FIRST YEAR STUDENTS BRIEFING Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik (SEE) Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia July, 2010 CONTENTS • Background of the departments • Overview of SEE Program • Academic system • Secondary School/Matriculation To University Transitions • Your role: A university student • Your goal: An electrical engineer BACKGROUND OF THE DEPARTMENTS Background of the Departments Departments in FKE …. Control And Instrumentation Engineering - CIED Electronics Engineering - INSEED Microelectronics & Computer Engineering - MICE Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering - MER Telematics & Optical Engineering - TOP Radio Communication Engineering - RACED Power Engineering - POWER Energy Conversion Engineering - ENCON Background of the Departments Power Engineering - POWER Energy Conversion Engineering - ENCON Background of the Departments Power Engineering - POWER Energy Conversion Engineering - ENCON SEE Background of the Departments Power Engineering - POWER Professors Ir Dr Abdullah Asuhaimi b. Mohd Zin Associate Professors Dr. Mohd Wazir b. Mustafa (Head) Hjh. Faridah bt. Mohd Taha Dr. Azhar b. Khairuddin Senior Lecturers/Lecturers Dr. Ahmad Safawi b. Mokhtar Dr. Md Pauzi b. Abdullah Alias b. Mohd Yusof Faridah bt. Hussin Mohd Fadli b. Rahmat Mohd Hafiz b. Habibuddin Norzanah bt. Rosmin Rasyidah bt. Mohamad Idris Dr. Saifulnizam b. Abd Khalid Hjh. Zaniah bt. Muda Background of the Departments Power Engineering - POWER Research activities Power system harmonics AI applications in power system Deregulated power system POWER Power system protection Power system analysis Energy efficiency Power quality Background of the Departments Energy Conversion Engineering - ENCON Professors Dr. Zainal Salam (Director of IQCC) Associate Professor Dr. Nik Rumzi Nik Idris (Head) Dr. Makbul Anwari Senior Lecturers/Lecturers Jaafar Shafie Dr. Awang Jusoh Dr. Naziha Ahmad Azli Nik Din Muhamad Mohd Zaki Daud Mohd Rodhi Sahid Dr. Shahrin Md Ayob Dr. Mohd Junaidi Abd Aziz Dr. Tan Chei Wee NorJulia Mohamad Nordin Background of the Departments Energy Conversion Engineering - ENCON Research activities Power electronic converters AC drive systems Inverter control ENCON DC-DC converters Renewable energy systems Real-time control applications Electrical machines Background of the Departments Institute of High Voltage and High Current IVAT Professors Dr. Ahmad bin Darus (Dean, FKE) Dr. Hussein bin Ahmad (Director, IVAT) Associate Professors Dr. Zulkurnain bin Abdul Malek Dep. Director (Testing & Tech Trans.) Dr. Mohd. Afendi bin Mohd. Piah Dep Director (Calibration, Consultancy & Continuing Education) Dr. Zolkafle Buntat (Dep. Director (R & D) Dr. Mohd. Muhridza bin Yaacob Lecturers Dr. Yanuar Zulardiansyah Arief Dr. Muhammad Abu Bakar Sidik Dr. Nouruddeen Bashir Umar Dr. Nor Asiah Muhamad Pn. Noor Azlinda En. Zuraimy adzis Tutor Mona Riza binti Mohd Esa Background of the Departments Institute of High Voltage and High Current Lightning protection system Research activities Voltage surge arresters Pulse Power IVAT Grounding system High voltage transmission High voltage Insulation system Surge protective devices Background of the Departments Centre of Electrical Energy System (CEES) To get the latest information about CEES please go to The website is continuously updated (including all current research projects) P07 – POWER & ENCON IVAT P05 - We are now HERE OVERVIEW OF SEE PROGRAM Overview of SEE program • Minimum number of credits must be earned: 129 • Normal duration: 8 semesters • Maximum duration: 12 semesters Overview of SEE program EE courses I EE Workshop 1712. Basic EE 1003 II Circ Thy 1023 I Elect Tech 2053 II I II Instru. & Electricak