/2011 19/2012 CO would meet with Reeves Watson to discuss Top Bar / Fusion work to maximise potential. There was a South Essex College (SEC) price difference associated with VAT, but PC and CO would confirm this in light of SEC students being classed as University of Essex students for award purposes. CS agreed to make SU calendar more widely available so that staff can be aware of and plan ahead. 63/2012 RF THES awards nominations are currently open and the SU was encouraged to look at opportunities for submission. RF will contact CER in for them to approach SU. 74/2012 WLC HI enquired about the plans for Sabbatical officers to attend graduation. WLC will ask the graduation office to make contact. 78/2012 AR RF and CS CO CO and DS CO and DS WLC CO PC and CO CS Student Support, May 2012 5 33/2012 36/2012 54/2012 58/2012 59/2012 60/2012 65/2012 68/2012 6