Approved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX PROJECT COORDINATION GROUP 10 July 2014 (2pm – 4.30pm) MINUTES Chair Nicola East (NE) Present Marc Albano (MA), Emma Hardy (EH), Peter Luther (PL), Richard Murphy (RM), Maxwell Stevenson (MS), Richard Stock (RS), Sonia Virdee (SV) Secretary Clare Hornsby (CH) 1 Apologies Noted 2 198/14 NE had been appointed to the role of Assistant Registrar and therefore JL would represent CER at future meetings of PCG. 199/14 MS, the Learning and Development Manager, would attend future meetings of PCG on behalf of JA, alternating with another member of staff from the Learning and Development section. 200/14 Minutes of the last meeting, 15 May 2014 (PCG/14/47) Approved 3 Jo Andrews (JA), Bernarde Hyde (BH), James Lewis (JL), Zoe Manning (ZM), Bryn Morris (OBM), Tracy Robinson (TR), Jane Wright (JW) The minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2014. 201/14 Matters arising from the minutes (PCG/14/48) Noted The matters arising from the May meeting of PCG were approved as correct, and progress was noted. 202/14 The timescale for action 150/14 had been revised from July 2014 to September 2014 as a result of SUMS availability. 203/14 4 SUMS activity 2013-14 a) SUMS review of JACS Codes: a closure report (PCG/14/49) Noted Agreed Action had been taken or was planned in relation to each of SUMS’ recommendations. Clear guidance had been developed to help academic departments review and/or allocate JACS codes to undergraduate courses however further communication would be supported, to ensure all departments were engaged with this process. 204/14 The Academic Standards and Partnerships Office could check the allocation of JACS codes to undergraduate courses as part of the routine periodic review process. 205/14 That the closure of the SUMS review be approved. 206/14 b) SUMS review of MIS working practices: a progress report (verbal update) Noted In March 2014 it was agreed that an updated progress report would be submitted to the July meeting of PCG, and then at six monthly intervals, until the completion of the project. 207/14 Agreed Limited progress had been made in the recent six months, in relation to the implementation of SUMS’ recommendations, because MIS resources had been focused on the delivery of strategically important projects such as the SharePoint upgrade. There was however consensus within ISS that progress had been made in many areas. 208/14 A timeframe for action 78/14 should be revised to September 2014. 209/14 Action: CH The original sixth monthly reporting schedule (January and July) should be maintained going forward until the completion of the project. 210/14 c) An update on the 2013-14 programme of SUMS activity (PCG/14/50) SUMS review of IT financial management, payment and deployment Noted The amount of additional SUMS resource required to support the implementation of recommendations would not be known until the autumn term 2014-15. 211/14 SUMS review of the shape and structure of the academic year Initial findings from the SUMS review would be shared with the Deputy Academic Registrar in advance of the new academic year. The SUMS report and associated management response would be submitted to a meeting of PCG in the autumn term 2014. 212/14 SUMS review of MIS systems viability An update would be provided under agenda item 6. 213/14 SUMS review of management information Agreed Work was underway to scope a project that would not exceed five days of SUMS consultancy time however it was recognised that the review would not be completed in advance of the 2014-15 academic year. 214/14 In December 2013 PCG agreed to add the review of management information to the programme of SUMS activity for 2013-14, noting that it would bring the University’s consultancy requirements to 55 days, against a normal entitlement of 40 days. For this reason it was not known whether the consultancy time could be carried over into 2014-15. 215/14 Action 156/14 should remain on the action log with a revised timescale of October 2014. 216/14 Action: CH The SUMS report on the review of the shape and structure of the academic year, and associated management response, should be submitted to the October 2014 meeting of PCG for consideration. 217/14 Action: RS An update on the SUMS review of management information should be submitted to the October 2014 meeting of PCG for consideration. 218/14 Action: MA d) SUMS review of work based learning (WBL) (PCG/14/51) Noted The Academic Quality and Standards Committee had considered the SUMS report in June and recommended that a proposal be submitted to PCG in due course, in order that a full plan for shaping the future of WBL at Essex could be developed. A mandate request was expected to be submitted to PCG in the autumn term 2014. Consideration would need to be given to the level of financial and staff resource required to deliver the project. 219/14 The outcome of the review had not yet been communicated widely across faculties. It was suggested that some of the issues identified in the report would be addressed through the new faculty and Employability and Careers Service structures, and Curriculum Review. 220/14 WBL had historically been organised at a local a level however PCG did not consider this to have been clearly reflected in the review findings. The report’s observation on WBL fees in the sector was noted. 221/14 e) The 2014-15 programme of SUMS activity (discussion) Noted This matter was discussed under agenda item 5. Paper PCG/14/42 was used to prompt discussion and thinking on this matter. 