Approved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX SENATE Wednesday 20 January 2010 (2.00 pm – 4.50 pm) MINUTES (Unreserved) Chair Professor Colin Riordan, Vice Chancellor Present Ms Ameli, Mr Bannerman, Dr Boehm, Dr Burnett, Mr Butler, Dr Campbell, Dr Cox, Professor Dorussen, Professor Downton, Dr Fasli, Mr Gul Mohammed, Mr Hall, Professor Henson, Professor Higgins, Dr Hulme, Professor Hulme, Dr Jones, Mr Krishnamoorthi, Professor Landman, Dr Laurie, Professor Lucas, Mr Mack, Dr Mackenzie, Dr Martin, Professor Martin, Professor Massara, Mr Mehmet, Dr Micklewright, Ms Milne, Dr Penman, Professor Radford, Professor Roper, Dr Rowlands, Dr Schulze, Dr Scott, Dr Sepulveda, Professor Sherer, Dr Smith, Professor Underwood, Professor Vergo, Dr Wade, Professor Wright Apologies Mrs Brennan, Mr Cornes, Professor Fox, Professor Manson, Dr Martin, Mr Murphy, Professor Rubin, Professor South, Professor Temple, Professor Tsang, Dr Venn Secretary Registrar and Secretary In attendance Deputy Academic Registrar (Systems Administration), Director of Communications and External Relations, Director of Finance, Director of Human Resources, Director of Strategic Planning ANNOUNCEMENTS Noted In accordance with the Honorary Degrees Committee terms of reference, the Vice-Chancellor reported that the following candidates had been approved for the award of an Honorary Degree at one of the graduation ceremonies to be held in July 2010: John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, former Essex student (Lord) David Triesman, Chairman, Football Association, former Essex student 1 1/10 STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS Noted In accordance with Standing Orders, para 5, the following items were starred for discussion: Agenda item 8a Academic Staffing Committee Agenda item 8b Academic Partnerships Board Agenda item 8c Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee 2/10 MINUTES Approved The minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2009 3/10 BUSINESS TAKEN WITHOUT DISCUSSION Approved Without discussion, those items not already starred on the agenda or indicated in advance of the meeting in accordance with Standing Orders, para 5. 4/10 FORMAL BUSINESS (S/10/01) Appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Science and Engineering Recommended to Council that Professor Jules Pretty be appointed as Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Science and Engineering for the period indicated: 5/10 1/8/10 – 31/07/13 Appointment of Dean of Faculty of Law and Management Recommended to Council that Mr Peter Luther be appointed as Dean of Faculty of Law and Management for the period indicated: 6/10 1/8/10 – 31/07/13 Appointment of Associate Dean of the International Academy Recommended to Council that Dr Karen Hulme be appointed as Associate Dean of the International Academy for the period indicated: 1/1/10 – 31/12/12 2 7/10 Appointment of Head of Department Recommended to Council that Professor Wayne Martin be appointed as Head of the Department of Philosophy for the following interim period: 8/10 1/1/10 – 31/07/10 Re-Appointment of Head of Department Recommended to Council that Professor Wayne Martin be re-appointed as Head of the Department of Philosophy for the following period: 9/10 1/8/10 – 31/07/13 MATTERS ARISING None 10/10 VICE CHANCELLOR’S STATEMENT (S/10/02) Received The Vice-Chancellor’s written statement to Senate. 11/10 Noted The Vice-Chancellor reported orally on a number of issues: 12/10 Admissions There was an update on the University’s current admissions position. It was noted that applications had increased by 17% in comparison to the equivalent period in the 2009 admissions cycle. Due to the recent bad weather, the deadline for UCAS applications had been put back from 15 January to 22 January 2010. 13/10 New Provost at University Campus Suffolk It was confirmed that Professor Mike Saks would take up his post as Provost at UCS in May 2010. 14/10 THE Student Experience Survey In the recent Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey, the University had moved from 40th to 15th place in the league table position. 15/10 Graduate Internships The University had been awarded £160,000 by HEFCE to fund 100 student graduate internships with local and regional employers. 16/10 3 Secretary of State’s Annual Letter to HEFCE Combined with the funding announcement in the Pre-Budget Report earlier in December, the letter to HEFCE from the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, published on 22 December 2009, confirmed funding reductions worth £915 million across the sector over the next three years. The University was undertaking scenario planning and modelling on the basis of reductions between 3% and 7% in the years 2011/12 and 2012/13. The University had to continue to invest to avoid a cycle of decline and would make firm decisions on investment priorities once the funding picture was clearer. The possible change of government following this year’s general election was an important factor. The sector had to speak with a united voice to make the case in favour of investment. 