Santiago Canyon College Academic Senate

Santiago Canyon College
Academic Senate
8045 East Chapman
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 628-4831
FAX (714) 532-2055
November 21, 2006
1:15pm – 2:30pm
Room E-305
Call to Order
Order of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes (November 7, 2006)
Reports (25 minutes total)
1) President’s Report – President Vázquez to discuss next steps
following measure O campaign
a. State Plenary Resolutions
b. Distance Education Taskforce
2) College Council
3) ASB
4) Curriculum
5) EMP
6) Technology
7) Facilities
Action (5 minutes)
1) Student Success Committee
2) Councils & Committees – Finalized Membership
Discussion Items (60 minutes)
1) Spring Joint Convocation
2) Senate Reps and Assigned Faculty
VII. Public Comments (5 minute limit per person)
Santiago Canyon College is a learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to
foster a learning environment, which develops knowledge, critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural
awareness, and effective communication skills.
Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer as well as associate
degree programs. We also provide community services, technical certificate programs, non-credit courses, workforce
education and basic skills instruction. We are committed to providing a full range of support services for our diverse
student population. Our schedules are designed to accommodate the needs of full- and part-time students including
those with family and career responsibilities. The learning experience at Santiago Canyon College encourages a
spirit of cooperation complemented by independent thinking.