Approved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX PROJECT COORDINATION GROUP 9 July 2015 (2pm – 4pm) MINUTES Chair Bryn Morris (OBM) Present Marc Albano (MA), Emma Hardy (EH), Bernarde Hyde (BH), Zoe Manning (ZM), Bettina Mills (BM), Richard Murphy (RM), Aletta Norval (AN), Maxwell Stevenson (MS), Richard Stock (RS), Sonia Virdee (SV) (from 3pm). Secretary Clare Hornsby (CH) 1 Apologies Noted 2 3 4 James Lewis, Peter Luther and Simon Neale. Starring of agenda items Noted Agenda items that were not starred would be noted and/or approved as appropriate, without discussion. Minutes of the last meeting (PCG/15/42) Approved The minutes from the 18 May 2015 meeting of PCG. 121/15 122/15 Matters arising from the minutes (PCG/15/43) Noted 5 120/15 123/15 An update from the 23 June meeting of CPG (verbal update) Noted The Capital Planning Group (CPG) had recommended four project mandates and one change request to USG for approval. As a result of USG’s approval, the following projects would be overseen by the Capital Projects Board (CPB) and PCG: The conversion of a teaching room into a studio for East 15 at Southend; The installation of a moveable wall in the Gateway Building; Southend Nursing Lab extension; and The refurbishment of level 3 research laboratories. 124/15 USG had also agreed to recommend the approval of the Gateway Building change request to the Strategy and Resources Committee. CPG requested that further consideration be given to the ways in which access to the Essex Business School building could be improved, as the proposed option was too expensive. 1 125/15 6 Mandated and approved capital projects (PCG/15/44) Noted 7 An update from the Chair of the Capital Projects Board (verbal report) Noted 8 The progress of capital building and infrastructure projects which were forthcoming or in delivery. 127/15 Following the May meeting of CPB, the North Teaching Centre Steering Group had endorsed a timetable that would see the building available for occupation in advance of the 2015-16 Summer Term. The new teaching centre would provide the required capacity and decant space to enable the STEM building works to commence. 128/15 An opportunity to construct a three storey STEM building had been identified and funding options were being explored. The inclusion of an additional storey was a cost effective way to provide capacity for future growth and would ensure that the building’s aesthetic aligned more closely with the existing estate. 129/15 The scope of the sports facilities project would be reviewed to ensure that it could be delivered within the available budget. 130/15 The mobile catering outlet was scheduled to arrive at the Colchester Campus in September 2015. The bus could operate in a reduced capacity without external services and could therefore, subject to the correct licences being in place, be driven down to the Southend or Loughton Campuses if required. 131/15 An update from the Chair of the Systems and Academic Projects Board (verbal report) Noted 9 126/15 Key points of discussion from the 16 June 2015 meeting of the Systems and Academic Projects Board (SAPB) would be highlighted under other agenda items. 132/15 Operation of the Systems and Academic Projects Board (PCG/15/45) Noted Agreed A number of SAPB endorsed recommendations had been proposed in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of SAPB in 2015-16. Training for members and increased communication regarding the role and remit of the Board was welcomed. 133/15 Although PCG was responsible for the allocation of resources, it was recognised that both SAPB and PCG needed a more detailed understanding of resource availability, in order to make well informed recommendations and decisions in relation to the approval of new project proposals and project change requests. 134/15 Further consideration should be given to the roles of, and the relationship between, SAPB and PCG. The membership of both groups should also be reviewed in order to minimise duplication and to ensure alignment between members’ skills, knowledge and experience, and the Board’s requirements. 135/15 Action: RS/ BM The paper should be revised and resubmitted to the September meeting of PCG. 136/15 Action: BM 10 An update on the Strategic Projects Portfolio (PCG/15/46) Noted Agreed The progress of strategically important projects and the issues identified by SAPB for referral to PCG was noted, together with the list of potential and forthcoming projects. 137/15 The Library’s Millennium System had already been upgraded and could therefore be removed from the project pipeline. A number of additional potential and forthcoming projects were identified for initiation and implementation in 2015-16, including phase three of the Making Electronic Feedback Effective project and the Senate endorsed, Electronic Submission of Thesis project. 138/15 A Project Manager had been recruited to take forward the Web Presence project thereby enabling the development and submission of a full project proposal in the 2015-16 Autumn Term. Although work to optimise the University’s website search engine had commenced, it had not been completed and would therefore remain within the scope of the project. 139/15 The project prioritisation matrix could be revised in future to better recognise the value of projects which sought to improve the efficiency of processes and reduce institutional risks. The link between the academic and corporate governance structures needed to be strengthened to ensure that PCG had greater oversight of forthcoming projects. This would enable the Strategic Projects Office to provide targeted guidance and support to Project Managers. 140/15 The list of forthcoming and potential projects for 2015-16 should be updated. 141/15 Action: CH It should be determined whether the network node project could be delivered as part of the University’s building refurbishment programme. 