UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX COUNCIL 28 April 2003 (2.25 pm to 4.00 pm) MINUTES Present: Mr Melville-Ross (Chair), the Pro-Chancellors (Mr Jordan, Mr Pertwee), the Treasurer (Mr Lewis), the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors (Professor Massara, Professor Richmond, Professor Sherer, Dr Steel), Mr Blundell, Professor Busfield, Ms Colston, Professor Dowden, Professor Downton, Dr Elston, Mr Harker, Mr Hayman, Mrs Hobbs, Mr Hughes, Mr Lyons, Mr Mack, Sir Robin Mountfield, Professor Nedwell, Mr Rainbird, Professor Scott, Ms Stevens, Dr Venn, Professor Wright, the President of the Students' Union (Mr Jones) and the Vice-President (Finance and Services) of the Students' Union (Ms Lockmun) By invitation: Mr Hewlett, Ms Hodges In attendance: The Registrar and Secretary, Academic Registrar, Director of Finance, Director of Estate Management, Director of Personnel Services, Planning Officer, Head of Public Relations Apologies: Mr Burrow, Mrs MacMillan, Professor Muthoo, Lord Newton, SECTION A: UNRESERVED BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair welcomed Ms Hodges, Principal and Chief Executive of South East Essex College, to her first Council meeting, and reminded Council of the reciprocal arrangements under which Professor Sherer would represent the University as an observer at meetings of the College Corporation. 76/03 STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS At the request of the Chair and members of Council, the following items were starred for discussion in addition to those indicated on the Agenda: Item 11(e) 77/03 Finance and Strategy Committee (Section A: Unreserved Business) The unstarred items of the Agenda were then deemed to have been received and noted or approved by Council as appropriate. 78/03 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING (SECTION A: UNRESERVED BUSINESS) 79/03 The Minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2003 (Section A: Unreserved Business) were signed as a correct record. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 80/03 There were no matters arising from the Minutes. APPOINTMENT OF THE CHANCELLOR 81/03 The Joint Meeting of Senate and Council held immediately before the meeting of Council had received the report of the special Nominations Sub-Committee of Finance and Strategy Committee, and endorsed the recommendation made. Court’s power to appoint the Chancellor had been delegated to the Council at the meeting of Court on 2 April 2003. 82/03 RESOLVED: that Lord Phillips of Sudbury be appointed as Chancellor of the University of Essex until 31 July 2008. VICE-CHANCELLOR’S REPORT (C/03/17) 83/03 The Vice-Chancellor introduced his report, covering the following topics: Student applications 2003/4 Progress on the Capital Building Programme Brief announcements Student applications 2003/4 84/03 Council noted that the buoyant situation with regard to both undergraduate and postgraduate applications was continuing. The University’s market share of undergraduate applications was continuing to increase, as it had done for the last five years. 85/03 It was possible that the SARS outbreak in the Far East might have some impact on overseas recruitment in October 2003, although it was too soon to know quite what the impact might be. One consequence was the closure of English language test centres in China, which meant serious delays for applicants who needed test results. The University was in contact with the British Council to monitor the situation. Progress on the Capital Building Programme 86/03 Council was pleased to note that the new student accommodation at University Quays was expected to be completed in time for full occupation in October 2003. There was some concern that the bridge over the railway line would not be completed in time because there were delays in final approval of the design. However, if the bridge was not available then suitable transport arrangements for students would be provided. 87/03 Secretary’s note: The Director of Estate Management subsequently confirmed that installation of the bridge was due to start on 6 June 2003. Brief Announcements The Vice-Chancellor reported that the University’s response to SARS was to follow the guidance given by the Health Protection Agency, with whom we were in close touch. The risk locally was believed to be low. 88/03 The Vice-Chancellor was pleased to announce the University’s success in its bid for Objective 2 funding for the Southend Centre. Just over £0.5 million over the next two years would enable the University to develop more programmes for delivery in South Essex and to invest in staffing for the Centre. 89/03 FINANCIAL SITUATION (a) (b) HEFCE Grant Announcement 2003-04 (C/03/18) The Director of Finance reported that the settlement for 2003-04 was favourable compared both with other institutions and with the University’s own earlier forecasts. The formulae on which it was based had changed, but on this occasion it had worked to the University’s advantage. 90/03 The designation of ‘6*’to the departments of Government and Sociology (those which had achieved a 5* rating in both the 1996 and 2001 Research Assessment Exercises) had brought with it additional funding as well as kudos. The 2.25% rate of inflation applied to the teaching grant was below real costs when taking into account pay increases, increase in National Insurance contributions, pension costs for support staff and pay drift, but nevertheless it was a good settlement overall. 91/03 Latest Budgetary Situation 2002/03 and Finance Forecasts for 2003/04 (C/03/19) The Director of Finance reported that the latest budgetary position showed a positive variance, most of which was demand led, i.e. due to increased student numbers. 92/03 The Director of Estate Management was seeking to increase LTM expenditure, since several years of underfunding was likely to lead to serious problems if the backlog was not addressed. Budget Sub-Committee was asked to examine carefully the LTM needs, given the proposed large increase in the LTM budget. 93/03 The figures for 2003/04 were still provisional forecasts which were being worked on, so approval was not being sought until a new budget was submitted to Council at the next meeting. It was anticipated that increased student numbers would contribute to an increase in fee income. 