Report to Equality and Diversity Committee Undergraduate Admissions - October 2010 Entry Overview The information below is for all applicants to the University for October 2010 entry and concentrates on the proportion of rejections. The data is inclusive of all students admitted through Clearing but because of the nature of the application system used during Clearing it does not include any Clearing applications that did not result in admission. The data presented is for admission to all full time undergraduate degree courses through UCAS, as this is the responsibility of the Undergraduate Admissions Office. Admission to the Bridging Year, and the Certificates of Higher Education delivered by the International Academy pathways, is all administered through the International Academy and data and monitoring information is not readily available to the central admissions function. The International Academy data included in the table below if for the 4/3 years degree courses only and does not include any pathway programmes. Similarly, admission to a small number of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) undergraduate programmes is managed by the School of HHS and relevant data about these courses is not captured here. In accordance with the recommendations of the Equality Impact Assessment of Admissions and the SUMS Review of Admissions, the central Admissions Office is currently engaged in a major in a significant project with MIS to re-structure admissions systems and processes in order to provide an equivalent service to all applicants and to improve the availability of data about admissions activity that is currently managed in devolved units. The following tables set out data about rejection rates for all applicants, applicants by gender, applicants who have declared a disability, and applicants by age. Data on applicant ethnicity is not currently accessible at the point of application. Ethnicity data is currently received by the University as part of the HESA data requirements, for students who are registered. Joanne Tallentire Deputy Director (Admissions) Communications & External Relations 25 January 2011 Total number of applicants For information, the table below shows the total number of applicants rejected, by subject. Applicants for 2010 Art History Biological Sciences Computer Science and Electronic Engineering East 15 Acting School Economics Essex Business School European Studies Government Health and Human Sciences History Humanities International Academy Languages and Linguistics Latin American Studies Law Literature Mathematics Philosophy Psychoanalytic Studies Psychology Sociology US Studies University Total Total Applicants 109 1582 767 2167 764 3063 106 961 755 706 56 515 683 26 984 723 482 298 43 980 651 141 16562 Rejected % of Applicants Rejected 14 530 205 574 155 852 7 240 417 95 8 306 105 2 278 114 64 37 0 188 109 19 4319 12.8% 33.5% 26.7% 26.5% 20.3% 27.8% 6.6% 25.0% 55.2% 13.5% 14.3% 59.4% 15.4% 7.7% 28.3% 15.8% 13.3% 12.4% 0.0% 19.2% 16.7% 13.5% 26.1% Overall the University rejected 26% of all undergraduate applicants during the October 2010 entry cycle. Rejection rates for 2009, 2008 and 2007 were 19%, 16% and 19% respectively. The higher rejection rate in 2010 is a reflection of the overall increase of 22% in applications for October 2010 entry compared with 2009. This has afforded the University with the opportunity to be more robust in applying standard entry requirements and more selective in specific subjects, resulting in an overall increase in rejection rates at the application stage. Rejection rates vary at subject level, with higher rejection rates typically occurring in subjects where the entry requirements and/or the volume of applications were particularly high. Monitoring by Gender The table below details the total number of applicants and total number of rejections by gender split. Art History Biological Sciences Computer Science and Electronic Engineering East 15 Acting School Economics Essex Business School European Studies Government Health and Human Sciences History Humanities International Academy Languages and Linguistics Latin American Studies Law Literature Mathematics Philosophy Psychoanalytic Studies Psychology Sociology US Studies University Total Total Applicants 109 1582 767 2167 764 3063 106 961 755 706 56 515 683 26 984 723 482 298 43 980 651 141 16562 (No Gender on UCAS Form) 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 1 2 0 18 F M 83 674 112 1197 246 1340 83 431 633 295 33 166 502 16 656 463 217 114 37 752 471 96 8617 26 907 655 970 518 1715 23 530 121 411 23 349 181 10 326 260 262 184 6 227 178 45 7927 % Male of Total 23.85% 57.33% 85.40% 44.76% 67.80% 55.99% 21.70% 55.15% 16.03% 58.22% 41.07% 67.77% 26.50% 38.46% 33.13% 35.96% 54.36% 61.74% 13.95% 23.16% 27.34% 31.91% 47.86% % Female of total 76.15% 42.60% 14.60% 55.24% 32.20% 43.75% 78.30% 44.85% 83.84% 41.78% 58.93% 32.23% 73.50% 61.54% 66.67% 64.04% 45.02% 38.26% 86.05% 76.73% 72.35% 68.09% 52.03% Total Rejected 14 530 205 574 155 852 7 240 417 95 8 306 105 2 278 114 64 37 188 109 19 4319 12 195 33 348 53 358 5 104 350 36 5 91 74 1 170 62 29 11 2 335 172 226 102 494 2 136 67 59 3 215 31 1 108 52 35 26 % Female of Total 85.71% 36.79% 16.10% 60.63% 34.19% 42.02% 71.43% 43.33% 83.93% 37.89% 62.50% 29.74% 70.48% 50.00% 61.15% 54.39% 45.31% 29.73% 133 69 14 2153 55 40 5 2166 70.74% 63.30% 73.68% 49.85% F M % Male of Total 14.29% 63.21% 83.90% 39.37% 65.81% 57.98% 28.57% 56.67% 16.07% 62.11% 37.50% 70.26% 29.52% 50.00% 38.85% 45.61% 54.69% 70.27% 29.26% 36.70% 26.32% 50.15% The