Promotion to Grade 9 Lecturer/Research Fellow 2006 – 2011, accompanying notes ‘Total Eligible Staff’ data is taken as at 31 March each year and is the total number of academic and research staff employed by the institution on that date, regardless of their grade and contract type; In the categories of ethnicity and nationality, a small percentage of staff have not declared this information, therefore the figures in the numbers column do not add up to the total number of academic and research staff. The percentages shown in each of these categories have been calculated by using the total number of people who disclosed this information rather than the total number of academic and research staff in that year; The new Annual Review Procedures for Academic and Research Staff were introduced in the academic year 2008-09 – this analysis looks at the last three years of the previous procedures and the first three years of the current procedures; All staff appointed on Academic with Research contracts are appointed on Grade 9 or above, so all applicants for promotion to Grade 9 are either on Academic (A) contracts or Research (R) contracts; Given that the numbers applying are small, it has not been possible to draw any significant conclusions from the statistics. Future Action An Equality Impact Review of the promotion procedures for academic and research staff is currently underway. These statistics will be considered by the review panel and be used as part of the information on which any recommendations for future actions are based. Equality and Diversity January 2012