17/10 Research Excellence Framework Consultation The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor highlighted various parts of the University’s response to the consultation, which had been submitted in December 2009. The University had accepted that research impact would be a feature of the REF but had proposed a revised weighting, reducing impact from 25% to 15%. The University had argued in favour of maintaining the number of research outputs at four rather than reducing it to three, although it was acknowledged that there were different views across the sector on this issue. Clarification was needed on the definition of ‘critical mass’. 18/10 FINANCE MONITOR (S/10/03) Received A paper from Director of Finance setting out the University’s current financial position and later year forecasts. 19/10 Noted The Director of Finance highlighted the following: 20/10 The paper had been prepared before the reductions in funding across the sector set out at the end of 2009 by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Pre-Budget Report and the Secretary of State in the Annual Letter to HEFCE were announced. 21/10 The surplus forecast for 2010/11 had been revised upwards to 3%, although the current position may come to be seen as a high water mark in future years. A deficit is forecast by 2012/13, predominantly through an expected reduction in the HEFCE grant and limited growth in HEFCE-funded student numbers. 22/10 Uncertainties remained regarding the cap on variable tuition fees, particularly whether the cap would be lifted, when it would come into effect and by how much. If fees were raised, there would be an increase in student expectations, which would require increased investment. 23/10 50% of the University’s income was controllable so it would be important to look at how this income could be increased, e.g. premium fee increases, expanded Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provision and increased international student recruitment. 24/10 4 The 2010 pay settlement would be important. An increase in excess of 1% would contribute negatively to the University’s financial position. It was noted that employers’ National Insurance contributions were increasing in the next financial year. The following points were covered in discussion: It was not clear the extent to which any cuts in funding in the sector would be linked to an increase in fees through the lifting of the cap on variable tuition fees. Any discussion was purely speculative at this stage. The University’s long-term bank loan facility enabled funds for investment to be drawn down as necessary and would enable significant capital investment to update the Colchester campus, improve the student experience and increase capacity. £21 million of the £100 million loan facility had been drawn down to date. The planned “Meadows” student accommodation would be financed through a third party partnership. The report provided a snap shot of the current planned capital projects. There would be room for manoeuvre, which may result in additional projects being included. 25/10 26/10 27/10 28/10 29/10 ESSEX GRADUATE STRATEGY, 2010 AND BEYOND (S/10/04) Received A paper prepared by Dr Pam Cox, Dean of the Graduate School, setting out the University’s current and future approach to the postgraduate community. 30/10 Noted Dr Cox stated that the aim of the paper was to strengthen the University’s postgraduate offering by mobilising existing resources more effectively, identifying areas for development where additional resources would be needed and rationalising resources. Underpinning this work would be the overall postgraduate student experience and the importance of supporting a collective research culture. The paper included a table setting out planned, ongoing and suggested actions. Professor Cox highlighted her personal priorities as postgraduate research student recruitment, Graduate School governance and analysis of the overall cost of the University’s postgraduate operation. 31/10 Senate members expressed broad support for the paper. The following points were covered in discussion: 32/10 It was agreed that there was little need for a new, high profile building to house a distinctive Graduate School, although it was acknowledged that existing resources could be deployed differently. The appointment of an Associate Graduate Dean was one idea floated to enable the Dean to focus on strategic issues. 33/10 The intellectual climate was identified as being of significant importance to postgraduate students. It was noted that academic staff played a crucial role in this area. 34/10 5 Drawing on the results from the postgraduate student surveys was an important factor in supporting postgraduate provision. It was noted that postgraduate students conducted more research into individual institutions before making the final choice than their undergraduate counterparts. Delivering on promises made at the applicant stage was vital. 