222/14 5 Potential projects identified through the annual Professional Services planning process (PCG/14/52) Noted Agreed Not all of the potential projects identified through the annual Professional Services planning process would be developed into project mandates during 2014-15. PCG approval and oversight would be required for non-systems projects that would draw a significant amount of resource from across Professional Services. Paper PCG/14/52 would be circulated to Heads of Professional Services for comment following this meeting. 223/14 PCG would like to receive updates on the progress of Curriculum Review as this could prompt systems developments or projects. There was also potential for a project relating to the Student Assessment of Modules and Teaching (SAMT) during 2014-15, following the recent review of University policy and practice which included a centralised approach to toolkits. 224/14 It was not clear which projects from the list could obviously benefit from a SUMS review or consultancy, however potential projects that may benefit from a lean approach were identified as: 225/14 Automated course approval tracking system (Academic Section service plan, page 3, action 3). The enhancement and development of IT systems and tools to support Quality Assurance (QA) processes and procedures (Academic Section service plan, page 7, action 4.1). The report provided a good overview of potential and forthcoming projects and should become an annual agenda item. 226/14 The annual planning process documentation for professional services and academic departments should be amended to capture details of forthcoming projects, and processes which could benefit in part or whole from SUMS review or consultancy, and/or a lean approach. 227/14 Action: SV The 2014-15 annual report should be extended to include potential and forthcoming projects identified by academic departments during the annual planning process. 228/14 Action: SV The spring 2015 report to Senate on the University’s Curriculum Review should be circulated to members of PCG for information. 229/14 Action: RS/CH Details of the CRM project outlined in the CER service plan should be provided. 230/14 Action: NE SUMS should be contacted to determine if they had previously considered the enhancement and development of IT systems and tools to support QA processes and procedures, on behalf of other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). 231/14 Action: CH Details of the SUMS programme of activity for 2014-15 across all member institutions should be requested. Action: CH 232/14 6 Review of MIS development tools (PCG/14/53) Noted Agreed PCG thanked the Head of MIS for a clear and balanced paper which addressed the questions posed at the group’s meeting in January 2014. 233/14 CBSSG had considered the paper in May and recommended that the University retain current practices and in-house systems so that the organisation could continue to be responsive and flexible. 234/14 As an amendment to the recommendations set out in the paper, it was proposed that the potential for external development of in-house systems should not be precluded. It was recognised that if the University were to retain an in-house system, the approach would need to be reviewed again if the number of HEIs operating in-house systems reduced. 235/14 The University should continue with development and maintenance of its Essex Student Information System (ESIS) and associated applications, but should explore options for development to be undertaken in partnership with external organisations on a routine basis, rather than via consultancy on specific projects. 236/14 Recommendations (a) to (f) were therefore endorsed with an amendment to (a), meaning that: 237/14 ‘a) the University should continue with its development and maintenance of the Essex Student Information System (ESIS) and associated workflow systems; b) the University should provide an appropriate level of investment in the in-house software developer resources including additional resources where there is need for greater throughput; c) MIS should continue to adopt as appropriate upgrades to the Uniface development environment and monitor possible alternatives; d) MIS should continue to use other technologies (such as .NET and SharePoint) for student facing aspects of the student information systems; e) Professional Services stakeholders in student information systems should improve feedback mechanism to obtain the views of end-users about system improvements, particularly staff in departments and, where appropriate, students; f) ISS should monitor developments in the sector, including the work of the JISC and the Kuali Foundation.’ Opportunities to work with companies such as the Kuali Foundation [] should be monitored and PCG continue to receive information on sector developments from the Director of ISS. 238/14 7 Reporting and management of ISS project and enhancement resources (PCG/14/54) Noted Agreed PCG welcomed the presentation of ISS project and enhancement resource information, which would continue to be developed over time. The content of the report would be extended to include information on the balance of activity by department/section, in response to a request made at the June meeting of CBSSG. ISS had agreed to submit reports to CBSSG twice annually, in January and July. 239/14 The implementation of an IT service management system would enable ISS to capture and track enhancement requests, thereby making it easier to report this information to PCG and its sub-groups. 240/14 The colour coding in Appendix B should be clarified in future reports. 