Council Minutes 8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205

Santiago Canyon College
Associated Student Government
8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205
November 19, 2015, 3:30pm - 5:30pm (E-203)
Council Minutes
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Government of Santiago Canyon College will hold a meeting on the designated date,
time, and location stated above. Those wishing to address the Council shall be recognized during public forum to express their concern. All
Associated Student Government Council meetings are held in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Other disability accommodations will be
provided upon request; please notify Diana Casares at (714) 628-4912 for said accommodations.
I. Call to Order
Pham calls the meeting to order at 3:37PM.
II. Roll Call
ASG President
Kevin Pham
ICC President
Gerardo Padilla
Vice-President of Senate
Seham Nabilsi
Vice-President of Activities
Sydney Gaughan
Ebonē Spence
Treasurer At-Large
Edward Rebolledo
McKenna Dice
Supreme Justice
Nathan Underwood
Senator At-Large
Senator of Academics
Marc Magaña
Senator of Accreditation
Senator of Advocacy
Christopher Barajas
Senator of Budget
Noe Hernandez
Senator of Educational Planning
Anthony Hernandez
Senator of Enrollment
Esther Chian
Senator of Facilities
Isabelle Chau
Senator of Honors
Tamara Nabulsi
Senator of Innovation & Sustainability
Senator of International Affairs
Jennifer Puchana
Senator of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Amber Wagstaff
Senator of Planning & Organizational Effectiveness
Andre Eng
Senator of Student Success
Senator of Technology
Gregory Pierot
Senator of Veteran Affairs
Ricky Clemenz
Director At-Large
Troy Gagnon
Director of Academics
Director of Athletics
Bryan Orrillo
Director of Community Service
Thomas Hatch
Director of Fundraising
Jordon Plunkett
Director of Green Operations
Tristan Carr
Director of Health and Wellness
Sophia Cho
Director of Journalism
Lauren Williams
Director of Marketing
Noah Nawabi
Director of Public Relations
Student Trustee Liaison
Raquel Manriquez
Student Life and Leadership Liaison
Diana Casares
Commissioners: Malique Berry (P), Richelle Brothers (P), Blake Duncan (P), Amal Fahmi (P), Nadia Fakhari (A),
Meghan Grech (P), Katherine Gutierrez (P), Anthony Haddadin (P), Nico Heaverlo (P), Lindsay Jameson (P),
Solomon Jones (P), Trevor McBrayer (P), Christina McKay (P), Ashton Morgan (P), Rachelle Rivera (P), Eduardo
Rubio (P), Christian Vargas (P).
III. Amendments to Agenda
Gagnon moves to add Approval of Funds for Stress Less Week under New Business, Seconded by Rebolledo
Plunkett Moves to change the name of the Student Service Sticker to Student Life and Leadership Sticker,
Seconded by Orrillo (21-0-0)
IV. Approval of Minutes
Orrillo Moves to Approve the minutes, Seconded by Nawabi (21-0-0)
V. Public Forum
Lieutenant Pacheco- Introduced himself and is giving a general overview of where campus safety is and will be
going. The District Trustees got a group together to look at campus safety and the level of service campus safety
can provide. They decided to provide a service that will have campus safety that will carry a firearm, but will
not be a police force on campus. They are making sure that there are standards and training in place before
giving firearms to security on campus.
Jones- President of the Basketball Club, the club is now able to have other players outside of school to come
play games as long as they have a consent form given to Jones. Thursdays from 12:00pm-1:30pm are when the
club meets in the gym.
Flood- External Affairs Senator, at General Assembly a resolution was passed that allows students to contact
campus safety and be escorted to their cars if they feel unsafe. Once a month Flood goes to Sacramento and
brings all of the concerns and ideas to the Student Senate. If you are interested in becoming a Student Senator
ask him after council. The next General Assembly will be in May.
VI. Unfinished Business
6.01 Appointment of New Members
Nawabi Moves to appoint Malique Berry as Director of Public Relations and Nick Castillo as Commissioner,
Seconded by Orrillo (21-0-0)
6.02 Resolution Reconciliation
6.03 Impeachment
Underwood Moves to suspend the Orders of the Day, Seconded by Plunkett
Gagnon Moves to take a Vote of No Confidence in Padilla, Seconded by Nabulsi
Gagnon Moves to go to a closed session, Seconded by Plunkett
The motion fails (6-9-9)
Gagnon Moves to resend the Impeachment of Seham Nabilsi, Seconded by Plunkett
The Motion passes (18-2-4)
VII. New Business
7.01 Approval for Lanyards – Noah Nawabi (Discussion/Action)
Nawabi Moves to lay 7.01 Approval for Lanyards on the Table, Seconded by A. Hernandez (24-0-0)
7.02 Resolution V: Attendance Eligibility – Nathan Underwood (Discussion/Action)
Underwood read Resolution V: Attendance Eligibility for the third time. Underwood moves to adopt Resolution
V: Attendance Eligibility, Seconded by Gagnon
Gagnon yes
Eng yes
Wagstaff yes
Orrillo yes
Chian yes
Rebolledo yes
Plunkett yes
Chau yes
Puchana yes
Nabulsi yes
Carr yes
Cho yes
Barajas yes
A Hernandez yes
N Hernandez yes
Nawabi yes
Berry yes
Clemenz yes
Pierot yes
Magana yes
Williams yes
Spence yes
Dice yes
Underwood yes
The motion passes (24-0-0)
7.03 Approval of Funds for Stress Less Week –
Spence Moves to Approve up to $250 from Account 6650 under Programs and Activities for Stress Less Week,
Seconded by Nawabi (23-0-0)
VIII. Reports
8.01 Inter-Club Council Report
8.02 Senator Reports
A Hernandez- Senator of Educational Planning, Reviewed the survey the committee put out. Looked at program
reviews around the school, and compared to last year we filled out a lot more program reviews.
