2005 Annual Plan Submitted to the

Annual Plan
Submitted to the
Vermont Public Service Board
October 31, 2004
Efficiency Vermont
2005 Annual Plan
A. Overall Efficiency Vermont Objectives
B. Business Market Objectives
C. Residential Market Objectives
A. Retail Efficient Products
B. Business New Construction
C. Residential New Construction
D. Existing Businesses
E. Existing Homes
F. Dairy Farms
G. Strategic Partners
1. Trade Partners
2. Design Professionals
H. Schools
I. Multifamily Buildings
J. State Buildings
K. Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities
L. Ski Areas
M. Customer Credit
N. Better Buildings by Design Conference
O. Regional and National Partnerships
P. General Customer Service and Support
Efficiency Vermont
2005 Annual Plan
This Annual Plan for 2005 is submitted by Vermont Energy
Investment Corporation (VEIC) to the Vermont Public Service
Board (PSB) pursuant to VEIC’s contract with the PSB for
delivery of “Energy Efficiency Utility” services under the name
“Efficiency Vermont…your resource for energy savings”.
This Plan serves three purposes:
1. to present Efficiency Vermont’s strategies to
statewide markets in 2005 to secure savings and to
achieve other
contractual goals;
2. to identify and describe specific, significant
initiatives that are
currently anticipated by Efficiency Vermont for
implementation in
3. to provide current estimate of the budget
associated with
implementation of planned services and
Efficiency Vermont’s plans for 2005 were developed over several
months through an intensive process that involved all levels of
staff in coordination with market- and initiative-focused teams.
Based upon market experience and assessments, quality assurance
results, feedback from customers, subcontractors, and market
partners, as well as internal examination of organizational
efficiencies, strategies were identified to best serve Vermont’s
ratepayers and to build upon Efficiency Vermont’s successes in
both resource acquisition and market transformation. These
strategies, developed with corresponding cost and savings impact
estimates, were subject to deliberation and prioritization by
the VEIC Senior Management Team. The result of this process is a
portfolio of services and initiatives for 2005 that is reflected
in this Plan and its associated budget.
A. Overall Efficiency Vermont Objectives
In 2005, Efficiency Vermont will be well positioned to continue
and enhance its market-based approach to energy efficiency
service delivery to Vermont’s businesses and homes. We will
build upon our successful efforts to reduce energy use, to lower
energy costs, strengthen local businesses and economies, secure
reliable and verifiable energy savings, and to protect the
environment. We will continue our commitment to meet the diverse
goals of our contract with the Vermont Public Service Board.
Toward these ends, we will implement a comprehensive range of
services, develop strategic resources and approaches to maximize
participation in targeted markets, and address the barriers to
long-term market adoption of more energy-efficient practices.
Efficiency Vermont’s focus for 2005 can be summarized in four
statements that capture recurrent themes expressed in this Plan.
These statements define the method and motivation behind the
elements of this Plan, and, ultimately, behind the work that
Efficiency Vermont staff will do each day. These statements are
described briefly below and are reflected in the activities
discussed in this Section as well as in descriptions of specific
initiatives and services in Section III of this Plan.
1. Planning for Results
In the final year of our second contract with the Vermont
Public Service Board, Efficiency Vermont will continue to
strive to meet or exceed all contractual goals, including
savings goals and other contractual performance
indicators. In the course of our efforts, we will maintain
particular focus on enhancing savings reliability,
increasing first time participants, increasing market
penetration of high performance commercial buildings as
well as ENERGY STAR qualified products and homes, and
building upon our ability to serve through continual
internal improvement.
2. Focusing on the Customer
In 2005 we will deepen our ongoing commitment to
understanding and meeting our customers’ needs. From
increased ease of use of services, to enhanced systems
that improve our anticipation of and responsiveness to
market barriers, we will strive to align our service
delivery to meet customer needs. We also will work with
strategic partners to identify and meet their training,
resource and support needs in their efforts to encourage
their customers to incorporate energy efficiency into
their design and purchasing decisions.
3. Leveraging partnerships to achieve market-based success
In 2005, we will place an emphasis on forging new
partnerships while continuing to maintain strong
relationships with trades people, design professionals,
vendors and other partners who influence energy efficiency
decisions. We will further integrate energy-efficient
practices into existing marketplace transactions by better
understanding markets, leveraging repeat business
opportunities, identifying barriers and providing support
for retailers through a comprehensive market-based
4. Strengthening Organizational Efficiency
We will continue our ongoing examination of operational
methods to determine ways to achieve equal or greater
results by improving the way we utilize resources both in
our internal processes and in interactions with markets.
We aim to streamline processes and systems and to improve
the existing efficiency of our service delivery to raise
the yield of our efforts.
B. Business Market Objectives
Efficiency Vermont will build upon ongoing successes in
strengthening Vermont’s businesses by partnering with them to
improve their operations and bottom lines through energy
efficiency improvements. We will strive toward continued
transformation of the market by increasing participation and
awareness among owners, building operators, designers,
contractors and equipment suppliers and the professional and
trade associations that support this market. We will work to
increase practices beyond current baseline approaches to the
design of high performance buildings and systems. We also will
work to increase the availability of high quality energyefficient equipment for this market, which includes commercial,
industrial, institutional, multifamily housing, farm, and
municipal facilities.
Due to our strong partnerships with design professionals, trades
people, vendors and associations, we will enter 2005 well
positioned to add significant value to new construction,
renovation and equipment upgrade projects throughout the state.
Our 2005 objectives will place particular emphasis on empowering
market players with the tools and resources they need to better
understand, advocate and implement energy-efficient approaches.
We will aim for early engagement in project development to
increase the cost-effectiveness of energy-efficient approaches.
Additionally, we will explore new ways to reach underserved
businesses, and to overcome barriers to participation.
We will maintain our valued partnership with Burlington Electric
Department (BED) to support design professionals, suppliers and
trades people who help businesses in BED territory to strengthen
their bottom lines with energy-efficient equipment and
C. Residential Market Objectives
In 2005, after five years of successfully helping Vermonters to
reduce energy use in their homes, Efficiency Vermont will be
poised to continue to have substantial impact on residential
energy efficiency decisions. Our efforts in the residential
market will be aimed not only at Vermonters who own or rent
residences but also at those who are involved in the design,
construction, renovation and operation/maintenance of
residential buildings and in the decisions and transactions that
effect energy use in these buildings. We will continue to
develop and maintain a network of partnerships with designers,
contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and retailers of products
and services who influence residential design and buying
decisions. Through our own direct service to Vermont residents
and through extensive support to our partners and key decision
makers in the market, we strive to enable Vermonters to have
access to a wide range of high-quality energy-efficient products
and services.