241/14 Action: RM A report should be submitted annually to the July meetings of PCG. Action: RM 242/14 8 An update on the University’s lean review capacity and anticipated programme of activity for 2014-15 (PCG/14/55) Noted Agreed The paper provided a helpful and informative summary of planned and completed activity. Problems obtaining centrally bookable rooms that were of an adequate size and configuration were noted. Unfortunately PCG had no space it could fund or allocate. 243/14 The Research and Enterprise Office, Essex Business School and Human Resources had already identified a number of processes that could benefit from a lean review during 2014-15. Having a number of facilitators available within the University to support lean reviews in different sections was recognised as a valuable resource. 244/14 That the recommendations set out in paragraphs 25 to 31 be endorsed. 245/14 Heads of Professional Service and the Faculty Managers should be contacted in order to inform the development of the lean activity schedule for 2014-15. The full quota of lean resource (ten full day and ten half day reviews) should not be committed in advance of the forthcoming academic year to enable the Lean Hub to respond to in-year demand. 246/14 Action: Debbie Brooke (DB) A draft schedule should be submitted to the October meeting of PCG for the group’s information. 247/14 Action: (DB) 9 PCG sub-group arrangements (PCG/14/56) Noted Agreed A proposal to merge and consolidate the two sub-groups of PCG into a single subgroup had been considered at the June meetings of ASSG and CBSSG. Feedback from both groups and the incoming Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) helped inform the development of the proposal and resulted in the proposed name and membership of the group being revised. 248/14 The rationale for proposing a single PCG sub-group with revised membership was summarised. One query which had been raised related to the specific representation of the Student Support Office. As representatives of their faculty or section, members of the sub-group would be expected to consult with relevant colleagues on matters of committee business in advance of meetings. The views of Student Support would therefore be communicated by the Academic Section representative, the Systems Administration Manager. 249/14 A further query related to the desire to minimise overlapping membership between the two groups, which was potentially an issue for key services such as ISS and Learning & Development. To this end, the Director of ISS was content to receive electronic copies of the sub-group papers, having noted that staff from across the organisation could be invited to attend meetings, or speak to specific agenda items, when deemed appropriate by the Chair of the sub-group. 250/14 It had been suggested that the Deputy Dean (Education), Faculty of Humanities, represent the incoming Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) at meetings of the subgroup, although this was not considered necessary by PCG. 251/14 It had been difficult for academic members of staff to regularly attend meetings of ASSG during 2013-14 as a result of timetabled teaching events. It was suggested that the Executive Deans nominate two members of staff from different departments within each faculty, to share attendance at meetings of the sub-group, as determined by their availability. This would increase academic representation, and promote the work of PCG and the visibility of projects more widely across the University community. 252/14 That the Academic Services Sub-group (ASSG) and the Corporate Business Systems Sub-group (CBSSG) be disbanded and replaced by a single PCG subgroup, the Systems and Academic Projects Board (SAPB) from 2014-15. 253/14 The membership of the SAPB should be revised to include: a single representative from the Academic Section: the Systems Administration Manager a representative from Learning and Development: to be nominated by the Head of Learning and Development two representatives from ISS: the Head of Management Information Systems and the ISS Customer Service Manager two members of academic staff from different departments within each faculty, nominated by the respective Executive Deans (one each to attend each meeting) 254/14 Action: CH That the Terms of Reference and membership be approved subject to the amendments noted above. 255/14 A report on the implementation and operation of the SAPB should be submitted to the July 2015 meeting of PCG, so that PCG may assess the effectiveness of the Board and take a view on future sub-group arrangements. 256/14 Action: CH 10 Process for capital project approval (verbal update) Noted Agreed A planned paper outlining the two stage approval process for projects that would be funded from the University’s Capital Investment Fund, but approved by PCG for implementation, was not available for consideration. A number of governance issues required resolution in light of PCG’s decision to approve the establishment of a single sub-group, the Systems and Academic Projects Board. 257/14 A single project mandate template would be developed for submission to the Capital Planning Group and Project Coordination Group, so that financial endorsement and project approval could be sought from the respective committees in an efficient manner. 258/14 The approval process for projects funded from capital and revenue budgets should be considered in light of the establishment of the SAPB and to ensure the process is efficient and not overly bureaucratic. 259/14 Action: SV/ MA The process for capital project approval should be added to the September 2014 PCG meeting agenda. 