Council Agenda 8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205

Santiago Canyon College
Associated Student Government
8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205
February 11th, 2015, 3:30pm - 5:30pm (E-203)
Council Agenda
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Government of Santiago Canyon College will hold a meeting on the designated date,
time, and location stated above. Those wishing to address the Council shall be recognized during public forum to express their concern. All
Associated Student Government Council meetings are held in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Other disability accommodations will be
provided upon request; please notify Diana Casares at (714) 628-4912 for said accommodations.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
ASG President
Nathan Underwood
ICC President
Gerardo Padilla
Vice-President of Senate
Seham Nabilsi
Vice-President of Activities
Treasurer At-Large
Edward Rebolledo
McKenna Dice
Supreme Justice
Senator At-Large
Senator of Academics
Marc Magaña
Senator of Accreditation
Senator of Advocacy
Christopher Barajas
Senator of Budget
Noe Hernandez
Senator of Educational Planning
Senator of Enrollment
Esther Chian
Senator of Facilities
Isabelle Chau
Senator of Honors
Senator of Innovation & Sustainability
Senator of International Affairs
Jennifer Puchana
Senator of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Amber Wagstaff
Senator of Planning & Organizational Effectiveness
Andre Eng
Senator of Student Success
Senator of Technology
Gregory Pierot
Senator of Veteran Affairs
Ricky Clemenz
Director At-Large
Troy Gagnon
Director of Academics
Director of Athletics
Bryan Orrillo
Director of Community Service
Thomas Hatch
Director of Fundraising
Director of Green Operations
Tristan Carr
Director of Health and Wellness
Sophia Cho
Director of Journalism
Lauren Williams
Director of Marketing
Noah Nawabi
Director of Public Relations
Malique Berry
Student Trustee Liaison
Raquel Manriquez
Student Life and Leadership Liaison
Diana Casares
Commissioners: Richelle Brothers (), Amal Fahmi (), Nadia Fakhari (), Meghan Grech (), Katherine Gutierrez (), Nico
Heaverlo (), Lindsay Jameson (), Solomon Jones (), Trevor McBrayer (), Rachelle Rivera (), Eduardo Rubio (),
Christian Vargas (), Alex Wakely (), Blake Williams ().
III. Amendments to Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. Public Forum
VI. Unfinished Business
6.01 Appointment of New Members
6.02 Resolution Reconciliation
6.03 Impeachment
VII. New Business
7.01 Presentation: UCI Blood Drive
7.02 Special Election: Vice President of Activities, Supreme Justice
7.03 Approval of Funds: Foster Youth College & Career Fair
7.04 Approval of Funds: Welcome Back Event
7.05 Resolution VII: Constitutional Convention
7.06 Resolution VIII: Set Meeting Dates
7.07 Budget: Overview
7.08 ASACC: National Student Advocacy Conference
7.09 SSCCC: General Assembly
7.10 March in March
7.11 ASG-101
7.12 Town Hall
7.13 Region VIII Meeting
VIII. Reports
8.01 Inter-Club Council Report
8.02 Director Reports
8.03 Senator Reports
8.04 Executive Reports
8.05 Office of Student Life and Leadership Report
8.06 Board of Trustee Liaison Report
8.07 Delegate Report
8.08 Ad-Hoc Committee: Helpful Hawk Project
8.09 Ad-Hoc Committee: Banquet
IX. Events and Reminders
9.01 Student Life and Leadership Sticker
X. Public Forum
XI. Adjournment