Approved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX PROJECT COORDINATION GROUP 23 October 2014 (2pm – 4pm) MINUTES Chair Bryn Morris (OBM) Present Marc Albano (MA), Emma Hardy (EH), Bernarde Hyde (BH), James Lewis (JL), Peter Luther (PL), Zoe Manning (ZM), Bettina Mills (BM), Aletta Norval (AN), Paul Smart (PS), Richard Stock (RS), Sonia Virdee (SV) Secretary Clare Hornsby (CH) In attendance Nicola East (NE), Simon Neale (SN) 1 Apologies Noted 2 Richard Murphy (RM) Starring of agenda items Noted 3 Agenda item 13 was starred for discussion. 347/14 Matters arising from the minutes (PCG/14/82) Noted 5 346/14 Minutes of the last meeting (PCG/14/81) Approved 4 345/14 348/14 An update on the 2013-14 programme of SUMS activity a) SUMS report and management response to the review of the shape and structure of the academic year (PCG/14/83) Noted SUMS had undertaken a high level analysis of sector practice, and engaged with internal stakeholders, in order to help the University determine whether there was value in reviewing the shape and structure of the academic year. The SUMS report was well received and SUMS were thanked for their work on this matter. 349/14 As recognised by SUMS, the University’s Curriculum Review programme was expected to improve the student learning experience and to change the frequency and method by which some students were assessed, thereby organically reshaping the academic year. The breadth and depth of such change would be determined by the curriculum revisions introduced by departments, within the framework of the University’s Education Strategy. 350/14 Agreed Any future initiatives to change the shape and structure of the academic year would require wider consultation with academic colleagues. 351/14 If a strategic driver for institutional change emerged from the University’s Curriculum Review programme, the SUMS report and a revised management response should be submitted to USG. 352/14 b) SUMS review of management information Noted Work to scope the SUMS review of Management Information was underway. 353/14 Agreed A paper should be submitted to the December 2014 meeting of PCG for information and endorsement. 354/14 Action: MA 6 Proposed programme of SUMS activity for 2014-15 Noted Agreed Heads of Professional Services and Departments (via the Faculty Managers), had been invited to identify processes and work streams which could benefit from a SUMS review or consultancy during the 201415 academic year. 355/14 There was an institutional need to ensure that processes could withstand an increased volume of throughput as a result of the real, and anticipated, growth in student numbers. 356/14 Heads of Professional Services and Departments should be contacted again in order to develop a programme of SUMS activity for 2014-15. The proposed programme should be submitted to the December 2014 meeting of PCG for consideration. 357/14 Action: BM 7 8 Proposed programme of lean activity for 2014-15 (PCG/14/84) Noted 358/14 Project mandates for consideration a) Implementation of an online Personal Tutoring system (PCG/14/85) Noted The project aimed to personalise the student experience, deliver improved student outcomes, and support student retention and development, through the implementation of an online personal tutoring system. It was anticipated that the system would hold a range of student data, including student attendance information, in order to facilitate meaningful interactions between personal tutors and tutees. 359/14 Agreed The need for such a system had been recognised by the Student Experience Committee, and staff within EBS who had already undertaken some initial exploration of existing software solutions. 360/14 There were clear links between this project, the CRM for the Student Services Centre project, the HEAR project, and the Attendance Monitoring project. 361/14 The system could be enhanced, either from the outset or on a phased basis, to further support students and personal tutors. Concept development ideas included: 362/14 giving students access their own information and data, in order that they may become an active participant in their learning enabling the recording and monitoring of actions agreed during personal tutoring sessions allowing students to engage with their personal tutor online That the project be mandated with a 3-2 rating for strategic contribution and time criticality respectively. 363/14 The full project proposal should clearly set out the ways in which the project would support and demonstrate the University’s commitment to student retention and improving the student experience. Links between this and other strategically important projects should also be strengthened. 364/14 Action: Katie Rakow (KR)/ Alex O’Neill (AO) The project team should review the scope of the project in light of PCG’s recommendations. 365/14 Action: KR/ AO A system map that sets out links and dependencies between the proposed and existing systems should be developed. 366/14 Action: RS b) My Mobile Essex Noted The project sought to create a smartphone app that would give students a single mechanism by which to access information relating to their educational and living experience at Essex. Similar apps had been developed by other top 30 institutions and were considered a ‘brilliant basic’. There was however a need to ensure that the system and content were well maintained following implementation. 