260/14 Action: CH 11 Requests for project mandate a) The criteria for determining a projects priority ranking (PCG/14/58) Noted The criteria for determining a project’s priority ranking was noted. 261/14 b) Combined Essex Data Reporting Service (CEDRS) (PCG/14/59) Noted The project sought to improve the University’s infrastructure to enable the production of improved performance data. The project would also make financial management information more easily accessible. There were links between this project and the Interactive Student Projections Information and Agresso projects, in that CEDRS would provide a combined platform and reporting toolkit for these projects to use. 262/14 The Capital Planning Group (CPG) had endorsed the allocation of £300,000 from the University’s capital budget to fund the project during 2014-15. 263/14 There was a typographical error in section 5 of the proposal; the project timetable should have read: Agreed Summer 2014 – detailed project proposal Autumn 2014 – tender process, technical design… 264/14 That the project be mandated with a 3-2 priority ranking. 265/14 The full project proposal should be circulated electronically to members of PCG over the summer period for consideration for approval for implementation. 266/14 Action: Ray Lashley (RL)/ CH c) Reinstallation of Agresso (PCG/14/60) Noted Agreed The project would not require a major reinstallation of Agresso as the project title suggested, but rather a revitalisation of the system, which would deliver a significant benefit to the University. For example, the Chart of Accounts would be reviewed and revised in order to design a technical solution to facilitate accounting and reporting needs. 267/14 CPG had endorsed the allocation of funding from the University’s capital budget to fund the project during 2014-15. 268/14 That the project be mandated with a 3-3 priority ranking. 269/14 The full project proposal should be circulated electronically to members of PCG over the summer period for consideration for approval for implementation. 270/14 Action: MA/ CH d) Web presence regeneration project (PCG/14/61) Noted Agreed The project timetable would need to be updated. The Director of ISS would discuss opportunities to recruit a Project Manager over the summer with the Registrar and Secretary to ensure the matter was progressed quickly. It was noted that the full project proposal could not be developed until a Project Manager was in post. 271/14 CPG had endorsed the allocation of funding from the University’s capital budget to fund the project during 2014-15. 272/14 That the project be mandated with a 3-3 priority ranking. 273/14 e) Research Management and Administration System (RMAS) (PCG/14/62) Noted 12 The project was mandated with a 3-2 priority ranking at the March 2014 meeting of PCG. The mandate was resubmitted for PCG’s information following CPG’s decision to endorse the funding of this project from the University’s capital budget. 274/14 Projects for approval for implementation a) CV builder (PCG/14/63) Noted The project had been mandated by PCG in January 2014 with 2-2 priority ranking. The full project proposal had been considered at the June meeting of ASSG. 275/14 PCG noted that the required staff resource had not been secured and were concerned that the level of resource had been underestimated. Although ASSG had been assured that opportunities to utilise the recently purchased Career Hub system had been explored, it was not clear why the system was not suitable. Further information on the strategic approach to securing student awareness and participation would be welcomed. 276/14 Agreed The project proposal should be referred back to the Project Manager for further development in light of PCG’s feedback. A revised project proposal should be submitted by January 2015. 277/14 Action: CH Opportunities to use the Career Hub system should be explored, and the rationale for using this or an alternative system should be explained in the revised project proposal. 278/14 Action: Ben Steeples (BS) b) Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) (PCG/14/64) Noted The project had been mandated by PCG in March 2014 with 3-3 priority ranking. The full project proposal had been considered at the June meeting CBSSG. 279/14 Colleagues in the Change Team were thanked for developing the full project proposal. Agreed HEAR friendly programme summaries would need to be developed as part of the project. The timing of this task would need to be carefully considered as the project to rewrite the Course Finder text was already underway. It was suggested that the Faculty Publicity and Promotion Officers would be well placed to create the HEAR friendly summaries and support this area of activity. 280/14 Not all of the project objectives could be easily measured, for example the objective quality of graduates’ job applications, but could be inferred from, in this case for example, employed feedback and graduate employability. 281/14 That the project be approved for implementation. 282/14 c) Interactive student projections information (iSPI) (PCG/14/65) Noted Agreed The project had been mandated by PCG in May 2014 with 2-2 priority ranking. The full project proposal had been considered at the June meeting CBSSG. 283/14 The project was expected to enhance student number modelling through the provision of granular level information and student number scenarios. Student load modelling could be managed upon the completion of the project. 284/14 The required resource had been secured in principle pending confirmation of staff appointments. 