35/10 It was acknowledged that the University’s website needed to improve its coverage of the postgraduate offering with the development of externally focused, centrally stored information geared specifically towards postgraduate students. 36/10 Specific space within academic departments for postgraduate students to study, debate and socialise played a vital role in fostering and supporting the appropriate intellectual climate. Space pressures often resulted in this being reduced or removed altogether. 37/10 There was an important distinction between full-time and part-time postgraduate students, which was often not recognised. The needs of part-time students would become increasingly important, particularly with the planned growth in CPD provision. 38/10 CREATION OF THE INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRACY AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION (S/10/05) Received A paper prepared by the Vice-Chancellor requesting approval for the establishment of the Institute for Democracy and Conflict Resolution 39/10 Noted It was noted that the Institute would be located in the Faculty of Law and Management and that its physical home was envisaged to be on the new Knowledge Gateway. The following points were covered in discussion: 40/10 There was no reference to human rights in the Institute’s name in order to ensure a distinction outside the University with the work of the Centre for Human Rights. 41/10 Concern was expressed about the decision to locate the Institute in the Faculty of Law and Management in terms of the financial impact on the Faculty and the external impression. It was acknowledged that the Institute had to be part of one of the four faculties and, due to the link with human rights, it made sense for it to be the same faculty as the Centre for Human Rights. The plan was for the Institute to become selfsustaining over time so it would not affect the wider Faculty’s financial position. It would not be promoted externally as forming part of the Faculty. 42/10 There was discussion about the general appropriateness of non-standard units forming part of the faculties. The Institute for Social and Economic Research, the UK Data Archive and the International Academy were the examples highlighted. The Vice-Chancellor stated 43/10 6 that the need for budgetary accountability meant that all units of the University had to link to one of the faculties or to the Professional Services. Moving these units outside the faculties would result in the creation of new structures when the focus should be on ensuring the effectiveness of existing ones. It was suggested that consultation with the relevant non-standard units regarding any specific issues related to their location in individual faculties would enable problems to be identified and resolved. Resolved The Institute would have no impact on teaching space. Its growth would shape the building on the envisaged Knowledge Gateway rather than the building determining the structure of the Institute. that the Institute for Democracy and Conflict Resolution be established in the Faculty of Law and Management with immediate effect. 44/10 45/10 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES THAT REPORT TERMLY Academic Staffing Committees (S/10/06) Resolved that the Annual Review Procedures for Academic and Research Staff be amended as set out in Appendix B of the Academic Staffing Committee report (S/10/06) for implementation in the 2009-10 Annual Review, subject to some minor amendments. 46/10 Noted The impact of the Procedures on Academic (A)-only and Research (R)-only staff was discussed. The revised Annual Review Procedures, approved by Senate during 2008/09, had generally worked well. It was noted however that the change to assessing A-only and R-only members of staff under three categories did not align well with their contractual expectation, departmental workload allocation and staff-student ratios. Revisions to the ASC scoring process to double-weight the primary category (normally teaching for A-only and research for R-only staff) were proposed to address this, and supported by senators. It was acknowledged that the Procedures could not guard against all scenarios, and ASC would continue to review and scrutinise the outcomes of the new Procedures annually to ensure they were operating fairly for all categories of academic staff. 47/10 The workload associated with the Annual Review process was in some cases highly burdensome for Heads of Departments. There was discussion as to whether basic screening could be introduced to reduce the numbers of cases going forward; however it was agreed that it was important to maintain a level playing field and equality of opportunity. 