UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX UNIVERSITY/STUDENTS’ UNION CONSULTATIVE GROUP DATE OF MEETING 07.07.06 MINUTES Chair Present Apologies In attendance 1) Tony Rich, Registrar (AHR) Siobhan Kinealy, SU President (SK) Hannah McFaull, Incoming SU President (HMF), Bav Patel, VP Academic & Welfare (BP), Nike Akinde, Incoming VP Academic & Welfare (NA), Dave Savage, Incoming VP Sports & Societies (DS), Richard Brabner, VP Student Development (RB), Phill Pearson, Incoming VP Student Development (PP), Antony Blackshaw, SU General Manager (AB), John Gilfillan, Membership Services Manager (JG), Moira Collett, Academic Registrar (MC), Paula Rothero, Assistant Director of Student Support (PR) Darren Baker, Customer Services and Marketing Manager (DB), Andrew Nightingale, Director of Estate Management (AN) Rachel Fletcher, Director of Student Support (RF), Steve Tighe, VP Sports and Societies (ST) Zoe Kent Administrator (PA to GM) Introductions Ref no. Init. The group introduced themselves. 2) Minutes of the previous meeting (25.05.06) 42/2006 – AHR reiterated that it would be a stronger argument if the SU can compile opinions from students on the issue of anonymous marking. 79/2006 50/2006 – DB updated that post will be delivered to Summer Students. It will be sorted alphabetically and checked every couple of months. 80/2006 52/2006 – NA will be continuing BP’s work against drugs on campus this year. 81/2006 71/2006 – JG to speak to Kay or Lizzie to discuss ensuring the date on visa letters are always the same. 83/2006 JG 72/2006 – MC explained that the exams office has been down by 2 members of staff and so it has not been possible to compile a mock timetable for next year as yet. 84/2006 The SU representatives were originally concerned about the effect on student employment and how many firsts & 2:1s were being achieved. AHR said if graduation was pushed back another week it would make everything more problematic as it would go into the Summer Break which would cause difficulties for staff by pushing into school holidays and probably less convenient for graduates and their parents/friends. Further concerns were raised regarding the spread of exams for some students over a relatively small period of time. 85/2006 AHR said modelling can continue to be done but this 86/2006 will be difficult until there is another trained member of staff. AHR suggested the SU submit a paper to the Quality Assurance Committee if still have issues. 3) JG and MC to look into ensuring rooms are available for students to revise in. Liaise with Information Centre etc. 87/2006 74/2006 – DS explained that he and ST had been disappointed at the news that the opportunity for CBA to be located at Brightlingsea had been lost. 88/2006 AN reported that as far as he was aware it was the legal agreement CBA were not happy with as opposed to the cost. AHR agreed that there needs to be more consistency in future to ensure this does not happen again. It was suggested that a joined up approach between the University, SU and Sports Centre with a single point of contact was necessary in future. 89/2006 75/2006 – It was noted an offer has been provisionally accepted for Avon Way and if all goes ahead the sale will be completed within about 3 months. Will be sold free hold with vacant possession. 90/2006 Feedback from meetings a) Welfare minutes (no minutes available) 91/2006 b) Sports Advisory Group (No minutes available) 92/2006 c) Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Centre (No minutes 93/2006 SU JG, MC Available) There was no feedback from any of the above meetings. 4) 5) Ongoing use of the Hex for Faith events GB informed that the dates for Ramadan this year are approx. 22nd September - 25th October. 95/2006 The SU suggested that in the long term the Multifaith Chaplaincy should take charge of the arrangements for Ramadan. It was noted that there are already some dates booked into the Hex but MC said they will try their best to move these. JG to compile a detailed list of what these meetings are. GB pointed out that Sub Zero will also be available so this could be used if required. 96/2006 7) 97/2006 JG 98/2006 E15 Resource Fee The SU representatives asked what was happening with the E15 resource fee. AHR said he thought it would be incorporated into the new level of variable fees. AHR to confirm this. 6) 94/2006 99/2006 AHR Employability RB outlined his paper to the group. It was noted the careers service is being relocated to improve employability opportunities. It was agreed that the University and the Students Union should work together to push the issue across the whole University. RB to send his paper to Andy, Stella and Jo. 100/2006 MC informed that every student next term will have access to a PDP system. MC requested this facility also be pushed by the SU. 101/2006 RB SU AOB SK thanked everyone for attending USUCON meetings over the past year. AHR thanked the outgoing Sabbs for all their work. 102/2006