From: To: Date:

Chris Burns
Michael Wickenden, Contract Administrator
BED’s July 2007 Report
Dear Michael,
We are pleased to submit the following report covering the period of July 1, 2007 to July 31,
2007. The report includes highlights over the period and the attached table covers costs and
savings for the period.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chris Burns
CC: Carole Welsh, John Becker of the VT DPS, Ann Bishop and Ed McNamara of the VT PSB
BED Energy Efficiency Highlights
Large Commercial services
 Aircuity Presentation – ES staff hosted this technical presentation attended by several
customers and EVT staff. This system provides reliable sensing of harmful air contaminants
within buildings, so that ventilation can be controlled in an as-needed demand mode
("Demand Control Ventilation"). It is particularly suited for research facilities which
normally bring in 100% outside air for conditioning purposes. Both FAHC and UVM could
benefit from this technology, and have shown an interest.
 ES staff attended an EVT Brown Bag Presentation / PowerSmiths Premium Efficiency Dry
Transformers – a technical and very informative presentation about transformer products
with efficiencies beyond the "Energy Star" label.
 Fortieth Burlington LLC – The installation of several occupancy motion sensors to control all
the lighting through most of Building #21 is now complete. The three electric heat duct coils
serving 9,000 square feet of office space proposed to be removed with steam heat coils piped
from the main boiler is also complete. Both energy efficiency measures have been inspected
and the rebate checks are in process.
 Fletcher Allen Health Care (UHC Campus) – Phase three lighting upgrade for retrofitting T8
lamps and ballasts to Super T8’s is approximately 30% complete. In addition, all exit sign
change outs from either incandescent or CFL to new LED signs is now in-progress.
 Fletcher Allen Health Care (MCHV Campus) – A Campus-wide retrofit of the existing
HVAC motor to premium efficiency motor replacement project has started and is
approximately 30% completed. In addition, certain areas of lighting are being upgraded from
T12 lighting to Super T8 lighting and are 50% complete.
 UVM Central Chiller Plant at Cage (new gas absorption chillers) –The project is complete,
the rebate check has been cut and the ribbon-cutting ceremony is scheduled for July 26th.
 UVM Power Factor Study – At UVM's request, we analyzed the billing for all active UVM
accounts, and identified any with power factor charges. Working with BED Engineering, we
completed a report recommending the accounts that might benefit from PF correction.
 Verizon – Completed the lighting audit report based on spreadsheet analyses completed last
 Burlington School District – Completed a walk-through of the Edmunds Elementary school
to learn the extent of the envisioned Light Harvesting system, which the school district is
interested in installing. A detailed energy analysis was completed. Although rather
expensive, the equipment will save approximately half of the classroom lighting energy &
demand costs. Evaluation is continuing as to how to proceed. A beta-test, with data logging,
may be set up to determine the effectiveness of the system installed in a limited number of
 Burlington School District – Worked out a plan with BSD electricians to ensure that Super
T8 lamps and ballasts are installed as the existing school T8 lamp ballasts fail. A large
number of these T8 ballasts were installed throughout various city schools around 1997, and
they are now reaching end-of-life.
 Burlington Free Press – Working with the customer to analyze potential savings/ rebates by
replacing their 20 year old Liebert server room HVAC system with newer equipment.
Installation of LPA pumps in the refrigerant lines of the proposed new Liebert system will
save approximate one-half of the annual kWh usage.
Wyndham / Hilton Renovation – Discussed with BPW issues still outstanding concerning
lighting in the Hilton's renovated areas and LPD Code Compliance.
FAHC – Resolved a billing question concerning their May 2007 bill, which was much lower
than their May 2006 bill. Last year's changes in the PS Rate structure, as well as the timing
of the 20% + rate increase, caused most of the difference between these two charges. Both
the May 2006 and May 2007 bills were determined to be correct.
Champlain College – Continue to work to implement the chiller plant piping rearrangement
project which will limit operation of primary chilled water pump during chiller operating
hours only. BED has offered a financial incentive for this project. This project is expected to
be completed this summer.
Hinds Building – Continue to work with the project team to develop the conceptual
efficiency and conservation features of this block development project. A ground source heat
pump system has been considered but most likely will not be incorporated due to uncertainty
of the geology at the project sight.
