Unapproved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX SENATE Wednesday 20 April 2016 2pm – 4.50pm MINUTES (Unreserved) Chair Professor Anthony Forster, Vice-Chancellor Present Shola Akinyemi, Richard Barnard, Eigaude Bertasiute, Jessica Blair, Dr Ilaria Boncori, Dr Karen Brennan, Dr Malcolm Brynin, Professor Nick Buck, Professor Joan Busfield, Adrian Chira, Professor Edward Codling, Dr Nilufer Demirkan-Jones, Osei Downes, Professor Maria Fasli, Dr Matt ffytche, Professor Lorna Fox O’Mahony, Professor Fabian Freyenhagen, Dr Michael Fry, Dr Nicolas Geeraert, Dr Valerie Gladwell, Sherrie Green, Professor Roger Hawkins, Professor Eddie Higgs, Ruairi Hipkin, Professor Jo Jackson, Dr Timo Jűtten, Dr Nancy Kula, Professor Heather Laurie, Professor Rene Lindstaedt, Professor Simon Lucas, Dr Chris Main, Professor Roderick Main, Stephen McAuliffe, Andrew McIntosh, Dr Dom Micklewright, Richard Murphy, Professor Aletta Norval, Professor David Pevalin, Professor Jules Pretty, Rhoda Quist, Professor Christine Raines, Dr Kate Rockett, Professor Leon Rubin, Dr Chris Saker, Professor Abdellah Salhi, Professor David Sanders, Dr Vikki-Jo Scott, Dr Stevphen Shukaitis, Professor Phil Terry, Cathy Walsh, Professor Geoff Ward, Professor Geoff Wood Apologies Professor Noam Lubell, Professor Sean Nixon, Professor Graham Underwood Secretary Bryn Morris, Registrar and Secretary In attendance Zoe Garshong, Monica Illsley, Andrew Keeble, Rachel Lucas, Alex Seabrook, Richard Stock ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate Noted The Vice-Chancellor recorded his thanks to Richard Barnard, for whom the meeting was his last as a member of Senate due to his impending retirement from the University. Senate members joined Professor Forster in thanking Mr Barnard for his service to the University over many years and noted that he would be replaced by Dr Nilufer Demirkan-Jones, who would become an ex-officio member of Senate as Head of the International Academy with effect from 1 May 2016. Dr Demirkan-Jones would be replaced as an elected member of Senate by Dr Guinluigi Vernasca in accordance with Ordinance 18. 1 51/16 Senate members noted that the terms of office for two elected members of Senate ended on 31 July 2016 (Professor Joan Busfield and Dr Chris Saker). Elections to fill the vacancies via the online voting system were under way. Friday 22 April 2016 was the deadline for voting and the results would be announced on Tuesday 26 April 2016. 52/16 The minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2016. 53/16 MINUTES Senate Approved MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES None 54/16 BUSINESS TAKEN WITHOUT DISCUSSION Senate Noted and Approved 55/16 FORMAL BUSINESS (S/16/15) Amendment to Ordinance 31 Senate Noted Amendments were required to Ordinance 31 in order to ensure they reflected accurately the provisions set out in (i) Ordinance 3, which covered the responsibility for undertaking the functions of the Chancellor during a vacancy in the office of Chancellor or during his or her inability through illness or any other cause to perform them; and (ii) Ordinance 46, which set out the responsibility for the conferral of Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and other awards of the University. 56/16 Recommended to Council that Ordinance 31 be amended as below: 57/16 Ordinance 31 GRADUATION Degrees of tThe University shall be conferred at hold graduation ceremonies held from time to time, which shall be presided over by the Chancellor or, in his or her absence, a Pro-Chancellor, the ViceChancellor or his or her nominee. Appointment of the Deputy Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Social Sciences Recommended to Council that Dr Jackie Turton be appointed as the Deputy Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Social Sciences for the following period: 1/8/16 to 31/7/19 2 58/16 Re-appointment of the Deputy Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Humanities Recommended to Council that Dr Peter Luther be re-appointed as the Deputy Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Humanities for the following period: 59/16 1/8/16 to 31/7/19 Re-appointment of the Deputy Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Science and Health Recommended to Council that Dr David Penman be re-appointed as the Deputy Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Science and Health for the following period: 60/16 1/8/16 to 31/7/19 Re-appointment of the Deputy Dean (Academic Partnerships) Recommended to Council that Allan Hildon be re-appointed as the Deputy Dean (Academic Partnerships) for the following period: 61/16 1/8/16 to 31/7/19 Appointment of the Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences Recommended to Council that Professor Berthold Lausen be appointed as Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences for the following period: 62/16 1/8/16 to 31/7/19 Re-appointment of the Head of the Department of Sociology Recommended to Council that Professor Sean Nixon be re-appointed as the Head of the Department of Sociology for the following period: 63/16 1/8/16 to 31/7/17 Re-appointment of the Head of the Department of Language and Linguistics Recommended to Council that Dr Nancy Kula be re-appointed as Head of the Department of Language and Linguistics for the following period: 64/16 1/8/16 to 31/7/18 Appointment and re-appointment of the Appeals Officers Recommended to Council that Barry Pryer and Jessie Mallinson be appointed and Roy Bailey be re-appointed as Appeals Officers for the following respective periods: 3 65/16 Barry Pryer 1/8/16 to 30/9/18 Jessie Mallinson 1/8/16 to 30/9/18 Roy Bailey 1/10/16 to 30/9/18 Recommendations for the re-appointment of Officers Senate Agreed That future recommendations for the re-appointment of Officers would include information on the postholder’s previous length of service. 