94/03 In response to questions, Council noted that There was built in growth in teaching staff numbers to keep pace with the increase in student numbers, particularly with a view to redressing the balance in those departments with less favourable staff/student ratios. The costs of implementing essential work arising from the Disability Discrimination Act had been taken into account. A professional assessment had been carried out and prioritised work was incorporated into the capital building programme. 95/03 96/03 97/03 (c) Wivenhoe House Hotel was struggling under the difficult conditions prevailing across that sector but was still projected to return a small surplus for the financial year. Tuition Fees 2003/04 (C/03/20) 98/03 Council noted that the University had complete discretion to set fees for all overseas students and could set premium fees for Home/EU postgraduate taught courses. The fee proposals before Council continued the existing strategy of adopting above inflation increases for all overseas fees, which were being set for two years in advance for the first time to assist in the context of recruitment information. 99/03 The Director of Finance reported that there had been a special meeting of the University/Students’ Union Consultative Committee (USUCON) to discuss proposals to vary the established regime of discounts for students who paid fees in advance and instalment fees for those who opted to pay termly. In the past these charges had applied only to those paying fees in excess of £5,000, but new fee categories of £2,800 to £6,000 and over £6,000 were proposed to extend the discount possibilities and to ensure equitable treatment between home/EU and overseas postgraduates. 100/03 The Dean of the Graduate School reported the concerns of postgraduates who were unable to pay their fees in advance because of the way in which they were funded. It was noted that a small group - consisting of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development), Director of Overseas Relations, Dean of the Graduate School and Director of Finance - had been established to give closer scrutiny to fee issues, and that the discount/instalment fee arrangements would be kept under review. 101/03 The Dean of the Graduate School asked that further consideration be given to the fees for new postgraduate schemes at East 15 Acting School, which she felt needed to be adjusted to take account of the differential between masters and diploma provision for home/EU students. It was agreed that the decision on those fees could be deferred pending further discussion. 102/03 RESOLVED (d) that the schedule of tuition fees as set out in paper C/03/20 be approved, with the exception of fees for postgraduate schemes at East 15 Acting School. Capital Building Programme (C/03/21) 103/03 Council noted that the University had been allocated just under £6 million under the second round of funding from the Science Research Infrastructure Fund (SRIF), which could meet up to 90% of total project costs. Although HEFCE had indicated that they did not expect to see new build projects, the University intended to make a special case to build a new Social Science Research building. This would house the Data Archive, ISER and some smaller social science research centres. The proposal would be discussed with HEFCE at officer level and if it was not acceptable then the expenditure would instead be switched to a number of smaller projects which were already in the pipeline, to free up capacity to proceed with the building. 104/03 Noting the tight timescale for submitting proposals to HEFCE, Council agreed that the final decision could be made at Finance and Strategy Committee, on behalf of Council, at the meeting in May. 105/03 Council noted that early indications were that a further £2.7 million was to be allocated to the University under the Teaching Infrastructure capital fund, of which £701k was earmarked for work associated with the DDA. The funding was formula based, so that the final figure could be more if on student numbers increased. The sum was not included in funds carried forward for capital spending so would add to the total available for capital building. NETWORK CENTRE – PROCUREMENT REPORT (C/03/22) Council noted the paper which set out the history of the project to construct the Network Centre, which was being funded through the first SRIF round. The notional allocation for the construction contract was £4m. It had been agreed that the procurement should be on a twostage basis and Wates Construction had been appointed at the first stage. 106/03 As the regular project meetings had progressed it had become apparent that the building’s design, as it stood, could not be constructed for less than £5m. Extensive negotiations had been conducted with a view to bringing the project costs down to an acceptable level, although latterly there had been a serious possibility that it would be necessary to re-tender the scheme on a traditional fixed price basis. It was a very difficult decision but on balance Budget Sub-Committee were recommending to Council that the final order should be placed with Wates since there was considerable risk that a new tender process would come in significantly above the available budget, as well as the risk that the project would be delayed. The Director of Estate Management was well aware that the project would need to be managed very carefully in the light of the tensions which had arisen thus far. 107/03 Various lessons had been learned from the experience, and in particular it had not been a good decision to adapt the designs originally drawn up for the far more ambitious JIF bid. This was apparent with hindsight, as was the over-reliance on the Quantity Surveyor, so on a future occasion it would be desirable to adopt more of a partnership approach. 108/03 RESOLVED 109/03 that an order be placed with Wates Construction in the sum of £4,300,000 plus VAT (£5,052,500) noting that it was extremely likely this figure would be exceeded, although the professional officers of the University would make every endeavour to contain the final account. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (C/03/23) The Vice-Chancellor summarised the discussions which had been taking place on the future of the Department of Mathematics since Budget Sub-Committee initially proposed the closure of the Department in March 2002. Senate had not accepted the recommendation for closure and had first established a committee of enquiry and then a committee to develop a recovery plan for the Department. The latter committee had included the Heads of all the departments with which the Department of Mathematics had joint activities. 110/03 The report of the Recovery Committee had commanded widespread support, including that of the relevant Heads of Department. Budget Sub-Committee remained unsure as to the likelihood of the Plan’s success, but as the risks were limited and exit strategies were included, it wished to fully support the plan in order to give it every chance of success. 111/03 In future, all staff would be joint members of the Mathematics Department and of a partner department to which they would belong for research purposes. All staff would be expected to submit at Grade 5 level to the next Research Assessment Exercise. There would be a Management Committee which would oversee the arrangements for working in partnership with the relevant departments. An important role of the Management Committee would be to review and, if necessary, modify the strategy that seeks to achieve the goals of the restructuring. There would be a formal review after three years. 112/03 113/03 Senate had received the report on the recovery Plan for the Department of Mathematics at its meeting on 19 March and had endorsed the recommendations to Council. RESOLVED 114/03 (a) that the Recovery Plan for the Department of Mathematics as set out in the Report to Senate be adopted with immediate effect; 115/03 (b) that the Department be re-named the Department of Mathematical Sciences with effect from 1 August 2003, and that Ordinance 6 be amended accordingly; 116/03 (c) that a Mathematics Management Committee be established with immediate effect, to implement and monitor the Recovery Plan, with the membership and terms of reference as set out in C/03/23. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM SENATE (UNRESERVED BUSINESS) (C/03/24) 117/03 Council considered the report and recommendations (Unreserved Business) from the meeting of Senate held on 19 March 2003. Dean of School 118/03 RESOLVED that Dr Frances Millard be appointed as Dean of the School of Social Sciences for the period 1 August 2003 to 31 July 2006. Director of US Studies RESOLVED 119/03 (a) that Dr Colin Samson be re-appointed as Director of US Studies for the period 1 August 2003 to 31 July 2004; 120/03 (b) that Dr Jeff Geiger be appointed as Director of US Studies for the period 1 August 2004 – 31 July 2007. Institute for Electoral Research 121/03 RESOLVED that the Institute for Electoral Research, under the directorship of Professor Paul Whiteley, be established with immediate effect. MINUTES OF COMMITTEES INFORMATION SYSTEMS STRATEGY COMMITTEE 122/03 Council noted the Minutes of the meeting of the Information Systems Strategy Committee held on 26 February 2003. Annual IS Strategy Plan and Budget 2003/04 and Forward Look 2004-07 123/03 RESOLVED that the Annual IS Strategy Plan and Budget 2003/04 and Forward Look 2004-07 be approved. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES STEERING GROUP Council noted the Minutes of the meeting of the Equal Opportunities Steering Group held on 29 January 2003. 124/03 ARTS COMMITTEE Council noted the Minutes of the meeting of the Arts Committee held on 4 March 2003. 125/03 AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Council noted the Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Risk Management Committee held on 4 March 2003. 126/03 FINANCE & STRATEGY COMMITTEE Council noted the Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Strategy Committee (Section A: Unreserved Business) held on 17 March 2003. 127/03 New Student Accommodation Council noted that, even with the availability of the new student accommodation at University Quays from October 2003, it was projected that the University would need an additional 650750 residential places by 2005/06 in order to maintain current accommodation guarantees. It had not been possible to put a detailed proposal to Council for the meeting since some aspects were dependent on Research Park developments. 128/03 The Director of Finance was in discussion about financing issues with HEFCE and alternative financing methods were to be explored with a view to making a recommendation to Council on the way forward. 129/03 RESOLVED 130/03 that in principle Finance & Strategy Committee should proceed on the basis of building 650-750 new student residential places in time for the start of the 2005-06 academic year. Learning Partnerships Council noted the proposed merger of the Centre for Lifelong Learning and the Collaborative Projects Office, to create a new Section within the University to cover the delivery of courses other than traditional undergraduate and postgraduate degree schemes. 131/03 RESOLVED 132/03 that Learning Partnerships Section be established with effect from 1 August 2003. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (a) 133/03 Council noted the key performance indicators produced by the Finance Section which compared the University’s financial position on a range of indicators to those of the 1994 Group of Universities. (b) 134/03 Finance Section (C/03/25) Research Income December 2003 – February 2003 (C/03/26) Council noted Grants and Contracts that had been awarded between 1 December 2002 and 28 February 2003. REPORT OF CHAIR’S ACTION (C/03/27) 135/03 Council ratified the action taken by the Chair of Council since the last meeting on 20 January 2003. 136/03 RESOLVED that an honorary degree be awarded at the Degree Congregation to be held in July 2003 or April 2004 to the following candidate: Alison Steadman, OBE Actress and former student of East 15 Acting School DATE OF NEXT MEETING 137/03 The next meeting of Council will be held on Monday 30 June 2003 at 2.15 p.m. Moira Collett Academic Registrar May 2003