Measurement 1123 Sgnl & Netw 2043 Lab 2742 EMT 2523 P Trn 3rd Sem Electro. Dev 2063 Elect Circuit 2253 Control: Mod & Sim 2113 ElecSystem 3263 Power Engn. Fund 3423 Com Principles3533 Elec Mch 3433 Digital Elect 1223 MicroP 3223 Control: Analysis & Desg 3113 Lab 3732 Lab 3742 Final Yr Prj Prt 1 4812 I II Pwr Engin. Sys 4423 Power Elc Drives 4433 Power Sys Anlys 4443 Elective 1 Comm System 4513 Elective 2 Profess Eng Practice 4012 Final Yr Prj Prt 2 4824 Lab 4722 Overview of SEE program Root to majority of courses : (pre-requisite) Basic Electrical Engineering SEE1003 Circuit Thy Signal & Netw Electronic Devices To get GOOD grades for most of the courses you need to get GOOD grades for your first year courses YOU HAVE TO START FROM NOW ! ACADEMIC SYSTEM Academic Advisory System Status of a student Academic system Academic Advisory system Each student will be assigned to an Academic Advisor Role of an Academic Advisor: To advise to students on things related to academic matters University’s policies Other matters related to academic Planning to Graduate On Time (GOT) Academic regulations Courses Selection Effective way to study Academic system Academic Advisory system GET TO KNOW YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISORS Department of Power Engineering Dr. Azhar b. Khairuddin Dr. Ahmad Safawi b. Mokhtar Academic system Academic Advisory system GET TO KNOW YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISORS IVAT Dr. Mohd. Afendi bin Mohd. Piah Dr. Zolkafle Buntat Dr. Nor Asiah Muhamad Academic system Academic Advisory system GET TO KNOW YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISORS CEES Dr. Mohammad Yusri b. Hassan Academic system Status of a student An academic status of every student can be one of the following: KB – Good Standing - Kedudukan Baik KS – Conditional Pass – Kedudukan bersyarat KG – Fail – Kedudukan gagal How ? Based on your CPA and GPA You should know how to calculate your CPA and GPA When ? At the end of every semester Academic system Status of a student You should know how to calculate your CPA and GPA Academic system Status of a student You should know how to calculate your CPA and GPA Academic system Status of a student You should know how to calculate your CPA and GPA Case 1 1 2 3 4 5 2x5 Courses Credit Marks Grade Grade Point Credit Points SEE3253 (U*) 3 48 D+ 1.3 3.9 SEE4103 3 45 D+ 1.3 3.9 SEE4243 3 68 B 2.7 8.1 SEE4413 3 47 D+ 1.3 3.9 SEE4712 2 77 B+ 3.3 6.6 SSM3763 3 57 C 2.0 6.0 Total 17 32.4 Prev Sem. Current Sem. CE: 63 17 80 CC: 65 17 79 (82 -3) CP: 135.6 32.4 168.0 CPA: 2.09 GPA: 1.91 All Sem. CPA: 2.13 (168.0/79) ( 3) (0.00) Academic system Status of a student You should know how to calculate your CPA and GPA Case 2 1 2 3 4 5 2x5 Courses Credits Marks Grade Grade Point Credit Points SEE3112 (UG) 2 77 B+ 3.3 6.6 SEE5103 3 77 B+ 3.3 9.9 SEE5414 4 75 B+ 3.3 13.2 SEE4413 3 56 C 2.0 6.0 SEE4712 2 74 B 3.0 6.0 SSM3763 3 77 B+ 3.3 9.9 Total 17 Prev Sem 51.60 Current Sem All Sem CE: 105 17 120 (122 – 2) CC: 98 17 113 (115 – 2) CP: 279.9 51.6 328.9 (331.5 – 2.60) (2.60) CPA: 2.86 GPA: 3.04 CPA: 2.91 (328.9/113) (2) Academic system Status of a student You should know how to calculate your CPA and GPA Case 3 1 2 3 4 5 2x5 Courses Credits Marks Grade Grade Point Credit Points SEE1003 (UG) 3 72 B+ 3.33 9.9 SEE51023 3 46 C- 1.67 5.1 SEE1223(UG) 3 67 B 3.00 9.0 SSE1793(UG) 3 72 B+ 3.33 9.9 Total 12 Prev Sem 33.9 Current Sem All Sem CE: 28 12 31 (40 – 9) CC: 26 12 29 (38 – 9) CP: 64.5 33.9 87.6 (98.4 – 10.8) (2.60) 2.48 GPA: 2.83 CPA: CPA: 3.02 (87.6/29) (2) Academic system Status of a student KB – Good Standing - Kedudukan Baik KS – Conditional Pass – Kedudukan bersyarat KG – Fail – Kedudukan gagal Academic system Status