Of particular focus in 2005 will be a greater emphasis on
increasing the number of first time participants, on increasing
the variety and number of actively participating partners and on
energy-efficient lighting product quality. We also will work to
increase energy-saving opportunities in existing homes, to
further strengthen Vermont’s position as a leader in market
share for key energy-efficient products, to maintain and improve
our methods of identifying and addressing unfulfilled customer
needs and to increase the availability of high-efficiency
products and services.
We will maintain our valued partnership with Burlington Electric
Department (BED) to support retailers who supply energyefficient products to homes in BED territory.
III. Market Initiatives and Services for 2005
In 2005, Efficiency Vermont will continue to address all the
core markets identified in the PSB’s Order in Docket 5980 and
the associated Memorandum of Understanding among the parties to
that Docket. For the purpose of consistency and year-to-year
comparison, the categories under which costs and savings in
these markets will be reported to the PSB in the 2005 Efficiency
Vermont Annual Report will be consistent with prior years, and
identical to those identified in Efficiency Vermont’s 2004
Annual Plan, as shown below.
“Core Markets” to be Reported under the Business Sector in
1. Business New Construction
2. Business Existing Facilities
3. Business Targeted Markets
4. Customer Credit
“Core Markets” to be Reported under the Residential Sector
in 2005
1. Retail Efficient Products
2. Residential New Construction
3. Residential Existing Buildings
As discussed in the 2004 Efficiency Vermont Annual Plan, VEIC’s
delivery of Efficiency Vermont services has transitioned from a
“programs” approach to a more customer-based or “market”
approach. This has been reflected in the reorganization of our
planning, budgeting, management, marketing, business development
and implementation efforts along somewhat different categories
than the original “core” programs structure. Efficiency
Vermont’s efforts are now organized around services and
initiatives that address various market segments in different
ways. This method recognizes the cohesive characteristics of
certain submarkets (e.g., ski areas, schools, state buildings)
as they cut across traditional market segmentation (e.g., new
vs. existing buildings). This customer-centered approach serves
as an effective method of identifying market barriers to
increased energy efficiency and of delivering appropriate
services to overcome these barriers.
For 2005, Efficiency Vermont services and initiatives are
organized, and discussed in this Plan, as follows:
A. Retail Efficient Products
B. Business New Construction
C. Residential New Construction
D. Existing Businesses
E. Existing Homes
F. Dairy Farms
G. Strategic Partners
H. Schools
I. Multifamily Buildings
J. State Buildings
K. Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities
L. Ski Areas
M. Customer Credit
N. Better Buildings by Design Conference
O. Regional and National Partnerships
P. General Customer Service and Support
To maintain our critical understanding of each target market’s
particular and changing needs – including budget cycles, market
actors and interrelationships -- we will continue to make
personal contact with key market actors. These actors include
businesses within a market as well as trade organizations that
serve these businesses. Additionally, we will maintain
productive working relationships with key, non-customer market
actors, such as design professionals (architects, engineers) and
trade partners (vendors, distributors, contractors). Our planned
activities concerning these “Strategic Partners” are also
addressed in this section of the Plan.
We will conduct ongoing market assessments of both primary (e.g.
Business New Construction, Retail Efficient Products, etc.) and
targeted markets. This will be the continuing work of our Market
Strategy Teams, which will identify opportunities and barriers
to participation, monitor and learn from our experience and
refine market intervention strategies. Where markets include
both residential and business energy applications, (e.g., ski
areas, multifamily housing, retail efficient products), the teams
will include staff engaged in service to residential and
business markets, as well as members of our planning, marketing
and business development departments, as appropriate. These
teams will systematically characterize these markets, identify
market barriers and develop plans and priorities for strategies
to overcome such barriers.
The resulting Plan for Efficiency Vermont services and
initiatives in 2005 follows.
A. Retail Efficient Products
Efficiency Vermont’s objective in this market will be to
continue to reduce barriers in the manufacturer-distributorretailer-consumer supply chain. Through this effort, we will
strive to influence consumer’s purchase decisions and enable
them to buy ENERGY STAR qualified products more frequently and
for more applications. By continuing to utilize the national
ENERGY STAR brand as the basis for our retail market efforts, we
will work to increase consumer awareness of and confidence in
energy-efficient products. This approach is designed to result
in better-informed consumers who are motivated to demand and
choose energy-efficient products.
We will continue to focus on mechanisms which will support longterm transformation in Vermont’s network of lighting and
appliance retailers, together with the wholesale suppliers,
distributors and manufacturers in their product supply chain. At
the same time, through strategies to create consumer demand and
overcome first-cost purchase barriers, we will seek to address
near-term market barriers of ENERGY STAR qualified products. In
addition, we will seek to lower operational costs through
increased operational efficiency. Our key strategies for 2005
Increasing ENERGY STAR Market Penetration – Based upon efforts
begun in 2004,
in which Efficiency Vermont partnered with three Vermont
hardware stores to create the nation’s first ENERGY STAR
Centers, Efficiency Vermont will partner with retailers in the
creation of designated spaces within existing stores for the
display of each shop’s full range of ENERGY STAR qualified
products. This is a departure from the placement of ENERGY STAR
qualified products in departments throughout a store. Highly
customer focused, this effort aims to increase the number of
first time buyers and raise market penetration by providing a
convenient way for Vermonters to find energy-efficient products
and by increasing their awareness of the range of available
products. The centers build upon and strengthen relationships
with retail partners, and are efficient by design; enabling us
to refine approaches through assessments of previous launches,
and to use existing templates for displays and marketing
Retailer/Partner Support – We will strengthen and expand our
relationships with retail vendors of energy-efficient
products to increase the variety and number of participating
retailers, thereby increasing the availability of energyefficient products to consumers. Our support to retailers
will expand in 2005 to include manufacturers and distributors
of ENERGY STAR qualified products. This support will take
many forms: consumer or retailer/manufacturer incentives;
point-of-purchase consumer information; financial support for
cooperative advertising to promote ENERGY STAR qualified
products; training for retail sales personnel; creative use
of retail displays, website support; strategic support of
retailer events – including involvement in regional and
national ENERGY STAR campaigns -- and financial incentives to
targeted vendors and manufacturers to increase the
availability of specific energy-efficient products. New in
2005 will be efforts targeting retailers who supply small
business contractors and our delivery of more customized
approaches to align services with individual retailer needs.