UVM – Continue to work with this customer on several ongoing projects and to gather
outstanding information for projects where financial efficiency incentives may be available
from BED.
UVM Trinity Campus – Working with this customer to identify energy efficiency and
conservation measure in 9 buildings on the campus. The energy audit report is expected to be
completed by the end of August.
General Growth Properties, Burlington Town Center – Continue to work with customer on
energy efficiency measures in the area of lighting and HVAC systems. Halogen infrared
lamps were recommended and have begun to be installed throughout the facility as the
standard halogen lamps expire. A VFD energy efficiency measure was recommended with a
payback of less than a year when the BED rebate offer is considered. This project is expected
to be completed this year.
Smaller Commercial Services
 Champlain College (Cushing Hall) – Evaluated the potential air conditioning electrical
savings from thermal envelope improvements being proposed by Vermont Gas Systems. An
energy savings analysis was completed and a BED rebate was offered.
 Arentzen Glass – The proposed cost for installing the VFD to the 2HP blower fan motor has
been obtained. The project appears to be cost effective and a letter for the owner, indicating
the cost effective benefit to complete the measure, is in-progress. This project is still
 Office Furniture Exchange – A walk through energy audit was conducted. A lighting
upgrade of the warehouse area is presently being proposed by BED. A cost benefit savings
analysis was completed for retrofitting forty T12 fluorescent fixtures to Super T8 lighting
and to install several occupancy lighting sensors to control the lighting throughout the
warehouse areas. A letter indicating the cost benefit analysis to complete this project was
mailed out to the owner.
 Unitarian Univeralist Society – The Ideal power meter has been used to test several pieces of
equipment (commercial coffee maker, dish washer booster heater and the main service panel)
to help the facility manager under stand how they are using their power. The testing has
helped convince them on following with some of the energy efficiency measures BED has
proposed. The electric water heater is presently being replaced to a high efficient on-demand
natural gas Rinnai water heater. In addition, an energy savings analysis to install a VFD to
the 1.5 HP circulating motor to the heating system has been completed and appears to be cost
effective. These measures are still ongoing.
Mater Christi Elementary School – A model using Market Manager Software was completed
to analyze the electric heating load. A natural gas-fired heating system is being proposed by
VGS along with improved ventilation equipment. A Market Manager file copy has been
forwarded to VGS.
Queen City Printers – Completed the rebate process for conversion of 39 T12 linear
fluorescents to standard T8 fixtures. Working with BED Engineering to investigate the
possibility of correcting their PF from below .80 to .95 or better. Facility power monitoring
will be done to ensure that the potential for harmonic problems is low before adding
correction capacitors. Adding PF correction has the potential of saving the customer $5,000
+ dollars per year, with a likely payback of less than one year.
First Congregational Church – Completed a lighting audit, and delivered an audit report. Delamping of linear fluorescents in their store, adding occupancy sensors in selected areas, and
replacing of incandescent lamps with CFL's are several possibilities for energy savings.
61 Main St. – Resolved a billing issued related to the SG vs. LG rate, and had the billing
charges corrected.
Hoyle Tanner Associates, Inc – Performed an energy audit of this customers’ recently
occupied office space. Energy efficiency opportunities in the areas of lighting retrofits and
aging HVAC equipment replacement with high efficiency HVAC units were identified.
St Joseph’s Parish – Continue to work with this customer on recommended lighting
efficiency measures that would significantly reduce their annual electric cost. Several 100
and 500-watt incandescent lamps are expected to be replaced with energy efficient compact
fluorescent lamps. A test run is underway which will help this customer to decide which
proposed energy efficient lighting will work best for them.
The Shopping Bag Inc – Performed an energy audit of this customer’s grocery store where
energy efficiency measures such as improved lighting and consolidation of small coolers into
a single walk-in cooler with outdoor economizer were identified.
O'Neill, Kellner & Green – Continue to work with this customer where compact fluorescent
lamps are expected to be installed in the coming months replacing 100-watt incandescent
lamps. This project is expected to be completed late this summer.
Hope Lodge – BED and VGS performed blower door air leakage testing of building shell at
the request of the LEED project team and customer. Building tested very well.