of a student KB – Good Standing - Kedudukan Baik KS – Conditional Pass – Kedudukan bersyarat KG – Fail – Kedudukan gagal Academic system Status of a student KB – Good Standing - Kedudukan Baik • • The status that we all like you to have CPA 2.00 KS – Conditional Pass – Kedudukan bersyarat • • The status that we don’t want you to have 1.7 CPA 2.00 KG – Fail – Kedudukan gagal • • The status that will force you to leave UTM ! CPA 1.7 • Obtained 3 KS in a row • GPA < 1.0, even though CPA is 1.7 Academic system Status of a student Is CPA > 2.0 good enough ? Classes of Honours First Class Honours CPA/PNGK CPA/PNGK 3.67 Second Class Honours (Upper Division) 3.00 CPA/PNGK 3.67 Second Class Honours (Lower Division) 2.00 CPA/PNGK 3.00 Industries will look for graduates with high CPA (typically > 3.0) In 4 years time from now, they will probably demand for higher CPA ! Academic system Status of a student SOME GOOD AND BAD EXAMPLES Tahun SesiSem GPA CPA 4.5 1 2000/2001-I 3.0 3.0 4.0 1 2000/2001-II 3.0 3.0 3.0 2 2001/2002-I 3.5 3.2 2 2002/2003-I 3.7 3.4 3 2002/2003-II 4.0 3.5 3 2003/2004-I 4.0 3.6 4 2003/2004-II 4.0 3.6 4 2004/2005-I 4.0 3.7 3.5 2.5 PNG 2.0 PNGK 1.5 1.0 0.5 20 00 /2 00 20 100 I /2 00 20 1II 01 /2 00 20 202 I /2 00 20 302 I /2 00 20 3II 03 /2 00 20 403 I /2 00 20 4II 04 /2 00 5I 0.0 Academic system Status of a student SOME GOOD AND BAD EXAMPLES Tahun SesiSem GPA CPA 1 2001/2002-I 3.5 3.5 1 2001/2002-II 3.5 3.51 2 2002/2003-I 3.4 3.49 2 2002/2003-II 3.5 3.5 3 2003/2004-I 4.0 3.6 3 2003/2004-II 4.0 3.6 4 2004/2005-I 4.0 3.7 4 2004/2005-II 4.0 3.7 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 -I -I -I -I -II -II -II -II 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 / / / / / / / / 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PNG PNGK Academic system Status of a student SOME GOOD AND BAD EXAMPLES Thn SesiSem GPA CPA 1 2001/2002-I 3.82 3.82 1 2001/2002-II 3.41 3.61 2 2002/2003-I 3.36 3.51 2 2002/2003-II 2.96 3.36 2.5 2 3 2003/2004-I 2.25 3.11 1.5 3 2003/2004-II 2.75 3.11 4 2004/2005-I 2.25 2.91 1 0.5 4 2004/2005-II 2.28 2.91 5 2005/2006-I 3.08 2.93 5 2005/2006-II 3.22 2.95 4.5 4 3.5 3 0 I I I I I II II II II II 2- 2- 03- 3- 04- 4- 05- 5- 06- 60 0 0 0 0 0 20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /20 / 01 01 002 02 003 03 004 04 005 05 0 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 PNG PNGK Academic system Status of a student SOME GOOD AND BAD EXAMPLES SesiSem GPA CPA 1 2001/2002-I 4.00 4.0 1 2001/2002-II 3.78 3.9 2 2002/2003-I 2.88 3.5 2 2002/2003-II 1.40 2.9 3 2003/2004-I 1.21 2.7 3 2003/2004-II 0.25 2.3 4 2004/2005-I 1.07 2.1 4 2004/2005-II 0.00 2.0 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 20 01 /2 00 20 201 I /2 00 20 2II 02 /2 00 20 302 I /2 00 20 3II 03 /2 00 20 403 I /2 00 20 4II 04 /2 00 20 504 I /2 00 5II Thn PNG PNGK A University is a place where you will learn how to learn, and become more independent Please read the Academic Regulations Handbook ! SECONDARY SCHOOL/MATRICULATION TO UNIVERSITY TRANSITIONS Secondary School/Matriculation to University transitions Secondary school /Matriculation University Read books do problems answers are in the books memorizing Read and understand the concepts apply the concepts to new problems – its not just memorizing Understand the lectures in realtime – review is in the form of doing exercises and getting the correct answers Don’t expect to understand the lectures in real-time review lecture notes within 24 – take notes – understand the previous lectures before attending the new ones – be an active listener Classes are normally small – Teacher memorized students’ names – teacher taught and you listened Larger classes – need to pay more attention – get involve in discussion – don’t make your own conclusion, ask the lecturers Secondary School/Matriculation to University transitions Secondary school /Matriculation 5 days a week – 6 hours a day, a total of 30 hours per week. Homework 1.5 hours per day = 7.5 hours per week. Total commitment required = 37.5 hours per week . Somebody will monitor your time management. University 14 credits. This require 14 x 3 = 42 hours per week outside class. Total commitment required = 56 hours per week . Nobody will force you to study; you have to manage your time. You are in control of your own learning. YOUR ROLE: A UNIVERSITY STUDENT Your role: A university student Some tips …. Decide a place to study • Favorite corner in library – empty classroom – in your room • Try to study regularly in the same place at the same time • Review lecture notes within 24 hours of lectures If you choose to study in a group • Two heads are better than one • Study on your own first – be prepared before joining the group • Not too many: 4-6 is good Meet your lecturers • Meet the lecturers, introduce yourself – building a rapport can make a difference – make use of the lecturers ! • When confused, ask the lecturers – don’t make your own conclusions Your role: A university student Some tips …. See your academic advisors regularly • Advisors familiar with university policies - ask for their opinions • Advisors can offer assistance to almost all academic related matters • Regular meeting – less stress and more control During lectures • • • • • Ask questions during lectures, join the discussion Don’t rely on your memory, take some notes ! Be prepared before attending lectures Be an active listener Learn your lecturer’s style Your role: A university student Learning pyramid Source: National Training Laboratories Institute for Applied Behavioral Science YOUR GOAL: AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Your goal: An electrical engineer Electrical Engineers: A profession that uses science, technology and problem-solving skills to design, maintain products, services and information system To secure for a good job, CPA > 3.0 However, high CPA is NOT the only thing considered … Attributes of a good engineer … • • • • • Technical knowledge (electrical engineering knowledge) Creative and imaginative Problem-solving skills Good Communication skills Team-working Your goal: An electrical engineer Our program (SEE) is designed to fulfill these requirements: Program Outcomes This is what you will gain when you leave UTM in 4 years time • • • • • Ability to acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering Ability to analyze and interpret data Ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical engineering problems Ability to work with modern instrumentation, software and hardware Ability to design a system, component or process to fulfil certain specifications • • • • • Ability to communicate effectively Ability to function and be productive in a team Ability to recognize the need for, and to engage in life-long learning Understand the impact of the work of engineers on society Understand ethical and professional responsibility Your goal: An electrical engineer Our program (SEE) is designed to fulfill these requirements: Program Outcomes You should be AWARE of these outcomes You SHOULD gain these attributes when you graduated Your goal: An electrical engineer Your goal: An electrical engineer Some job titles for an engineer: Design Engineer Project Engineer Engineering Specialist Chief Engineer Quality Control Engineer Software Engineer Development Engineer Research Engineer Systems Design Engineer Field Engineer Test Engineer Sales Engineer TNB Telekom Motorola Intel Altera Toshiba Panasonic etc, etc. HAPPY STUDYING !