Financial Incentives - To encourage participation by lowering
initial costs of energy-efficient products, we will continue
to provide financial incentives to customers and/or retailers
for the purchase/sale of selected ENERGY STAR qualified
products, including bulbs, fixtures, and clothes washers,
with seasonal promotions of air conditioners, ceiling fans,
refrigerators and freezers. The dollar amount of these
incentives and the duration of the promotions may be adjusted
during the year to reflect changing market conditions, such
as product availability and retailer pricing. Incentives may
be added for other product types as may be determined during
the course of the year, as new opportunities arise and are
assessed. We will continue to provide incentives to small
business owners purchasing qualified lighting products at
retail stores.
Increasing Participation – To increase the number of first
time and repeat buyers of ENERGY STAR qualified products, and
to strengthen consumer recognition of and confidence in
energy-efficient products, we will engage in promotion of all
ENERGY STAR qualified products, and in the creation and/or
marketing of special events. Also toward this end, we will
initiate market research in 2005 to identify and target nonparticipants, and to inform our approaches to increasing
first time buys by better aligning our efforts with unmet
customer needs.
Focusing on Product Quality – Improving the product quality
of compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) that Vermonters purchase
will be a major thrust of Efficiency Vermont’s efforts in the
Retail Efficient Products market. We will continue our
financial support for CFL performance testing through PEARL
(Program for the Evaluation and Analysis of Residential
Lighting). We also will continue our engagement with national
efforts to establish ENERGY STAR compliance testing. We will
continue to ensure that our retail partners are aware of
testing results and any changes in products’ ENERGY STAR
status and we will utilize performance test results as part
of our evaluations of manufacturers’ and retailers’ proposals
for CFL promotions.
In addition, we will explore new ways to improve product
quality and performance. We will evaluate the establishment
of an on-line consumer feedback forum, where customers can
share their experiences with CFLs, both positive and
negative, in an attempt to enable customers to identify
products that can address their specific needs. We will work
with our major retail partners in the development of retailer
and/or manufacturer specific coupons that will feature
products with established quality performance and we will
also strengthen our relationships with these major partners.
We will also work with manufacturers of products with
established quality performance to expand their distribution
channels within Vermont to more of our retail partners.
Expanding Product Range - We will engage in identification
and evaluation of energy-efficient products not currently
included in Efficiency Vermont rebate/incentive services, to
determine their viability for inclusion, with an aim toward
increasing the range of available energy-efficient products.
We also will maintain participation in and support for
regional and national initiatives that have an impact on
manufacturers’ product decisions and upon retail chain
purchasing, pricing and promotion of ENERGY STAR qualified
products. In addition, as resources allow, Efficiency Vermont
will consider increasing promotion of other ENERGY STAR
qualified products, such as televisions and audio and
electronic products. Although the result of these efforts are
not expected to produce large energy savings, such promotion
is expected to increase consumer awareness of energy
efficiency and the ENERGY STAR brand as well as to support
retailers and manufacturers in actions that will result in
greater market transformation.
Industry Initiatives – We will continue to offer selected buydowns to retailers and manufacturers at levels similar to 2004.
These buy-downs represent a transformation throughout the
supply chain by using financial or shared marketing incentives
to influence the manufacturers’ and retailers’ decisions.
Retailer/manufacturer buy-downs also have the potential to
produce even lower retail pricing for consumers and to improve
the efficiency of Efficiency Vermont’s operations by reducing
coupon redemption and processing costs. We also will continue
our successful efforts to partner with manufacturers who will
match our incentives to customers purchasing qualified
B. Business New Construction
The construction, major renovation and tenant fit-up of
buildings provide critical opportunities to embed enduring
energy efficiency in Vermont’s built environment. Efficiency
Vermont is committed to capturing maximum levels of costeffective efficiency in this key and diverse market. Our primary
strategy in 2005 will continue to be effective engagement with
all principals (architects, engineers, developers, building
owners, etc.) of new construction projects. We will assist them
in setting project performance goals and collaborate with them
during the design and construction process to provide resources
that will enable the achievement of these goals. We also will
engage with these players to support their business objectives
as well as our vision for increased incorporation of energyefficient approaches by providing them with tools that help them
to communicate high performance concepts with their clients and
to successfully position themselves with prospective customers.
In 2005, we will continue provide the following services to this
Customized Comprehensive Design Assistance – To support the
vision of designers and owners while integrating optimal
energy-efficient approaches, we will work with design teams
to consider the whole building and all its systems. This
approach utilizes the interactive nature of various building
systems to achieve a higher level of energy efficiency and to
maximize overall performance of the building.
Financial incentives - toward the incremental cost of
building energy-efficient facilities and/or to help overcome
the incremental cost of additional energy analysis necessary
to optimize building performance and capture the interactive
benefits of energy efficiency measures in the design. This
energy analysis will be carried out by a project’s design
team or by Efficiency Vermont staff.
Plan review - of architectural and engineering plans and
contractor designs coupled with consultation on energy
efficiency opportunities.
Energy analysis - of buildings and measures, either at the
comprehensive level with whole building modeling or on a
system basis.
Direct outreach - for enrollment of new construction projects
listed weekly on Works in Progress and in the Act 250
Tools – We will provide informational resources that not only
aid design professionals and design-build contractors in their
hands-on work but also in communicating the benefits of high
performance design concepts to their prospective and current
customers. A key goal of this effort will be to make it easier
for building owners to make informed decisions about
incorporating high performance design practices into their
buildings. Toward this end, in 2005, we will develop a building
owner’s version of the enthusiastically received High
Performance Design Guide, which we produced and distributed in
2004. In addition, we will continue the distribution of the
highly requested High Performance Design Guide and Advanced
Buildings Energy Benchmark for High Performance Buildings (EBenchmark™), as well as profiles of a range of successful high
performance building projects in which we partnered with Vermont
designers and builders. Each of these resources can be used by
design professionals and design-build contractors to
differentiate themselves in the market and promote their
services as partners for energy efficiency.
Training – In addition to the continuation of our highly
successful annual Better Buildings by Design Conference (see
Section III M), we will initiate several day long training
sessions for design professionals and contractors to enhance
their skills in the design and construction of high performance
buildings. As is the case with the development of tools for this
market, we aim to increase participation and energy savings
while enhancing internal efficiencies by strengthening the
design community’s independent expertise in identifying and
using energy-efficient approaches. This ultimately serves
Vermont’s businesses, which can rely upon an increasingly
informed base of design and build professionals throughout the
state and upon increased market transformation of these
practices and technologies.