N. Hernandez- Senator of Budget, Spent 11 million since the beginning of the school year, and we are in the red
a little bit as of now. Looking to move money to compensate for that debt
Chian- Senator of Enrollment, The meeting held yesterday talked about the data about students who took
classes during intercession and summer. There was no significant difference between the years that did or didn’t
have intercession and summer classes. Some new legislation on dual enrollment bars college students from
taking high school courses.
Nabulsi- Senator of Honors, Went to academic and honors meeting this week. At honors they are splitting the
department of social sciences into three departments. They approved the 2016 flex calendar. The Senators’ job
during academic senate was to determine which programs were signature programs here on campus. Some were
ASG, the art program, the honors program, STEM, and others. The honors program is getting brand new
8.03 Director Reports
Gagnon- Director At-Large, Movie night tonight!
Orrillo- Director of Athletics, The men’s team finished with a record of 9-6-6. The women’s team are moving
on to the first round of regionals. If anyone can get big cardboard boxes for Winterfest that would be a great
help. Athletics committee please meet after Council
Williams- Director of Journalism, Newsletter is finally done! Meeting with Jordan to hopefully approve it!
Hatch- Director of Community Service, Need volunteers for tomorrow from 6:00pm-10:00pm
Berry- Director of Public Relations, Introduced himself and if anyone is interested in joining his committee
contact him
Nawabi- Director of Marketing, Check came in for shirts so hopefully they will come in soon. Six new projects
for next semester
Cho- Director of Health and Wellness, Paws for Stress is coming up and a signup sheet will be passed out along
with shirts. If you volunteered last year you can wear previous PAWS shirts.
Carr- Director of Green Operations, Having a Campus Cleanup December 4 and a signup sheet will be passed
Underwood moves to Suspend the Orders of the Day and move to 7.03, Seconded by Gagnon
8.04 Executive Reports
Spence- Last year $7,000 was given out for scholarships. Thinking of giving out six scholarships at $500 and a
few at $1,000. They will have the same requirements of a 3.0 GPA. Gagnon is opposed to the idea. Students
will be able to apply for scholarships in January. Orillo suggested that the requirements should be adjusted.
EOPS is asking for $1000 from us for their holiday expenses. Guardian Scholars are asking to add $2000 to
their $3000 budget for next semester. Underwood commented that funding those programs is good, but if it’s
coming from the ASG budget then it is almost a tax from the students. Manriquez disagrees with Underwood
and is for the idea.
Gaughan- Tonight is the November Health and Wellness movie Night at 7:00pm-10:00pm. Setup starts at
Pham- Tomorrow is ASG 101.02 from 1:30pm-4:00pm!! Trivia will be the first activity, and the second activity
will be the maze game. Lastly will be a scavenger hunt around campus. There will be no meetings during that
Underwood- The Vice President of Senate Impeachment Trial has been called into question by the District, and
Underwood read a letter from the District.
8.05 Office of Student Life and Leadership Report
Please inform students about new information provided to you about safety on campus and other important
issues on campus. The position of an assistant in Student Life has been filled. SLI has been a very successful
program, and thanks to those who took part in the SLI program.
8.06 Board of Trustee Liaison Report
This past weekend Manriquez went to SSCCC. Hopes that students will be able to attend next semester. For the
Student Life and Leadership Refund Process, they are creating a refund form and have put in an ITS request.
Unfortunately, this will not be ready for the spring but hopefully will be ready for the fall. For the International
Students Manriquez is currently waiting on information from Santa Ana. On Saturday Manriquez will be
attending the Winter Showcase.
8.07 Delegate Report
Looking for a delegate. Meets once a month with the Region at 12:00pm at various colleges
8.08 Ad-Hoc Reports
IX. Events and Reminders
9.01 Student Life and Leadership Fee
If you haven’t gotten your student service sticker please be sure to do so and have it checked by Underwood.
9.02 Executive’s Turn to Clean Room
Please clean up after yourselves in the ASG Room. This week is the Executives’ turn to clean the room.
9.03 November Movie Night
Movie Night is tonight! Setup is at 6:00pm and it starts at 7:00pm! Be there or be square!
X. Public Forum
Heaverlo- Ultimate Frisbee will be after ASG 101.02!
Gagnon- Appreciate council was able to come to a consensus on Resolution V.
XI. Adjournment
Pham adjourns the meeting at 5:11