48/10 7 Academic Partnerships Board (S/10/07) i) Membership and terms of reference Resolved that the following text be added as a footnote to the Terms of Reference: 49/10 Where the partnership, new or existing, involves postgraduate research degrees, responsibility is shared with the Graduate School Board. ii) Partnership with South East Essex College1 Resolved that the following courses be discontinued with effect from the start of the 2009/10 academic session: BA (Hons) eMedia BSc (Hons) Media Production and Technology BSc (Hons) Multimedia Technology BA (Hons) Post-Compulsory Education Studies FdA Teaching Assistants FdA / BA (Hons) Television and Audio Production FdA Television Production FdA / BA (Hons) Television Production with Journalism FdA / BA (Hons) Television Production with Screen Performance Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Learning and Skills Sector) 50/10 Resolved that the title of FdA Early Years Education be changed to FdA Early Years and Childhood with effect from the start of the 2009/10 academic session. 51/10 Resolved that a named Diploma and Certificate of Higher Education in Social Studies be validated for delivery alongside the existing BSc (Hons) Social Studies. 52/10 Resolved That the BA (Hons) / DipHE / CertHE Photography, the BA (Hons) / DipHE / CertHE Television Production and Screen Media and the BA (Hons) / DipHE / CertHE Journalism be re-validated for delivery at South East Essex College for a period of five years commencing September 2009. 53/10 iii) Partnership with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust Resolved that the title of the MA / PG Dip The Foundations of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy be changed to MA / PG Dip The Foundations of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy from 2009/10. This change in title had been a condition of British Psychoanalytic Council accreditation. 54/10 iv) Partnership with Writtle College Resolved 1 That the following courses be discontinued with effect from the start of 2009/10 academic session: BA (Hons) / FdA / Cert HE Adventure Tourism BSc (Hons) Agriculture and the Environment Secretary’s Note: from 1 January 2010, the College’s name changed to South Essex College 8 55/10 FdSc Equine Breeding and Stud Management BSc (Hons) / FdSc Equine Studies (Applied Stud Management) BSc (Hons) / FdSc Equine Studies (Reproduction and Breeding) FdSc Equine Studies and Business Management BSc (Hons) Equine Studies and Leisure Management MSc Human and Equine Sports Science BSc (Hons) International Horticulture BA (Hons) Leisure and Tourism Management BA (Hons) / FdA Leisure Management BSc (Hons) / Cert HE Leisure Management BSc (Hons) Leisure Management with Sports Management PGCert Management Studies with English (CMS) BA (Hons) /FdA/ Cert HE Outdoor Recreation with Conservation BSc (Hons) Rural Resource Management Higher Certificate in Sports Turf Management FdA Visual Design Communication Resolved that a named Diploma of Higher Education in Animal Management be validated for delivery alongside the existing BSc (Hons) Animal Management. 56/10 Resolved that named Diplomas of Higher Education in Agriculture, Agricultural Business Management (Crops) and Agricultural Business Management (Livestock) be validated for delivery within the existing suite of Agriculture provision. 57/10 Resolved that the title of BSc (Hons) / FdSc Equine Studies (Reproduction and Breeding) be changed to BSc (Hons) / FdSc Equine Studies (Breeding and Reproduction) from 2009/10. 58/10 (v) Partnership with Kaplan Open Learning Resolved That the following courses be given outline approval for publicity purposes: Master of Business Administration MSc Marketing MSc International Accounting and Finance MSc International Business BA (Hons) International Business 59/10 Noted The Dean of Academic Partnerships confirmed that there was no action to report on developments regarding the evolving partnership with the Kaplan Business School. 60/10 Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (S/10/08) i) Admissions Qualifications Review Group Noted This item was withdrawn and would be re-submitted to the April meeting of Senate. 9 61/10 ii) Undergraduate Admissions Policy on Personal Statements Resolved that the revised policy and procedure for dealing with cases of potential plagiarism in personal statements which are identified by the UCAS Similarity Detection Service, attached as Annex B of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee report (S/10/08), be introduced with immediate effect. 62/10 Undergraduate School Board (S/10/09) i) Chair’s Action Resolved that amendments to the Undergraduate Rules of Assessment be approved as set out in Annex A of paper UGSB/09/14. 63/10 ii) Procedures for Dealing with Prospective Study Abroad Students with a Disciplinary Record or Academic Offence Resolved that the changes to the procedures for dealing with prospective study abroad students with a disciplinary record or academic offence, as detailed in Annex A of the Undergraduate School Board report (S/10/09), be approved with immediate effect. 