142/15 Action: RM Contact should be made with the Director of Library Services to ensure that the Electronic Submission of Thesis project mandate was submitted to a future meeting of PCG. 143/15 Action: CH The Web Presence project mandate should be extended until the end of the 2015-16 Autumn Term and the SPP updated accordingly. 144/15 Action: CH The EBS personal tutoring pilot should be subject to PCG approval and oversight. A full project proposal, which clearly sets out the link between the pilot and a University-wide project should be developed. 145/15 Action: Bev Jackson The ‘Implementation of SOTER Software’ project should continue to be recorded as ‘approved’ within the SPP, however a change request should be submitted to PCG in the 2015-16 Autumn Term. Action: Mark Vinter 146/15 11 Project progress reports and change requests a) Attendance Monitoring (PCG/15/47) Noted Agreed A specification for an in-house attendance monitoring solution had been developed, and the resource requirements determined. Module level attendance reports would be produced for use by academic and administrative staff within departments in 2015-16, in order that they may identify and address attendance problems. It was envisaged that automated workflows and communications would be introduced for 2016-17. 147/15 Although the resources required to administer the University’s attendance recording and monitoring processes were not available centrally, the Project Team were encouraged to identify ways to minimise the impact on departmental workloads in 2015-16. It would also be necessary to determine contingency arrangements for the forthcoming academic year. 148/15 In order to deliver the proposed solution, an increased level of resource would be required over a longer period of time, in comparison with the original project proposal. It was likely that this resource would need to be drawn from other projects which were currently in delivery. 149/15 The revised project timetable and oversight arrangements were approved. 150/15 The project title should be updated in the SPP to ‘Student Electronic Attendance Recording and Monitoring project’. 151/15 Action: CH Each faculty should be represented by a Departmental Administrator at future Steering Group meetings. 152/15 Action: Gill Cairns (GC) The connection between this project and the personal tutoring system should be made explicit in future project documentation. 153/15 Action: GC b) Direct Admissions (PCG/15/48) Noted The project had been approved by PCG in October 2014 however the resources required to progress the project had not yet been identified. 154/15 Agreed The project status should be amended in the SPP to ‘cancelled’. Subject to the future availability of the required resources, a revised project mandate could be submitted to PCG for consideration. 155/15 Action: CH c) International Academy Pre-Sessional Course Finder (PCG/15/49) Noted The revised project timetable, which had been approved by PCG in May, had slipped as a result of MIS availability. A revised project completion date of 31 July 2015 had been proposed. 156/15 Agreed The revised project timetable was approved. The SPP should be updated to reflect the new project completion date. 157/15 Action: CH d) Occupational Health IT System (PCG/15/50) Noted The project had been delayed as a result of MIS availability but was expected to be completed by August 2015. 158/15 Agreed The revised project timetable was approved. The SPP should be updated to reflect the new project completion date. 159/15 Action: CH 12 Research data repository and register closure report (PCG/15/51) Noted PCG were pleased that the system had been developed by the agreed deadline and to budget. The project proposal for phase 2 required further development but would be submitted in due course for approval. 160/15 Agreed The project should be closed. 161/15 13 An update on the development of the University’s lean review capacity and activity (PCG/15/51) Noted PCG noted the summary of lean activity in 2014-15, the proposed programme of lean activity for 2015-16, and the recommended approach to the initiation of lean reviews. 162/15 Five areas of strategic importance had been identified to be the focus of lean reviews in 2015-16: 163/15 course approvals; new starters and temporary staff; work based learning; compliance; and reactive maintenance. The operation of exam boards was identified as an additional area of activity that could, in future, benefit from a lean review. Agreed The Lean Hub would deliver a range of training sessions in 2015-16 to enable staff within sections and departments to facilitate smaller internal business process reviews, to build institutional capacity and to embed the principle of continuous improvement across the University. 164/15 The proposed approach to lean reviews should be adopted for 2015-16. 165/15 14 SUMS review of MIS working practices: progress report (PCG/15/52) Noted Significant progress had been made in relation to priority actions and further work would be embedded into business as usual activities as appropriate. Not all recommendations had been progressed as the context within which MIS were working had changed following the SUMS review. 166/15 Agreed The closure of the project should be approved. 167/15 15 An update on the allocation and availability of ISS enhancement and project resources (PCG/15/53) Noted Understanding the availability of resources within the IT Services Section would enable PCG to make better decisions regarding the approval and prioritisation of University projects and enhancements. 168/15 Agreed A virtual whiteboard should be created to display the allocation and availability of IT Services staff resource. The whiteboard would allow SAPB to make better informed recommendations to PCG regarding the approval of new project proposals and project change requests. 169/15 Action: BM/ RM IT Services should continue to review and improve the monitoring of developer time and the estimation of resources required for projects. 170/15 Action: RM 16 Any other business Noted 7 171/15 Date of the next meeting Noted 17 September 2015, 2pm to 4pm, room to be confirmed. Clare Hornsby Project Governance Officer July 2015 172/15