J. Lamay – Continue to work with this customer on the replacement of dozens of standard
halogen lamps with energy efficient halogen infrared lamps. This project is expected to be
completed late this summer.
City of Burlington, Contois Auditorium – continue to work with this customer on the
replacement of 40 and 60-watt incandescent lamps in chandeliers with energy efficient cold
cathode compact fluorescent lamps. Some dimming control hurdles still remain, however the
city has received a proposal to remedy the problem. An energy efficient lamp has been
selected. The dimming system will need to be fixed before it can operate properly.
New Construction/Equipment Replacement Services
 Dealer.COM, 444 Pine St North – Recent lighting design changes are significantly reducing
the lighting power density of the main office area. This will put the LPD way below the
efficiency code limit for an office area. The ft-candle lighting level will also be way below
normal, which is what the customer desires for this pc-intensive work area.
 Burlington Subaru – Completed a walk-through of the new building at 333 Shelburne St.
Premium efficiency roof-top cooling units installed as a part of this project resulted in the
disbursement of a total of $2,800 in BED incentives to the customer and the HVAC
 Continued to work with the project team for the 31-unit co-housing project located at 166
East Ave.
 Continued working with the project team on the 35-unit condo development at 183 St. Paul
 The following projects remain in the Planning & Zoning approval process and we have been
in contact with each regarding energy code compliance and BED\VGS efficiency services:
1162 North Ave 5-units; 237 North Ave 25 units and 40 seat café; 207 Riverside 2-units,
ICV’s 50 unit project at 114 College Street, 8 units at 361 Pearl Street, 12 units 131 Battery
St. Cornell, 7 units at 160 Pine St. and 20 units at 88 King St.
Efficient Retail Products
 Advised 4 walk-in customers on compact fluorescent lamp applications.
 ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers rebates for 2007 – 78
 ENERGY STAR Screw-in CFL rebates for 2007 –12,054
 ENERGY STAR Compact fluorescent Hardwired fixture rebates (including floor and table
lamps) for 2007 - 44
 Residential ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2007 – 67
 Commercial ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2007 –496
 New incentives for ENERGY STAR and CEE Tier 1 refrigerators, window AC units and
dehumidifiers began in June and July 2007
 ENERGY STAR window AC rebates for 2007 – 7
Existing Residential Buildings
 Since Jan 1, 2007, 8 electric space heat conversions have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2007, 52 electric hot water conversions have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2007, 8 high efficiency\ECM motor ENERGY STAR furnaces have been
 Since Jan 1, 2007, 1 ENERGY STAR Central AC systems have been installed.
 Since Jan 1, 2007, 4 electric to natural gas clothes dryer replacements have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2007, CVWS has submitted invoices for 37 completed projects and has
requested billing history data on 4 additional accounts
 BED continues to promote the LISF program to customers to increase participation.
 Working with four customers that are planning to switch to gas domestic hot water systems.
 Completed high consumption cases for 16 customers. BED and EVT now offer $100 toward
replacing electric clothes dryers with natural gas units. Also, new incentives for replacing
older existing refrigerators with ENERGY STAR units ($150 for rental apartments and $100
for owner occupied).
Continued working with four rental property owners (about 60 apartments combined) on the
new Multifamily Apartments: Lighting, Refrigerator and Ventilation System service.
Working with JUMP (Joint Urban Ministry Program) on providing CFL’s to low-income
families that they are assisting. The plan is to familiarize the families with the benefits of
energy efficiency and help them to enroll in the CVWS program when possible.
Communications & Public Relations
 ES and Engineering staff talked about electricity and energy efficiency to a summer day
camp group of 17 lively six to eleven year olds.
 John met with Tom Longstreth of Recycle North. We loaned the WattsUp meter to him so
they can assess appliances they sell. They also are going to survey their own consumption.
Load Response Program
 BED/ISO New England Demand Response Program – EnerNOC made an additional
installation visit to Burlington in July. FAHC and UHC were connected to the EnerNOC
network operations center, with an estimated 30-minute demand response of 2 MW between
the two facilities. We helped coordinate activities between EnerNOC and the BED metering
dept. so that proper interconnections could be completed.