64/10 iii) Undergraduate Rules of Assessment a) Report from the Undergraduate Rules of Assessment Review Group Resolved that: i) the Credit Framework should be amended for students entering the preliminary, first or second stage in October 2010 so that credits would be awarded at the level of the module instead of the component; 65/10 ii) Departments should no longer be permitted to aggregate two 15-credit modules together. Departments would need to restructure their courses for students entering the preliminary, first or second stage in October 2010. Disaggregation could not take place for students entering an away year or final year in October 2010. 66/10 iii) the following rule be rescinded with immediate effect: 67/10 “the mark for the second attempt/voluntary resit/repeat stage will count even where it is lower than the original mark.” iv) that students in Stage One should be offered voluntary reassessment where appropriate but have the implications of carrying fails clearly explained to them. 10 68/10 b) Variations to Rules of Assessment Resolved that the variations to the UG Rules of Assessment presented in Annex B of the Undergraduate School Board report (S/10/09) should be approved with effect from 2010/11. 69/10 Graduate School Board (S/10/10) i) Terms of Reference Resolved that the Board’s Terms of Reference be revised as shown in Appendix 1 of the Graduate School Board report (S/10/10), with immediate effect ( new text underlined). 70/10 ii) Periodic Reviews Resolved that the research degree programmes in the following department and partner college be continued to the next review cycle: 71/10 Department of Art History and Theory Writtle College iii) Higher Degree Regulations Resolved that the Higher Degree Regulations, regulation 4.68, be revised as follows with immediate effect ( new text underlined): 72/10 ‘The examiners for a submission by published work shall declare the result of an examination for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy as ‘pass’, ‘minor corrections to the summary’, ‘resubmission of published work on one further occasion only’, ‘MPhil’, or ‘fail’. iv) Variations to the PGT Rules of Assessment a) Professional Code of Conduct at East 15 Acting School Resolved that the changes to the Professional Code of Conduct at East 15 Acting School, as set out in GSB/09/50, be approved with effect from October 2009. 73/10 b) LLM in European Business Law Resolved that, with effect from October 2009, the following variations for the LLM in European Business Law (Pallas) be approved: i) ii) iii) iv) To operate a 20/40 model for this programme To require students to take 200 credits and to make it a requirement for the award of the LLM that students pass 200 credits To reduce the weighting for the dissertation from 60 credits to 40 To delete clause 3.1.d that refers to condonement in the Rules of 11 74/10 v) vi) Assessment To permit up to 60 taught credits to be reassessed To reduce the requirement for a merit and distinction to 7 and 8 respectively c) MA in The Foundations of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Resolved that, with effect from October 2009, the Rules of Assessment for the MA in The Foundations of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy be amended to permit students who choose to leave with a Postgraduate Diploma to be awarded a Pass with Merit or Distinction (in accordance with the Rules of Assessment for a standalone Postgraduate Diploma). 75/10 v) Change of Course Title Resolved that, with retrospective effect from October 2006, the title of the Doctorate in Child and Educational Psychology offered by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, be changed to Doctorate in Child, Community and Educational Psychology (D Ch Ed Psych). 76/10 vi) New Research Degree Programme Resolved that, with effect from October 2009, Writtle College be permitted to offer research degrees in Landscape Architecture for Master by Dissertation, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. 77/10 UCS Joint Academic Committee (S/10/11) i) Validation of new UCS provision Resolved that BSc (Hons) Construction Management (level 6 progression route) be approved for delivery at UCS Bury St Edmunds for a period of four years commencing September 2009. 78/10 ii) Change in Course Title Resolved that, at UCS Bury St Edmunds and UCS Otley, the course title for FdA Teaching, Training and Development be changed to FdA Teaching, Training and Development in the Further Education and Skills Sector. 