Partnerships – The strength of our relationships with design
professionals, contractors and suppliers has been critical to
our success in establishing efficiency as an obtainable
objective for the new construction market. We will continue and
expand these efforts in 2005. Included in this effort will be
continued outreach efforts to this network, in particular air
conditioning and lighting vendors and installers, to increase
the incorporation of energy efficiency into their typically
smaller, fast-paced projects. In addition to personal contact
with firms, businesses and individuals, we will continue our
involvement with local chapters of the American Institute of
Architects (AIA), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and Construction
Specifications Institute (CSI) to gain critical feedback about
the varied and changing needs in this market.
Collaboration with Vermont Gas Systems - We will continue our
successful collaborative relationship with Vermont Gas Systems
to deliver service to businesses served by Vermont Gas.
Vermont Commercial Energy Guidelines – We will continue to work
with the Vermont Department of Public Service and Burlington
Electric Department on the efforts underway to update the
Vermont Commercial Energy Guidelines that are currently based on
the IECC 2000 model code. We will provide technical support
staff to provide input into the code update process and
technical support once the new code is adopted.
C. Residential New Construction
Efficiency Vermont will continue to provide services to assist
builders and buyers in creating homes that are resourceefficient, less expensive to operate, comfortable, durable,
healthy, models for national best practice and that possess a
high resale value. Our primary objectives in this market in 2005
are the following:
Double the market share of ENERGY STAR rated homes from the
2001 level. Toward this end, we will work to improve the
completion rate for enrolled homes and to increase
enrollments and participation among builders and
contractors who build up to four homes per year, especially
those who build in areas of the state outside of northwest
Maximize the energy savings potential for each completed
To meet these objectives, we will engage in the following
Services for builders, buyers and developers - including
technical assistance, performance testing, financial incentives
for recommended approaches and equipment as well as presentation
of the 2005 Better Buildings by Design Conference (see Section
III M) which will provide an excellent training opportunity for
home builders.
Collaboration with Vermont Gas Systems - We will continue our
successful collaborative relationship with Vermont Gas Systems
to deliver service to the portion of the State served by Vermont
Increasing Repeat Participation – By simplifying the home rating
process, we will strive to make energy efficiency involvement
easier for home builders experienced with building ENERGY STAR
rated homes. This will entail improving our service literature
and providing builders with specifications on energy-efficient
construction elements. We will also be providing builders with
an optional prescriptive approach to building energy-efficient
homes. This prescriptive option will ensure the construction of
an energy-efficient home, and also will reduce the builder’s
time and expense for plan review. Additionally, this will
improve Efficiency Vermont’s efficiency in performing energy
ratings by limiting the need for on-site dimension measurements
while maintaining performance testing (blower door and air duct
leakage) and verification of electrical measures.
Customized Measures – New in 2005 will be our capturing of
formerly missed energy saving opportunities by providing custom
cost-benefit analysis and incentives to builders and homebuyers.
This new approach will enable us to serve customers taking costeffective approaches to such equipment as mini split air
conditioning, solar assist thermal and electrical measures and
to take advantage of specific on-site opportunities such as
encouraging proper air conditioning equipment sizing.
State Energy Code Support – In 2005, we will continue to
integrate the Energy Code Assistance Center hotline into our
services. In addition to providing ongoing information and
materials, we will support outreach to building supply centers,
heating suppliers and ventilation system suppliers. We also will
co-present training sessions and workshops to building suppliers
on energy code and beyond-code building practices.
Market Analysis and Response – Our ongoing market assessment
will enable us to respond quickly to buying trends and
technological advances. For example, based on market evidence
that a significant number of Vermont’s new home buyers are
choosing to install central air conditioning systems, we will
continue to promote greater awareness of ENERGY STAR qualified
air conditioning equipment, including possible additional
financial incentives for their installation. Similarly, based on
technical evidence that higher-efficiency furnace fan motors
provide cost effective savings, we will encourage customers
installing forced air heating systems to install ENERGY STAR
qualified equipment that utilizes high efficiency furnace fan
Improving Customer Service – We will engage in two streamlining
efforts of internal processes that will result in customer
benefits and improved organizational efficiencies. We will be
reviewing our processes regarding an existing survey of
customers, to assure that we are using the most meaningful data
and consistently following up with prompt, effective responses.
We will increase our ability to efficiently track our
interactions with prospective and existing customers by merging
two data systems. This will enhance our ability to maintain and
strengthen our customer relationships, resulting in a better
customer experience.
D. Existing Businesses
Efficiency Vermont has established itself as an effective
partner in helping Vermont’s businesses reduce energy costs by
incorporating energy efficiency into their facility improvement
decisions. This is a diverse market; ranging from farms to large
manufacturers, from the corner store to large chain retailers,
from schools to state buildings, and multifamily dwellings to
hospitals. To serve the varied needs of these businesses, we
will continue to maintain contact with key market players;
businesses as well as the trades people, suppliers and
associations that serve them. We will stay current on state-ofthe-art technologies, and keep aware of the applications and
economic challenges particular to industries in order that we
will be able to continue to serve as a reliable, objective party
to identify, analyze and recommend cost-effective solutions.
Efficiency Vermont will continue striving to maintain an
understanding of this changing market while increasing our
ability to serve this market’s needs. We will continue our
direct outreach to large and small businesses and will maintain
a strong technical assistance delivery approach for all
projects, including retrofit. We will focus on strengthening
working relationships with vendors, distributors, suppliers and
installers of energy-efficient equipment and systems, with
particular emphasis on increasing participation among heating,
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), refrigeration and
lighting contractors and suppliers. We also will continue to
identify and target customer sectors with high energy use and
efficiency opportunities.
In 2005, we will engage in the following activities in service
to this market:
Custom Services – We will continue to engage with customers,
contractors and suppliers on a project specific basis in order
to provide custom technical and financial assistance to best
address the barriers to energy efficiency.
