Student Success & Equity Committee MINUTES *April 25, 2016* 1:30 - 3:00 E-107 Attendance: Joseph Alonzo Diana Babayan Ruth Babeshoff Nena Baldizon-Rios Amanda Carpenter Mathew Carter Dora Escobar Marilyn Flores Denise Foley John Hernandez Kate Kosuth-Wood Imelda Perez Frank Rivera Maureen Roe Rudy Tjiptahadi Christine Umali Kopp Vivien Vu Alison Williams Guest: OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of Prior Minutes from March 28, 2016 NEW BUSINESS 1. Disproportionate Impact Study of English CTEP Test & Math MDTP Test – Ruth Babeshoff 2. Development of a CAI/MMAP Work Group – Marilyn Flores DISCUSSIONS/COMMENTS Diana Babayan moved to approve the Minutes from the March 28, 2016 meeting, Rudy Tjiptahadi seconded and approved unanimously by the committee.. OUTCOME/FOLLOW UP Ruth provided background information on recently completed Studies of Disproportionate Impact: A. The Student Success and Support Program Plan requires that disproportionate impact studies on placement tests be completed by colleges. B. The District Research Office completed two studies in fall 2016: the CTEP (English) and MDTP (math) C. Analysis of the CTEP found no evidence of disproportionate impact involving the ethnicity, gender, age, and disability of the students tested. D. Analysis of the MDTP found that older students (22 years of age and above) are disproportionately placed and cited possible reasons for this result. E. Ruth reminded the committee that placement test scores factor in raw score data and multiple measures developed by faculty as a single test score cannot be used to place students. 2. Marilyn explained the goals of the Common Assessment Initiative: A. Enable students to use their placement tests results at any community college State-wide B. Each community college has the authority to set their own individual cut-off scores and use of multiple measures C. SAC/SCC have an implementation target of Spring 2018 for adopting the common assessment D. Made the suggestion to do backwards mapping for planning to meet the target of Spring 2018 E. SCC’s implementation planning can be based on the experiences, both good and bad, of community colleges who have an implementation target prior to Spring 2018 F. View this video: John made these points: A. Keep this item under Old Business B. There is a strategy in place that we can share C. Approach faculty now to volunteer to serve on the Work Group Committee members were asked to provide feedback on the study or suggestions on how to improve the questions to Ruth. Rudy was asked to do a comparison of the District’s Impact Study and the Impact Study he did for Student Equity, using the same time period. Rudy was asked to email his comparison to the committee members prior to the next meeting. Members were asked to review the material and bring questions to the next meeting. 1. D. SCC needs to connect with SAC; SAC received an implementation grant E. Identify faculty work group members by Summer 2016 F. Initial meeting work group early Fall 2016 Motion: The faculty leaders for the Transformation Grant, including American College English, will serve as members of the Common Assessment Initiative Work Group. UPDATES 1. BSI – Maureen Roe 2. SSSP – Ruth Babeshoff 3. Student Equity – Joseph Alonzo 1. 2. 3. Maureen Roe moved to approve; 2nd by Ruth Babeshoff; the committee unanimously approved. The transformation Grant will be in place in the next week and one half. A. BSI funding must be spent by June 30, 2016 1) Planning to create a video for Family Night using the company hired for the International Student video 2) Funding professional development a) California Acceleration Project, September 2016 in Merced b) More advanced math and English conference, July 2016 c) CADE/Curriculum Re-Design conference, June 15-17, 2016, including re-sequencing and pilots; 6-8 faculty will be working on this during summer SSSP Report A. Ruth gave a brief overview of the Common Assessment Initiative. B. The State Chancellor’s Office assigned spring 2018 as the adoption for fall 2018 placement implementation for SCC and SAC. C. Ruth has been in discussion with Maria AguilarBeltran, SAC Testing Coordinator, about the need to form a SCC-SAC implementation team. No report SUGGESTED FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Framework of Indicators & New ACCJC Standards – Aaron Voelcker Foster Youth Presentation – Trinity WallaceEllis/ Confirmed May 23, 2016 NEXT MEETING - May 23, 2016 Santiago Canyon College Mission Statement Santiago Canyon College is an innovative learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster student success and to help students achieve these core outcomes: to learn, to act, to communicate and to think critically. We are committed to maintaining standards of excellence and providing accessible, transferable, and engaging education to a diverse community. (Approved by RSCCD Board of Trustees, 9-23-13) Student Success & Equity Mission Statement The Student Success & Equity Committee will recommend, coordinate, and initiate strategies which enhance student success and student equity at Santiago Canyon College. The committee will serve as a “hub” for student success initiatives such as the Student Success & Support Program (SSSP); Basic Skills; and Student Equity.