66/16 VICE CHANCELLOR’S REPORT AND ORAL BRIEFING (S/16/16) Received The Vice-Chancellor’s written report to Senate. 67/16 Senate Noted The Vice-Chancellor reported that the Albert Sloman Library extension and Silberrad Student Centre had been awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) East Award 2016 and RIBA East Building of the Year 2016. 68/16 An update was provided on the initial outcome of the 2016-17 planning round following the recent meeting of the Resources Committee, which had agreed a number of recommendations for consideration and approval by Council on 10 May. In particular, Resources Committee had reviewed the draft budget for the 2016-17 academic year, which had been prepared on the basis of individual plans from academic departments and professional services sections and was based upon challenging but realistic student number targets for entry in October 2016. The Committee approved recommendations to: 69/16 recruit a net additional 35.6 academic staff (28.6 permanent Academic Staff with Education and Research (ASER) responsibilities and Academic Staff with Education (ASE) responsibilities and 7 staff on fixed term contracts), 9.6 net additional professional services staff within departments and a further 9.6 net additional posts within central professional services 70/16 close the professorial gender pay gap by paying all female professors an additional three increments on base salaries from 2016-17. 71/16 During discussion, Senate members noted the University’s commitment to preventing a reopening of the gender pay gap and the forthcoming equal pay audit during 2016-17, which would support this work. 72/16 ADMISSIONS ADMISSIONS UPDATE FOR 2016 ENTRY (S/16/17) Received A paper prepared by Vanessa Potter (Director of Communications and External Relations) and Lindsey Russell (Director of Marketing and Student 4 73/16 Recruitment), which provided an update on the undergraduate and postgraduate admissions position for 2016 entry. Senate Noted Professor Jules Pretty (Deputy Vice-Chancellor) provided an updated summary of the admissions position for 2016 entry, noting that the undergraduate applications were 1.5% higher than this point in 2015, with the number of applications already exceeding any year apart from 2013 and 2015. Applications for postgraduate taught study and postgraduate research were slightly lower than in 2015. 74/16 During discussion, the impact of the Home Office requirements in relation to sponsoring international students was noted. It was also reported that the resourcing model for admissions work was under review with plans to increase resourcing in line with the growth in applications to study at the University. 75/16 POSTGRADUATE STUDENT ADMISSIONS - REVIEW (VERBAL UPDATE) Received Professor Pretty provided a verbal update, which outlined information on the mix of postgraduate taught and research students as a proportion of the overall student population, the changing nature of the postgraduate taught student market and the growing importance of scholarships for postgraduate research students linked to Doctoral Training Colleges (DTCs) and Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs). A paper on the University’s strategy towards postgraduate recruitment would be considered by a future meeting of Senate. 76/16 Senate Noted Senate members noted that there had been no significant change in the overall mix of undergraduate and postgraduate students over the last 15 years with around a quarter of the overall student population made up of postgraduates. Future strategy would focus on research student progression and completion within four years and a reduction in the student withdrawal rate. The links between progression, completion and funding were also highlighted as was the quality of supervision for postgraduate students, which was acknowledged as a vital aspect in supporting progression and completion. It was noted that there had been a significant shift towards funding by DTCs and DTPs and a move away from Research Council funding, which would have an impact on the University’s approach to scholarships. During discussion, Senate members noted the role postgraduate research provision could play in supporting the focus on research-led education and the importance of the progression route between undergraduate and postgraduate taught study. 77/16 UNIVERSITY WEBSITE – PROGRESS UPDATE (S/16/18) Received A paper prepared by Richard Murphy (Director, IT Services) and Vanessa Potter, which provided an update on the web presence project and summarised the main findings and recommendations included in the consultant’s report on the first phase of the website project and included a timetable for further action. 5 78/16 Senate Noted There were ongoing challenges with the University’s website, which the project sought to address by improving the underlying architecture, particularly with the introduction of a web content management system. Senate noted that key areas for development related to support for access to the website via the range of mobile devices available and ensuring personalisation for users. Senate members welcomed the update and requested more detail on the proposed new functionality that it was expected the project would deliver. It was agreed that a brief paper would be circulated to Senate members during the 2016 summer term via the secretary with more information about the proposed functionality. During discussion, accessibility to web content for those with individual needs was noted as important and something that was being addressed. As part of regular updates to Senate on progress with the project, a paper would be considered by Senate at its meeting in October 2016. 