285/14 It was suggested that the Executive Deans would not have the capacity to attend meetings of the steering group however they would need to receive regular project communications. A Faculty Accountant could make a valuable contribution to the work of the steering group. 286/14 The Head of Planning and Performance Information should contact the Senior Faculty Manager (Social Science) to confirm how student load queries would be dealt with in relation to the project scope. 287/14 Action: RL The steering group membership should be revised to include a Faculty Accountant who would replace the Executive Dean. 288/14 Action: RL That the project be approved for implementation subject to steering group membership being revised. 13 289/14 Progress report on the Strategic Projects Portfolio (SPP) a) A progress report on the SPP (PCG/14/66) Noted Seven projects in the SPP were shown as behind schedule. Table 1 included an update on each of these projects and PCG were assured that appropriate action had been taken in each instance to ensure the successful delivery of the project. 290/14 Agreed The list of mandated, approved, completed, cancelled and rejected projects set out in Annex 1 were noted. In March 2013, PCG approved a revised completion date for project 1206 - MIS to CMIS, however the RAG rating would not be updated until a progress report had been considered by the new SAPB. 291/14 High level summaries of projects 1211, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1219, 1265, 1270, 1271, 1274 and the HEFCE PSS project were noted. Revised project timetables had been proposed for the Planet FM to craft teams project (1214) and the Agresso upgrade/ Tuition fee budgeting project (1215). 292/14 The SharePoint upgrade migration had been largely successful however it highlighted a number of new issues which had impacted on the Admissions Team and the Academic Section. This would be investigated further by the Director of ISS. ISS and Concentra partners were thanked for the significant amount of work they had undertaken to date. 293/14 That the revised reporting and project milestones for projects 1214 and 1215 be approved. 294/14 A project closure report for the SharePoint upgrade project should be submitted to PCG in the autumn term 2014. 295/14 Action: Sharon Steeples (SS) b) An update on previously mandated projects (PCG/14/67) Noted The rationale for cancelling the Electronic applicant file and agent services project (1246), the Admissions management information project (1248) and the Scholarships and bursary services project (1254), and for extending the Direct Admissions project (1250) mandate for two months until September 2014, was noted. 296/14 Agreed To approve the cancellation of projects 1246, 1248 and 1254, and to extend the mandate for project 1250. 297/14 A full project proposal for project 1250 should be developed and submitted to the September 2014 meeting of PCG. 298/14 Action: NE/JL c) Revised iHR project timetable (PCG/14/68) Noted The proposed iHR project timetable. 299/14 Agreed That the revised project timetable be approved for implementation. 300/14 d) Student Services Centre progress report (PCG/14/69) Noted 14 Good progress had been made and a significant amount of work had been successfully completed. 301/14 Projects for approval for closure a) eProcurement (PCG/14/70) Noted A decision regarding the future use of the system was still to be made. It could be necessary for the Project Manager to submit a new project mandate request if it was agreed that the system would be rolled out across the organisation. 302/14 Agreed That the project closure be approved. 303/14 b) Making electronic feedback effective (MEFE) (PCG/14/71) Noted The report was well written and it was clear that the project had made a compelling difference to student assessment and feedback. 304/14 Outstanding and additional functionality would be delivered through the MEFE II: Maximising engagement project. 305/14 Agreed That the project closure be approved. The project had made a compelling difference with regards to student assessment and feedback, and this work would be enhanced by the MEFE II: Maximising Engagement project, which was currently underway. 306/14 c) Start your journey: skills resources for applicants to Essex (PCG/14/72) Noted Agreed Feedback from participating schools had been positive and there had been over 300 registrations by prospective students for 2014 during the busy exam period. The enthusiasm of University staff came across strongly in the content. 307/14 Front line support for Moodle X would be provided by the ISS Customer Service Team, with the Learning Technology Team providing second line support. ISS would work to resolve identity management issues that had been documented as part of the project. 308/14 Refreshed content could be developed if the will and resource was available. It was recognised that Essex 101 would quickly become outdated if it was not updated. 309/14 It would be helpful if systems could be demonstrated to members of PCG either during or in advance of meetings, to coincide with the group’s consideration of project closure reports. 310/14 That the project closure be approved. The project had demonstrated the potential to make a significant contribution to the way in which the University engages with potential students 311/14 That the link to the Moodle X course should be circulated to members of PCG. 312/14 Action: MS 15 Forthcoming projects Noted 16 313/14 Any other business Noted 17 There were no details of any forthcoming projects. There were no other matters of business. 314/14 Date of next meeting Noted 18 September 2014, 2pm to 4pm in the Vice-Chancellors Boardroom. Clare Hornsby Project Officer Strategic Planning and Change Section July 2014 315/14