Prescriptive Services - Prescriptive incentives enable
contractors and suppliers to effectively provide and promote
resources that will enable customers to select the most cost
effective energy efficiency options when replacing or upgrading
equipment. We anticipate that we will continue to offer
prescriptive incentives in 2005 for:
unitary HVAC equipment and economizers
vending machine controls
LED traffic signals
small refrigeration systems
Walk-through assessments - provided for qualified customers to
help them identify and quantify potential energy saving
Trade Partner Support – To help contractors and suppliers expand
their customer base and improve their services, we will continue
create and distribute materials profiling successful
projects completed in collaboration among Vermont
businesses, contractors, suppliers and Efficiency Vermont;
manage a “Marketplace” section of our website, enabling
businesses easy access to local providers of energyefficient equipment and services;
provide partners with affiliate window stickers, countertop
displays and materials as well as other customized
materials to address specific partner promotional needs;
engage in contractor training, including industry-specific
workshops and training sessions.
Financing Solutions - Efficiency Vermont will continue an
ongoing effort to increase efficiency investments by improving
investment cash flow for existing businesses. This effort
combines financing with reduced financial incentives to lower
initial cash outlay while improving project cash flow over time.
By tracking results of this effort, we will determine if this
approach can bring Vermont the same or greater energy savings
while making lower demands on incentive budgets. We also will
track staff time, to determine what, if any, trade-offs may be
associated with this approach. Based on assessment results,
Efficiency Vermont may adjust strategies and procedures
associated with this effort.
Technical Briefs – Building upon successful 2004 efforts to
benefit and increase participation in targeted industries, we
will continue to create materials detailing energy-efficient
solutions to industry-specific processes. The technical briefs,
which have thus far served wood manufacturers, food processors,
ski areas, quarries and mining, and metal/steel fabricators,
will be distributed to related businesses and trade
organizations as well as to appropriate Vermont
colleges/universities with energy related curricula.
Strengthening Working Relationships - We will increase and
streamline our efforts in relationship-building with Vermont’s
businesses with the selection of designated staff people to each
oversee the needs of a targeted business, contractor, supplier
and/or business association. Each staffer will provide account
management services, enabling him/her to get to know a business
beyond a specific efficiency project. This approach,
successfully applied in a pilot begun in 2003, has the potential
to garner projects early in the budget/design process, when the
incorporation of energy efficiency is the most cost-effective
for customers and can result in greater energy savings.
Reaching New Customers - Efficiency Vermont will begin a
collaborative pilot service with Vermont’s Farrell Vending, the
US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR program,
and vending machine manufacturers to install ENERGY STAR
qualified vending machines and Vending Miser equipment in a
number of key business facilities. This effort has the potential
to reach businesses with varying potential for other efficiency
opportunities and, thus, will enable us a rare chance to bring
the benefits of energy efficiency to low-potential customers as
well as to serve as an introduction to high-potential businesses
where further energy savings may be found. Expected outcomes for
this effort will include increased market penetration of ENERGY
STAR qualified vending machines and energy-saving vending
controls, greater energy savings for business utility accounts
of under 40,000 kWh per year, and efficient use of internal
staff through a prescriptive incentive and leveraging of
partnerships with a local vending company and the EPA.
E. Existing Homes
To reduce household energy costs and usage in the state’s
existing homes, Efficiency Vermont will continue to offer direct
technical assistance, financial incentives, and informational
and educational services to homeowners, renters and to the
communities that serve them – rental property owners, targeted
equipment contractors and suppliers, remodelers/renovators and
building supply businesses. We also will continue to work in
close partnership with the state’s low-income weatherization
agencies in service to low-income households, as further
specified below.
In 2005, we will continue and enhance our effective approaches
to serving this market, through the following activities:
Technical Customer Assistance Services - We will serve as an
expert resource, by toll-free phone, e-mail, and through our
website to homeowners and renters with a range of energy
efficiency questions. Because the most frequent residential
inquiry is about the causes of high energy bills, we will
provide information and tools to help people analyze and lower
electrical usage, including:
simple, plug-in energy consumption meters (a no-cost loan
a home energy use survey with telephone technical
a computer compact disc or on-line software that enables
residents to conduct their own home energy audits;
efficiencyvermont.com – our website, providing extensive
information, guidance, tips, links and resources, including
listings of providers of energy-efficient products and
services throughout the state;
a range of printed informational materials;
a designated, specially trained Technical Customer Service
Representative, who answers more in-depth and technical
questions by phone and e-mail;
“Ask Rachael” advice column, featuring our Technical
Customer Service Representative answering Vermonters’
questions about residential energy use. This column
currently appears in numerous community papers throughout
the state. In 2005, we will continue our efforts to
increase the number of newspapers where the column appears
and to explore expanding to some public access television
Low-Income Services - Working in partnership with the state’s
weatherization agencies, we will continue to provide for the
direct installation of energy efficiency measures in low-income
households. Measure identification and installation primarily
will be delivered through the integration of energy efficiency
services with weatherization services to recipients of the
Weatherization Assistance Program. These services will include
technical assistance and no-cost installation to qualifying
homeowners, renters, or rental property owners for cost
installation of energy-efficient lighting and water
conservation products, when appropriate;
selective replacement of inefficient refrigerators and
freezers with ENERGY STAR qualified models;
conversion of electric water and space heating equipment to
fossil fuel fired systems that are less costly to operate.
Home Performance with ENERGY STAR - In 2005, Efficiency Vermont
will expand our efforts to develop a broad-based, sought-after
network of Home Performance with ENERGY STAR certified
contractors. This certification, to Building Performance
Institute standards, distinguishes contractors who are able to
provide comprehensive diagnostic and retrofit services to
improve the energy efficiency and quality (indoor air,
durability, comfort, etc.) of residential properties. Toward
this end, we will engage in the following activities:
contractor training and certification;
assistance to enable contractors to obtain needed
diagnostic equipment;
targeted incentives or financing to customers with cost
effective efficiency improvement opportunities so that they
can pursue the services of certified contractors;
promotion of training sessions;
marketing/advertising support promoting the value of
working with certified contractors;
increased outreach to remodelers and continued outreach to
specific industry areas, including heating and cooling
contractors as well as insulation and air sealing
offering a financing option for comprehensive retrofits;
services to households with high bill histories, including:
o technical assistance in identifying and evaluating
efficiency opportunities;
o assistance in securing financing for cost effective
measures, including referral to energy efficiency loan
programs offered in partnership with Efficiency Vermont;
o limited offers of financial incentives to motivate
customers to undertake the installation of efficiency
o direct installation of energy-efficient lighting and
water conservation products, when appropriate;
o services to facilitate the installation of energy
efficiency measures.
