Faculty News & Notes May 2015 Faculty Awards & Honors:

Faculty News & Notes
May 2015
Faculty Awards & Honors:
Ryan Baker was awarded Best Technical Paper at the 5th International Learning Analytics and
Knowledgeable Conference, and also received Honorable Mention for Best Paper at the 2015
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.
Peter Coleman has been named the 2015 recipient of the Morton Deutsch Conflict Resolution
Award by the American Psychological Association.
Steven Dubin has been awarded a residency at the Rockefeller Foundation's Study Center in
Bellagio, Italy.
Carol Ewing Garber has been elected as an Active Fellow in the National Academy of
Sonali Rajan received the Strage Junior Faculty Prize for 2015.
Faculty Publications of Books and Refereed Journal
Gobert, J.D., Baker, Ryan.S., Wixon, M.B. (2015). Operationalizing and detecting
disengagement within online science microworlds. Educational Psychologist, 50(1), 43-57.
Wang, Y. Baker, Ryan. (2015) Content or platform: why do students
complete MOOCs? MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 11(1), 17-30.
Wang, Y.E., Paquette, L., Baker, Ryan. (2014) A longitudinal study on learner career
advancement in MOOCs. Journal of Learning Analytics,1(3), 203-206.
San Pedro, M.O., Baker, Ryan., Heffernan, N., Ocumpaugh, J. (2015, March). Exploring
college major choice and middle school student behavior, affect and learning: what happens to
students who game the system? Proceedings of the 5th International Learning Analytics and
Knowledge Conference, 36-40.
Miller, W.L., Baker, Ryan., Labrum, M., Petsche, K., Liu, Y-H., Wagner, A. (2015, March)
Automated detection of proactive remediation by teachers in reasoning mind classrooms.
Proceedings of the 5th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 290-294.
Cooper, Carey. E., Beck, A. N., Högnäs, R. S., Swanson, J. (2015). Mothers' partnership
instability and coparenting among fragile families. Social Science Quarterly. Advance online
publication. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12161
Dougherty, Kevin., & Natow, R.S. (2015). The politics of performance funding for higher
education: origins, discontinuations, and transformations. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Greer, R. Douglas., & Du, L. (2015). Experience and the onset of the capability to learn the
names of things by exclusion. The Psychological Record. DOI 10.1007/s40732-014-0111-2.
Kuhn, Deanna., & Moore, W. (2015). Argument as core curriculum. Learning: Research and
Practice, 1, 66-78.
Kuhn, Deanna., Ramsey, S., & Arvidsson, T.S. (2015). Developing multivariable thinkers.
Cognitive Development, 35, 92-110.
Kuhn, Deanna. (2015). Thinking together and alone. Educational Researcher, 44, 46-53.
Wu, J. S. & Lee, Joey. J. (2015). Climate change games as tools for education and engagement.
Nature Climate Change, 5(1), 413-418.
Lena, Jennifer, C. (2015). Culture, production of: prospects for the twenty-first century. In J.
Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (2nd ed, pp. 608613). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Lena, Jennifer C., & Johnston, E. (2015). U.S. cultural engagement with global Muslim
communities: contours and connections in an emerging field. Grantmakers in the Arts
Reader. 26(1), 9-13.
Leone, D., & Levy, Erika. S. (2015). Children's perception of conversational and clear
American-English vowels in noise. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
58, 213-226.
Neumann, Anna., & Pallas, Aaron. (2015). Critical policy analysis, the craft of qualitative
research, and analysis of data on the Texas top 10% law. In A. Martinez Aleman., B. Pusser &
E. M. Bensimon. (Eds.), Critical approaches to the study of higher education (pp. 153-173).
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015,
Purpura, James., E., Brown, J. D., & Schoonen, R. (2015). Improving the validity of
quantitative measures in applied language research. Language Learning, 65(1), pp. 36-73.
Public Communication:
Jennifer Lena participated on the program committee at the 2015 Experience Music Project Pop
Music Conference.
Faculty Achievement in Grant Monies Received as reported
by the Office of Grants and Contracts:
New grant monies
Project Director
A.Lin Goodwin
Project Title
Independent Sector Faculty and Staff
Commission on
Colleges and
$ 15,000
Ellen Meier
Tactile Text and Graphics Printer
Technology, Inc.
$ 75,000
Ellen Meier
Peer-led Team Learning
City College of
New York
$ 19,398
Douglas Ready
Teach to One: Math
New Classrooms
$ 349,707
Elizabeth Willen
Research on Education
The Spencer
$ 75,000
Renewal grant monies
Project Director
Joseph Ciccolo
Project Title
Efficacy of Resistance Training as an
Aid to Smoking Cessation Treatment
National Institutes of
$ 504,468
Supplement grant monies
Project Director
Project Title
The Wallace
Jeffrey Henig
Collective Impact Initiatives
Helena Verdeli
Integrated Innovations in Global Mental
Partners in Health
$ 8,000
Survey Research Initiative
$ 1,840
$ 121,000