79/10 REPORTS OF FACULTY BOARDS Humanities and Comparative Studies (S/10/12) i) Approval of New Awards Resolved that the following degrees be approved with effect from October 2010: BA Film and Creative Writing BA Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics BA Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics (International Exchange) 12 80/10 BA Philosophy & Politics (IE) BA Philosophy with Human Rights (IE) Part-time variants of: MA Critical Management & Curating MA Curating Contemporary Art MA Curating Latin American Art MA Gallery Studies with Dissertation Social Sciences (S/10/13) i) Approval of New Awards Resolved i) that the following new award be approved with effect from October 2009: 81/10 Foundation Degree in Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organizations – Emotional Aspects of Working with Vulnerable and Challenging Adults ii) that the following new awards be approved with effect from October 2010: 82/10 BA Modern Languages with Latin American Studies BA Spanish Studies with Latin American Studies (iii) that the following award be reinstated from October 2010: BA English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders ii) Amendment to Award Title Resolved that the following award titles be changed with effect from October 2009: 83/10 from Foundation Degree in Therapeutic Communications and Therapeutic Organizations to Foundation Degree in Therapeutic Communications and Therapeutic Organizations – Child and Adolescent iii) Periodic Review Resolved that the present provision of undergraduate programmes in the Department of Economics should continue for the next five years: BA Economics BSc Economics BA Economics (International Exchange) BSc Economics (International Exchange) BA Management Economics BSc Management Economics BA Management Economics (International Exchange) BSc Management Economics (International Exchange) BA International Economics BSc International Economics BA International Economics (International Exchange) 13 84/10 BSc International Economics (International Exchange) BA Financial Economics BSc Financial Economics BA Financial Economics (International Exchange) BSc Financial Economics (International Exchange) BA Economics with French BA Economics with French (International Exchange) BA Economics with German BA Economics with German (International Exchange) BA Economics with Italian BA Economics with Italian (International Exchange) BA Economics with Spanish BA Economics with Spanish (International Exchange) BA Economics with Portuguese BA Economics with Portuguese (International Exchange) BSc Economics with Mathematics BA History and Economics BA Economics and Politics BA Economics (4 year including Foundation Year) BSc Economics (4 year including Foundation Year) BA Management Economics (4 Year including Foundation Year) BSc Management Economics (4 Year including Foundation Year) BA International Economics (4 Year including Foundation Year) BSc International Economics (4 Year including Foundation Year) BA Financial Economics (4 Year including Foundation Year) BSc Financial Economics (4 Year including Foundation Year) Science and Engineering (S/10/14) i) Approval of New Awards Resolved that the following 4-year degree programmes be approved for introduction from October 2010: 85/10 BSc Mathematics for Secondary Teaching with a year in the USA BSc Mathematics with Computing with a year in the USA BSc Computing and Mathematics with a year in the USA BSc Accounting and Mathematics with a year in the USA BSc Finance and Mathematics with a year in the USA BSc Mathematics, Cryptography and Network Security with a year in the USA BSc Economics and Mathematics with a year in the USA BSc Mathematics with Economics with a year in the USA BSc Management, Mathematics and Economics with a year in the USA BSc Mathematics and Biology with a year in the USA BSc Mathematics and Humanities with a year in the USA ii) Amendment to Award Title Resolved that the following change of title be approved with immediate effect: from MSc Biotechnology: Future Crops for Food and Biofuels 14 86/10 to MSc Plant Biotechnology iii) Discontinuation of Award Resolved that the following award be discontinued with effect from October 2010: 87/10 BSc Software Engineering Law and Management (S/10/15) i) Approval of Essex Accounting Centre Resolved that the Essex Accounting Centre be approved with immediate effect. 88/10 International Academy (S/10/16) i) Membership and Terms of Reference Resolved that the holder of the newly established post of Associate Dean for the International Academy be made a member of the International Academy Board with immediate effect. 89/10 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES THAT REPORT ANNUALLY TO SENATE Disciplinary & Membership Panel (S/10/17) i) Revisions to Disciplinary Regulations and Procedures Resolved that with immediate effect the wording of Regulation 13.2.21 be amended as follows (new wording is underlined): 90/10 ‘Possessing, within the University any offensive weapon as defined in the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 or, without good cause, any article as defined in Section 139 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and the regulations promulgated there under or any legislation for the time being in force modifying or replacing those Acts.’ Library Committee (S/10/18) Noted 91/10 FUTURE TERM DATES (S/10/19) Resolved that the term dates for the academic years 2020/21 to 2024/25 be approved as set out in paper S/10/19. Dr Tony Rich Registrar and Secretary 20 January 2010 15 92/10