Remodeling/Renovation Services - Efficiency Vermont will develop
services, in combination with customer education and incentives,
to help homeowners expand the range of energy efficiency
measures installed as part of remodeling and renovation
projects. We will work with remodeling/renovation contractors,
do-it-yourself homeowners and building supply businesses to
promote and provide incentives for “bundles” of ENERGY STAR
qualified lighting, appliances and building products, such as
insulation and windows.
F. Dairy Farms
To reduce energy consumption and costs on Vermont dairy
farms, Efficiency Vermont will continue to offer
comprehensive hands-on technical assistance to help farmers
identify and better afford cost-effective energy-efficient
equipment. We will build upon our success in this sector
through continued personal contact by knowledgeable staff
who visit farms statewide and who maintain strong
relationships with dairy farm equipment suppliers and
contractors. In addition to our work with dairy farmers, we
will continue to identify and address opportunities for the
broader agricultural sector, including orchards, vegetable
growers, livestock operations, and the suppliers and
contractors who support this sector.
Technical assistance – including identification of costeffective energy-saving opportunities, hands-on project
management, obtaining equipment quotes, monitoring of
equipment installation, ongoing contact to provide
information about emerging technologies and to stay aware of
changing circumstances (financial hardships or facility
expansion) and abilities to make further improvements.
Financial assistance – including:
help with low-interest loans to cover farmers’ up-front
costs. In 2005, in addition to our current collaboration
that we have established with Vermont Development Credit
Union, we will enter into a contractual arrangement with
Yankee Farm Credit;
Vermont Department of Public Service/Efficiency Vermont
incentives for fossil fuel water heaters heat recovery
and custom and prescriptive incentives for:
o Space heat and hot water fuel switching
o High efficiency exhaust and circulating fans – new
in 2005
o Lighting
o Heat recovery
o Milk cooling
o Vacuum pump controls
Outreach – In addition to personal, on-site visits to farms,
we will continue to place articles and advertising in trade
publications and to establish a visible presence at trade
shows and events where farmers and businesses that serve
them are in strong attendance.
Residential Information – To leverage our existing
relationships with dairy farmers, our staff will continue to
provide information, in person and/or through the mail,
about services available to reduce energy costs in farm
G. Strategic Partners
A significant focus in 2005 will be our continuing effort to
maintain and strengthen relationships with strategic partners
who influence energy efficiency decisions. Specifically, we will
work with retailers, contractors, suppliers and design
professionals to assist them in informing their customers about
the benefits of energy-efficient products, equipment, homes and
commercial buildings. We also will work directly with
associations that advocate for this sector as well as with
economic development entities. Our activities will include the
Development and distribution of project profiles of
successful energy-efficient equipment/system installations
and comprehensive new construction projects;
Making case studies and other useful resources available to
individuals in decision-making roles through personal
contact and through our website;
Presentation of the annual Better Buildings by Design
Conference (described in section III M of this Plan);
Expansion of the Marketplace section of the website that
lists strategic partners. We provide these listings as a
service to our partners and as a valuable resource for
Vermont households and businesses seeking are firms,
vendors and service providers with experience in and
commitment to energy efficiency;
Continued improvement of service and outreach coordination
between the residential and business sectors to provide
more consistency and clarity for our partners.
1. Trade Partners
Efficiency Vermont’s proactive partnerships with retailers,
commercial vendors, distributors, contractors, and installers
of energy-efficient equipment and systems are key to our
success in serving all Vermont markets. Our services to these
partners will continue to be as diverse and specific as the
markets we serve. These services are covered in this Plan in
more depth within each market discussion, but we provide an
overview, here, of our extensive efforts specific to our
support of trade partners:
Contractor training, including industry-specific
workshops and training sessions;
Retrofit contractor Home Performance with ENERGY STAR
Outreach through personal contact, phone, mailings and
through trade shows, home shows, fairs, and through
involvement in and appearances at trade association
events, and other events throughout the state;
Retail point of purchase displays and materials, event
production and promotion support, cooperative
advertising, informational newsletters, personal on-site
contact via lighting and appliance representatives;
Local coordination to enable retailer participation in
regional and national ENERGY STAR events;
Development and creation of ENERGY STAR centers in
existing retail stores;
Media promotion of the successful projects and
initiatives and/or profiles of specific trade partners,
via stories we promote to local, statewide, regional,
national, and trade publications, radio and television;
Financial incentives for trade partners or their
customers, to encourage the installation of energyefficient equipment;
Listings on our website to better enable Vermonters to
find participating trade partners;
Prescriptive rebates to contractors and their customers
installing recommended heating, ventilation and air
conditioning equipment in new and existing Vermont homes
and businesses.
2. Design Professionals
We have been successful in establishing partnerships with a
network of architects and engineers committed to teaming
with Efficiency Vermont to bring better buildings to their
customers and the state. The goals of our efforts in this
sector will continue to be to increase the levels of energy
efficiency in new buildings, to gain critical feedback to
improve our services in support of this sector, and to
increase designer advocacy for efficient approaches with
their clients, thereby enabling us to leverage internal
resources by increasing the percentage of our projects that
are already committed to energy efficiency at the point of
our involvement.
In 2005, we will engage in increased outreach to those
design firms that have not yet worked with us. Our projectspecific services will provide support for design
professionals’ visions throughout the design and build
process. In addition, we will provide design professionals
with services that aim to strengthen designers’ particular
position of influence over energy-efficient design and build
The overview of services to Vermont’s design professionals,
provided below, is discussed in more detail in the Business
New Construction section of this Plan.
Project-linked services – including customized comprehensive
design assistance, plan review, and energy analysis.
Client Services – Financial incentives to design
professionals’ customers for recommended approaches. New in
2005: We will create an Owner’s Guide to High Performance
Buildings. We will make this guide available to design
professionals to assist them in educating their clients
about the benefits of high performance buildings, thereby
increasing building owner interest in designing high
performance buildings.
Training – Beginning in 2005, we will develop and present
high performance building training for design professionals.
Tools – We will continue distribution of the High
Performance Design Guide, developed in partnership with the
American Institute of Architects, and Advanced Buildings EBenchmark™.
Outreach – to members of such associations as the American
Institute of Architects, American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, and
Construction Specifications Institute, through participation
in events and monthly chapter meetings and placement of
articles in newsletters.