367/14 SUMS had been commissioned by an alternative institution to explore the opportunities and benefits associated with the implementation of similar smartphone apps. A high level summary of their findings would be shared with the project team. 368/14 Agreed In light of the links between this project and the redevelopment of the myEssex student portal, it was suggested that there could be value in limiting the functionality of the app in the first instance, with a view to introducing additional functionality and enhancements on a phased basis, to coincide with the development of myEssex. 369/14 That the project be mandated with a 2-2 rating for strategic contribution and time criticality respectively. 370/14 The full project proposal should clearly set out how the project links to, and supports, the University’s Communication and Advancement supporting strategy. 371/14 Action: Tessa Rogowski (TR) 9 Project proposals for consideration a) Direct admissions (PCG/14/87) Noted Agreed The project was recognised as an opportunity to increase the University’s market share of overseas undergraduate students who had traditionally found it difficult to engage with the UCAS application process. Approximately £100,000 was required to deliver the project, however this had not been accounted for in the 2014-15 budgets. 372/14 There was an expectation that following the implementation of the system, students would be guided through the online application process at recruitment events with the support of University staff, thereby reducing the number of referrals made to local agents. Although difficult to quantify, it was suggested that the savings realised through a reduction in commission payments made to overseas agents could be used to fund the project. 373/14 In order for the University to realise the anticipated benefits associated with the project, it would be necessary for the system to be operational for the 2016-17 undergraduate recruitment cycle, and well in advance of the launch of the proposed UCAS system. 374/14 That the project be approved for implementation. The required financial resources should be drawn from the Agents’ budget. 375/14 b) Research Management and Administration Systems (RMAS) (PCG/14/88) Noted The full project proposal was very thorough and clearly set out the strategic and operational drivers for the project, together with the anticipated institutional benefits. It was confirmed that the RMAS system could link with the Agresso and iHR systems, and that the modules could support financial accounting for research, capital and revenue projects which were delivered across multiple financial years. 376/14 Agreed The financial schedule should be clarified as it was not clear how the required Project Management resource would be funded. 377/14 Action: OBM That the project be approved for implementation. 10 Planet FM to craft teams project closure report (PCG/14/89) Approved 11 379/14 An update on the Strategic Projects Portfolio (PCG/14/90) Noted Agreed 12 378/14 Many of the University’s strategically important projects were progressing well however revised project and reporting milestones had been proposed for the Agresso Upgrade, Flexible Study and iHR phase two, projects. 380/14 The overall status of the MIS to CMIS project continued to be reported as red however a project update would be available for consideration at the December meeting of PCG. 381/14 That the revised project and reporting milestones be approved. 382/14 Forthcoming projects a) A verbal update from the Chair of the Systems and Academic Projects Board Noted The Systems and Academic Projects Board (SAPB) had expressed concerns regarding the limited availability of project management resource, and suggested that this could be a barrier to good project ideas coming forward. Members of the Board had been asked to liaise with section and departmental colleagues, in order to collate project ideas that would be discussed at the Board’s November meeting. 383/14 The Deputy Director of Strategic Planning and Change would provide a list of new project ideas, alongside an update on potential and forthcoming projects that were detailed in the 2014-15 section plans, for consideration at the December meeting of PCG. The paper would also include an analysis of any known and anticipated resource implications. 384/14 b) Group discussion Noted 13 No other forthcoming projects were identified for discussion. 385/14 Any other business Noted Revised project approval and reporting templates, which included updated guidance for paper authors, had been published online in September 2014, following a review of the capital projects approval process. Although the revised templates had also been shared directly with known paper authors in advance of the September and October meetings of SAPB and PCG, the changes had not been communicated to the wider University community, and this had resulted in some confusion. 386/14 Agreed Changes to the project approval and reporting templates should be communicated to staff across the University as part of the wider communication on changes to the capital projects approval and monitoring processes. 387/14 Action: BM 14 Date of the next meeting Noted 4 December 2014, 2pm to 4pm in 5S.4.4. 388/14 The Quality Assurance Agency’s (QAA) review of the University was scheduled for the week commencing 1 December 2014. The extent to which staff from across the University would be involved in the review would be determined at the beginning of November, following which, the date of the December meeting of PCG would be confirmed. 389/14 Clare Hornsby Project Governance Officer Strategic Planning and Change Section October 2014