table shows the University overall to have an almost equal gender split in both its applicants and rejections; this has been the case for a number of years. There is generally a close correlation between the gender split for applicants and the gender split for those rejected. The historic popularity of some subjects with males and females is evident in the data. Monitoring by Disability The table below gives the total number of applicants with a disability and the number of rejected applicants as a number and percentage. Applicants with disability All applicants with a disability F Art History Biological Sciences Computer Science and Electronic Systems East 15 Acting School Economics Essex Business School European Studies Government Health and Human Sciences History Humanities International Academy Languages and Linguistics Latin American Studies Law Literature Mathematics Philosophy Psychoanalytic Studies Psychology Sociology US Studies University Total 2 31 1 115 3 14 1 11 24 9 3 4 17 0 10 25 8 4 6 29 12 4 333 M 2 56 30 114 10 30 0 37 7 22 1 12 4 2 8 26 11 20 1 18 9 6 426 Total 4 87 31 229 13 44 1 48 31 31 4 16 21 2 18 51 19 24 7 47 21 10 759 All rejected applicants with a disability Total Females Rejected 0 7 0 32 1 4 0 1 16 1 0 4 4 0 2 7 0 1 0 6 3 1 90 Total Males Rejected 0 14 11 34 2 6 0 10 2 2 1 6 1 1 4 7 2 2 0 4 1 1 111 Total Rejected 0 21 11 66 3 10 0 11 18 3 1 10 5 1 6 14 2 3 0 10 4 2 201 % Applicants with Disability Rejected 0.00% 24.1% 35.5% 28.8% 23.1% 22.7% 0.0% 22.9% 58.1% 9.7% 25.0% 62.5% 23.8% 50.0% 33.3% 27.5% 10.5% 12.5% 0.0% 21.3% 19.0% 20.0% 26.5% Of the total number of undergraduate applicants to the University in October 2010 4.6% declared a disability compared with 6% the previous year. However, the percentage of applicants with a disability who were rejected has remained almost static at 26.5% for October 2010 entry compared with 26% for 2009 entry. It is worth noting that this represents an increase of 9% compared with 17% in 2008, and it is therefore appropriate to keep the rejection rate for applicants who declare a disability under review over an extended period of time. In the majority of cases where the percentage of rejections by department is above the University average, the numbers involved render the figure statistically insignificant given the size of the applicant pool. As in previous years, the number of applicants to East 15 Acting School who declared a disability is substantial compared with other subjects, but the percentage overall is in the standard range for all subjects and the volume is therefore proportionate to the very large number of applications received by East 15 Acting School. Gender does not appear to be a factor in the rejection of applicants with declared disabilities. Monitoring by Age The table below details the total number of applicants and total number of rejections by maturity – over 21s are formally defined as mature applicants. Applicants with Age Art History Biological Sciences Computer Science and Electronic Engineering East 15 Acting School Economics Essex Business School European Studies Government Health and Human Sciences History Humanities International Academy Languages and Linguistics Latin American Studies Law Literature Mathematics Philosophy Psychoanalytic Studies Psychology Sociology US Studies University Total Total Applicants Applicants with no DOB Over 21 Under 21 % Over 21 % Under 21 Total Rejected Over 21 Under 21 % Over 21 Rejected % Under 21 Rejected 109 1582 767 2 7 0 15 188 167 92 1387 600 13.8% 11.9% 21.8% 84.4% 87.7% 78.2% 14 530 205 5 111 75 9 419 130 35.7% 20.9% 36.6% 64.3% 79.1% 63.4% 2167 764 3063 106 961 755 706 56 515 683 26 984 723 482 298 43 980 651 141 16562 0 0 20 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 15 1 8 1 0 1 4 0 63 421 65 522 9 78 422 46 6 61 102 6 150 74 34 31 43 88 93 15 2636 1746 699 2521 97 883 332 659 50 452 581 20 819 648 440 266 0 891 554 126 13863 19.4% 8.5% 17.0% 8.5% 8.1% 55.9% 6.5% 10.7% 11.8% 14.9% 23.1% 15.2% 10.2% 7.1% 10.4% 80.6% 91.5% 82.3% 91.5% 91.9% 44.0% 93.3% 89.3% 87.8% 85.1% 76.9% 83.2% 89.6% 91.3% 89.3% 0.0% 90.9% 85.1% 89.4% 83.7% 574 155 852 7 240 417 94 8 306 105 2 278 114 64 37 188 93 21 223 0 31 264 6 1 29 32 2 60 26 13 10 30 481 134 629 7 209 153 88 7 277 73 0 218 88 51 27 158 16.2% 13.5% 26.2% 0.0% 12.9% 63.3% 6.4% 12.5% 9.5% 30.5% 100.0% 21.6% 22.8% 20.3% 27.0% 16.0% 83.8% 86.5% 73.8% 100.0% 87.1% 36.7% 93.6% 87.5% 90.5% 69.5% 0.0% 78.4% 77.2% 79.7% 73.0% 84.0% 109 19 4318 39 5 1076 70 14 3242 35.8% 26.3% 24.9% 64.2% 73.7% 75.1% 100.0% 9.0% 14.3% 10.6% 15.9% As proposed in the undergraduate admissions report to EADC in February 2010, data about the rejection rate of applicants by age is presented to EADC for the first time. In view of this it is not possible to comment on any similarities or differences with data from previous years. It is notable that the rejection rate for under 21s, who are the vast majority of applicants, is consistently much higher than for over 21s, i.e. mature applicants. The only outlier is Health and Human Sciences, with a marginally higher rejection rate of mature applicants than under 21s. However, this is also the department that receives a higher number of applications from mature students than from under 21s. This is no doubt a feature of the specific course offering, including Nursing degrees which are likely to attract more mature students who are returning to study later in life. It is common for such applicants to have an educational background which may not be sufficiently strong to meet the standard entry requirements.