H. Schools
Efficiency Vermont’s partnerships with the state’s K-12 schools
will continue to focus on ensuring that new school
design/construction and equipment/systems are energy-efficient,
encouraging the use of day lighting, supporting indoor air
quality through energy-efficient ventilation and addressing the
financial and institutional barriers particular to school
project decisions. Our service to this sector not only has a
positive impact on the experience of students and staff who work
in improved buildings but also upon the facility managers,
administrators, boards and municipal officials who manage
facility improvements and budgets, as well as upon voters and
taxpayers whose decisions are key to project approval and
Due to the large number of players in this market, personal
contact is key both to creating school district awareness of
available energy efficiency services and to our ability to
interact with the people who are best positioned to identify
ways to overcome process barriers. We will participate in
meetings of one or more of the associations for superintendents,
school boards, school business officials, principals and
custodians. We will maintain an active relationship with the
Department of Education, and participate in the Vermont High
Performance Schools Working Group and in the K-12 Schools Energy
In 2005, we will serve this market by providing the following
Direct Services – While each school project requires an
individual approach, our range of services will include: Walkthrough evaluations (in collaboration with the School Energy
Management Program), identification of energy-saving
opportunities, recommendations, work with vendor or contractor
for cost estimates, development of presentations to school
board and voters, cost-sharing for recommended approaches.
School Energy Management Program (SEMP) – As in past years, we
will work closely with SEMP to coordinate delivery of services
to this market. We have found this collaboration essential to
successful transformation of this market. SEMP provides valuable
insights into the particular barriers in this sector and to
their solutions. SEMP’s work will include a designated number of
walk-throughs, as well as coordinated efforts with Efficiency
Vermont to disseminate information to schools through
newsletters, conferences and training sessions.
Commissioning Guidelines – In 2005, we will develop a basic
guide for the Vermont Department of Education, school boards,
design professionals and contractors that will explain the
commissioning process for heating, ventilation and air
conditioning (HVAC) installations. By defining the process, the
guide will aid in increasing commissioning quality for HVAC
projects as well as for new construction and major renovations.
Vermont Energy Education Program – We will continue to team up
with classroom teachers, statewide, to present workshops on how
electricity is generated and used, and how energy efficiency
reduces demands on generation. This will be both a long-term
market transformation effort -- educating students before or at
the time they start making energy use decisions – and an inroad
to increased energy efficiency participation in schools.
Multifamily Buildings
Due to the unique financial barriers and energy-saving
opportunities in low-income and market-rate multifamily
facilities, Efficiency Vermont will continue to place particular
focus on service to this market. As in the past, we will
collaborate with Housing Vermont, the state’s weatherization
agencies, local non-profit developers, private rental property
owners and public housing authorities in the delivery of
retrofit, renovation and new construction energy-efficient
services to this sector. The aim of these efforts will be to
secure the benefits of energy efficiency (lower energy costs,
greater occupant comfort and structure durability) for this
In 2005, we will increase our efforts to serve privately owned
facilities at the time of a planned rehabilitation or
purchase/sale of a property. With our partners, we will continue
to provide the following services:
cost-effective measure identification;
incentives for the implementation of recommended energyefficient measures;
installation of energy-efficient lighting and water
conservation products, when appropriate;
selective replacement of inefficient refrigerators and
freezers with ENERGY STAR qualified models;
conversion of electric water and space heating equipment to
fossil fuel fired systems;
promotion of installation of advanced technologies (such as
foam insulation and heat recovery from domestic hot water)
in affordable, publicly funded, multifamily housing,
especially in new construction and major renovation
State Buildings
Efficiency Vermont will continue work initiated in 2003 under an
agreement with the state Department of Buildings and General
Services (BGS) designed to improve new and existing state
buildings through identification and implementation of energyefficient approaches. Of particular focus in 2005 will be
increasing awareness of energy efficiency benefits among state
maintenance and construction staff, conducting increased
outreach to BGS to promote earlier engagement in new
construction projects, to work with BGS to address barriers
presented by state budget processes, and to review and update
state BGS energy efficiency specifications for equipment.
Our services in this market will include:
Early engagement in design development for renovation and
new construction projects;
Identifying energy-saving opportunities, such as lighting,
HVAC and other equipment upgrades and replacements in
existing buildings;
Identifying technologies that have wide-spread
applicability and associated large potential energy and
cost savings.
Coordination with other Vermont entities to aid in
financing and performance contracting;
Working with the Purchasing and Contract Administration
group to promote the benefits and use of energy-efficient
products and to increase awareness of our services;
Outreach to state agencies that build and maintain stateowned buildings, including Vermont Building and General
Services, Department of Corrections and Vermont Department
of Transportation;
Training and workshops for state staff involved in new
construction and maintenance.
K. Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities
We will continue to pursue efficiency opportunities in
municipal, industrial, and private water and wastewater systems
across the state, both in new construction and retrofit
activities. These facilities are energy-intensive, with the
potential for large electrical, fossil fuel and water savings.
Outreach, in the form of personal contact, training and
collaborations, is essential to success in this market, as wordof-mouth among system operators is often key to participation.
Training – To familiarize facility operators with efficient
technologies – leading to increased participation -- we will
continue to provide training in coordination with the Northeast
Rural Water Association.
Outreach – Creation and distribution of materials describing
successful projects completed within this market; trade show
presentations and displays; collaboration with and attendance at
meetings of numerous water and wastewater groups, including the
Green Mountain Water Environment Association, the New England
Water Environment Association, the Northeast Rural Water
Association, Vermont Technical College, Vermont League of Cities
and Towns, Consortium for Energy Efficiency, and the Alliance to
Save Energy.
Facility Services –While continuing to provide identification of
energy-saving opportunities, technical assistance and financial
incentives for recommended energy-efficient approaches, we will
initiate two new efforts:
Leak detection assessment – We will provide technical
assistance to the Northeast Rural Water Association’s
efforts to find and correct water leaks. This effort is
expected not only to save water but also to significantly
reduce electrical usage required for extra pumping that
occurs when leaks aren’t detected. Financial incentives to
customers may be provided, depending on corrective action
to be taken.
New construction baseline – To simplify participation
processes for engineers, to raise the level of efficiency
in new construction projects, and to streamline internal
processes, we will create guidelines that clarify basic
energy-efficient approaches as well as define steps that go
beyond baseline for greater benefits.
Improving Available Data – We will conduct metered measurements
of facility energy usage to achieve better quantified validation
and documentation of savings potentials, thereby providing
typically risk-averse prospective participants with clearer
evidence of potential benefits. This also will streamline our
efforts in estimating savings for future custom projects.
