Student Success Council MINUTES September 19, 2005, E-107, 2:00 p.m. Attendance Members: Diana Babayan Ex officio: Cari Cannon Nena Baldizon_Rios Lisa Cusack Jim Isbell Theresa Buck Lucy Carr-Rollitt Kathryn Kosuth OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Introductions Council Overview Overview of Materials Review Charge of Student Success Council: Promoting student success projects, programs and services. John Hernandez Flo Zysman Abbie Madrigal Syed Rizvi Lorrie Jordan DISCUSSIONS/COMMENTS John Hernandez and Nena Baldizon-Rios introduced themselves as the cochairs of the council. Members and guests introduced themselves. Robert Melendez has submitted an application to CSEA to fill the vacant classified seat on the committee. Discussion on possible increase of membership. Excerpts from the Collegial Governance Handbook were distributed that outline the council's mission, responsibilities, chair and membership. This council is the umbrella for the Educational Support Committee, Scholarship Committee, and Student Equity Plan Committee. The Student Equity Plan is very important and will require progress reports and updating. Possibility of having the plan on-line was discussed along with distribution for review. Research documentation was distributed with information regarding SCC's Service Area, Enrollment Trends and Student Characteristics and Student Outcomes. Breakout session in groups of 2 with a topic of "How you define Student Success". Pass class (course completion), move to next level Gaining understanding & knowledge Accept responsibility to acquire knowledge Realization and non-intimidating of resources Provide up to date resources ALL textbooks available in library Access: One stop shopping Outreach and in-reach SCC faculty and staff awareness of resources (put a face to a program/unit) Incorporating educational plans OUTCOME/FOLLOW UP John to meet with Lorrie Jordan and ask her to attend the next meeting to give an update on the Student Equity Plan and attend council meetings. Student Success Council September 19, 2005 Page 2 Identify Council Goals for 2005-2006 SUGGESTED FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Student Equity Plan Goals for 2005-06 Frame Work For the Year Why Do Students Leave Review Components of Successful Support Programs UPDATES Students in Transition Conference Vision for achievement/goals Self monitor and assess programs Awareness and utilization of resources Ability to make adjustments Transition Expand Student Success Conference Duplicate success of support programs and determine the components. How do we inform students of resources and what resources does SCC need (awareness and barriers to utilization of resources). Read the Equity Plan to help focus on the most important issues to help promote student success. How do we identify barriers that our students come up against and their knowledge of college resources. Goals will develop as we pursue discussion and research Lucy and Nena to bullet ideas that help students succeed through EOPS and DSPS programs. Review document Emerging Themes Identify components of successful support programs(specifically EOPS, DSPS, Early Decision) to determine if targeted services need to be duplicated for the general student population. Awareness and barriers to utilization of services. Review the Student Equity Plan to ensure adequate resources and support to meet its goals. How do we keep students active and invested? How do we find out the number of students that do not go through Early Decision and EOPS? What would the impact on our existing programs be to promote new ones. How to collect data electronically. Linda Miskovic is working on why students leave because of low FTES this semester. Invite Robert Melendez to provide an overview of Early Decision. Nena and Lucy Conference is November 6-9. May be able to send 2 or 3 interested individuals and use matriculation funds. E-mail John if interested