79/16 INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY (S/16/19) Received A paper prepared by Professor Lorna Fox O’Mahony (Executive Dean, Humanities), which reported on the options analysis carried out for the University Steering Group in light of a review of the recovery plan put in place for the International Academy following the strategic review in 2012. 80/16 Senate Noted Professor Fox O’Mahony provided an overview of the background and work to date in preparing the options for the future development of the areas of work currently led by the International Academy, which covered recruitment to a range of pathway programmes, pre-sessional provision and in-sessional support and year zero home programmes. In particular, the need to improve the recruitment of students to the pathway provision was highlighted. Senate acknowledged the significant progress that had been made by the leadership team in the International Academy since 2012 to improve its financial position but noted that the recruitment position for the international pathway programmes remained challenging. The proposed direction of travel included establishing a partnership with a private provider to deliver this growth and using the capacity this released to enable the expansion of in-session provision offered within the University in support of student retention and attainment. 81/16 Senate was invited to endorse the direction of travel set out in the paper, which included further work to develop a more detailed understanding of the range of opportunities that may flow from a partnership with a private pathway provider and the capacity to deliver ‘in-house’ support for retention and attainment. It was noted that reconfiguration of the activities currently delivered through the International Academy could involve its modification or discontinuation as an academic department of the University. The commitment to avoiding redundancies was stressed. 82/16 During discussion, Senate members were supportive of the proposed approach. There was discussion about the role a private provider could play in improving the recruitment position for pathway programmes. It was noted that the types of providers with which the University would seek partnership were internationally-renowned with a strong presence in countries around the world and significant experience and capacity. There 83/16 6 was acknowledgment of the need to protect and enhance the student experience as well as safeguard existing Year 0 provision and arrangements during the process to implement any agreed changes and beyond. There was a strong commitment to continuing this work in consultation with the IA leadership team, mindful of the potential effects on staff affected by the proposed changes and ensuring that the work was completed in a timely but considered manner. Senate would be kept informed of progress. Formal recommendations for change would be submitted to Senate in due course. POSTGRADUATE CREDIT FRAMEWORK (S/16/20) Received A paper prepared by Dr David Penman (Deputy Dean, Education, Science and Health) and Jenny Wilders, which set out the report and recommendations from the Task and Finish Group on the Postgraduate Taught Credit Framework. 84/16 Senate Noted Professor Aletta Norval (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education) outlined the work of the Task and Finish Group in reviewing the Postgraduate Credit Framework as part of the broader work in relation to the University’s academic infrastructure. The Group had considered the academic rationale as well as the overhead in managing two credit frameworks and the impact on students and staff of moving to a single framework. Although the impact of running two frameworks was acknowledged, the Group had concluded that there was no clear evidence that moving to a single framework would bring about significant educational benefits. It had been noted that there needed to be greater distinction made between 15 and 20 credit variants of modules. Where such variants existed, departments would be required to review them and to obtain permission for their continued operation. Departments also had to review the volume and modes of assessment, as well as contact hours of such variants, so as to ensure that there was a clear distinction between the 15 and 20 credit variants. Departments operating with a mix of credit structures at PGT level were strongly encouraged to consider moving to a single framework. 85/16 Senate Agreed That the recommendations from the Task and Finish Group be approved as set out in paper S/16/20. 86/16 REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES ACADEMIC STAFFING COMMITTEE (S/16/21) Senate Noted 87/16 7 EDUCATION COMMITTEE (S/16/22) Digital Skills Senate Agreed That the recommendations in relation to Digital Skills be approved, as set out in paper S/16/22. 88/16 Report from the Task and Finish Group on the Postgraduate Taught Credit Framework Senate Agreed That the recommendations from the Task and Finish Group on the Postgraduate Taught Credit Framework be approved. 89/16 Proposed variations to the Rules of Assessment Senate Agreed That the University’s Rules of Assessment be amended as set out in appendix A of paper S/16/22. 90/16 Proposed revisions to the Library Rules and Regulations Senate Agreed That the University’s Library Rules and Regulations be amended as set out in appendix B of paper S/16/22. 91/16 HONORARY DEGREES AND HONORARY FELLOWSHIPS COMMITTEE (S/16/23) Senate Agreed That the nominations for the award of Honorary Degrees be approved and recommended to Council, as set out in paper S/16/23. 92/16 PROGRESS REPORTS ON 2015-16 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ACTION PLANS Senate Noted 93/16 Richard Stock Director of Academic Services 20 April 2016 8