Ski Areas
The Vermont ski area industry is a vital contributor to the
state’s economy as well as a market that presents significant
opportunities for energy savings. Efficiency Vermont has
developed a strong partnership with this industry and its
representative organization, the Vermont Ski Areas Association
(VSAA), which now regularly advocates to its members to work
with Efficiency Vermont to evaluate energy use and implement
cost-effective improvements. In 2005, we will continue to
strengthen our positive relationships in this sector while
providing the following services:
Identification of energy-saving opportunities,
recommendations for solutions and ongoing technical
assistance throughout existing facility improvements,
process upgrades (e.g., snow-making) and in the design and
construction of resort housing and commercial structures;
Financial incentives for recommended approaches;
Training for ski area personnel on lowering energy use and
operating costs;
Outreach through personal contact, account management and
attendance at VSAA meetings;
Targeted placement of informational articles in VSAA’s
membership newsletter, featuring successful industry
The development and distribution of materials describing
ski area projects, to demonstrate the benefits of energy
efficiency investments and to encourage greater
M. Customer Credit
Efficiency Vermont will continue to offer and support the
“Customer Credit” option for large customers who meet the
qualifications set forth by the Vermont Public Service Board for
the self-administration of efficiency investments.
N. Better Buildings by Design Conference
Efficiency Vermont presents an annual comprehensive conference
on high performance residential and commercial new construction.
The 2005 Better Buildings by Design Conference will maintain and
expand upon the success of the seven previous conferences. This
gathering of the top construction and design professionals in
the Northeast is viewed as a key resource for information about
the latest innovations in energy efficiency, superior building
performance, and indoor air quality. The event is expected to
draw more than 900 building and design professionals. In
addition to its important educational aspect, the conference
also will provide an opportunity for Efficiency Vermont staff to
build and strengthen relationships with many of the builders and
designers in the state.
The 2005 conference will include nationally renowned speakers
and workshop leaders and over forty presentations on building
envelope, integrated design, lighting, and mechanical systems.
Featuring more than 45 exhibits of energy-efficient products and
services, the event also provides exceptional visibility for
vendors and service providers.
O. Regional and National Partnerships
Through ongoing collaboration with entities both outside and
with the state, Efficiency Vermont will bring state, regional
and national resources to Vermont while ensuring greater
consistency of energy efficiency resources available to
Vermonters. Key partners for 2005 will include:
 Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships;
 Consortium for Energy Efficiency;
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of
(DOE) ENERGY STAR program;
 New Buildings Institute;
 Building Performance Institute;
 Construction Specification Institute.
Services stemming from these partnerships will include our
statewide delivery of ENERGY STAR qualified residential products
and services (discussed in more detail, above, in Sections IIIA,
IIIC and IIIE). Vermont businesses will be served through our
participation in such services as:
MotorUp (efficient motors);
Cool Choice (efficient air conditioning);
the Compressed Air Challenge;
incentives for ENERGY STAR qualified equipment;
dissemination of Advanced Buildings Energy Benchmark for
Performance Buildings;
implementation of DOE Rebuild grant funds at
Building Operator Certification training;
Lighting Professional Training ;
training and Building Performance Institute certification
for residential retrofit
P. General Customer Service and Support
Providing a Custom Resource for Greater Participation - We will
create an interactive “extranet” feature of our existing website
that will provide a resource for customers and strategic
partners involved in energy efficiency projects. The
applications of this resource will be both diverse and
individualized. We will explore uses helpful to different
audiences, such as providing a central place to post and access
plans and files, to plan and track projects, and to exchange and
store key information. Our objective will be to increase the
ease and efficiency of current and repeat activities, and to
empower Vermonters with information that is particular to their
Partnership Events - Efficiency Vermont will partner with
businesses and communities around the state to hold celebratory
events highlighting local commitment to energy efficiency. These
events may feature local employers, town officials, residents,
schools and/or other entities that will have worked with
Efficiency Vermont to make energy efficiency a priority in their
communities. The intended outcome of these events will be to
engender greater awareness of the benefits of energy efficiency
and to increase the visibility of individuals and businesses
that are committed to reducing energy use and to protecting the
environment. Ultimately, these efforts will increase
participation by Vermont businesses and households that are
motivated by the successful efforts highlighted at these events.
Strengthening Quality Assurance - Efficiency Vermont will
continue our commitment to quality assurance by incorporating
oversight for external service delivery quality and related
internal processes into one staff person’s responsibilities.
This individual will work with staff engaged in ongoing
improvements to organizational efficiency, quality assurance
processes, and methods for capturing and utilizing feedback from
customers, subcontractors and partners. Through this enhanced
support to staff, we aim to better meet customer needs by
raising the quality of the customer’s experience, to increase
the efficient use of internal resources currently utilized in
quality assurance efforts and to improve the efficiency and
consistency of our market interactions.
Streamlining Information Technology - To improve customer
service and to streamline our internal processes, Efficiency
Vermont plans to complete existing efforts to upgrade our
customer usage data software, to improve documentation of all
information technology processes for transferability. New in
2005 will be the upgrade of internal reporting systems, to
improve ease of access to data, thereby empowering staff with
ready resources to better serve customers. In addition, 2005
will mark the completion of a comprehensive upgrade of
Efficiency Vermont’s business customer database. The upgrade
will make entering and retrieving data easier. This enhancement
will provide staff with a greater ability to track business
relationships, resulting in better customer service.
Efficiency Vermont will not be making a request for carryover of
unspent Contractor Energy Efficiency Charge (EEC) Funds from
Year 2004 to Year 2005. In accordance with Attachment J,
Paragraph 11 of the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Contract with the Vermont Public Service Board, Efficiency
Vermont will not need to make a formal carryover request for
Year 2004 funds. Paragraph 11 states that: “Such requests to
carry forward any anticipated unspent Contractor EEC Funds shall
be required only if the unspent Contractor EEC Funds for a given
year are greater than 5% of the total Contractor EEC Funds
available in that year; if the unspent Contractor EEC Funds for
2003 and 2004 are less than 5% of the total Contractor EEC Funds
available in that particular year, the unspent Contractor EEC
Funds shall automatically be carried forward to the next year”.
Efficiency Vermont’s current estimate is that total unspent
Contractor EEC Funds for 2004 will be less then 5% of the total
Contractor EEC Funds available for Year 2004. As in past years,
total unspent funds for the current year will not be available
until February 2005. If Efficiency Vermont’s final unspent
Contractor EEC Funds for 2004 are greater then 5%, Efficiency
Vermont will make a request at that time to carry over such
funds for use in Year 2005.