Council Minutes 8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205

Santiago Canyon College
Associated Student Government
8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205
April 14th, 2016, 3:30pm - 5:30pm (E-203)
Council Minutes
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Government of Santiago Canyon College will hold a meeting on the designated date,
time, and location stated above. Those wishing to address the Council shall be recognized during public forum to express their concern. All
Associated Student Government Council meetings are held in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Other disability accommodations will be
provided upon request; please notify Diana Casares at (714) 628-4912 for said accommodations.
I. Call to Order
Underwood calls the meeting to order at 3:30pm.
II. Roll Call
ASG President
Nathan Underwood
ICC President
Gerardo Padilla
Vice-President of Senate
Seham Nabilsi
Vice-President of Student Involvement
Troy Gagnon
Sasha Licari
Treasurer At-Large
Edward Rebolledo
McKenna Dice
Chief Justice
Daniel Rebolledo
Senator At-Large
Christopher Barajas
Senator of Academics
Marc Magaña
Senator of Advocacy
Senator of Budget
Noe Hernandez
Senator of Educational Planning
Senator of Enrollment
Esther Chian
Senator of Facilities
Isabelle Chau
Senator of Honors
Sung Won Moon
Senator of Innovation & Sustainability
Brisa Mendoza
Senator of International Affairs
Senator of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Amber Wagstaff
Senator of Planning & Organizational Effectiveness
Andre Eng
Senator of Student Success
Senator of Technology
Gregory Pierot
Senator of Veteran Affairs
Ricky Clemenz
Director At-Large
Director of Academics
Director of Athletics
Bryan Orrillo
Director of Community Service
Olyvia Preciado
Director of Fundraising
Amal Fahmi
Director of Green Operations
Tristan Carr
Director of Health and Wellness
Sophia Cho
Director of Journalism
Director of Marketing
Noah Nawabi
Director of Public Relations
Malique Berry
Student Trustee Liaison
Raquel Manriquez
Student Life and Leadership Liaison
Diana Casares
Commissioners: Caroline Alatorre (P), Cassandra Cheung (P), Juli Claro (P), Jorge Dominguez (P), Katherine
Gutierrez (P), Lindsay Jameson (P), Trevor McBrAyer (P), Tamara Nabulsi (P), Rachelle Rivera (P), Christian Vargas
(P), Blake Duncan (A).
III. Amendments to Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
Clemenz Moves to approve the minutes, Seconded by Chau
V. Public Forum
ASG gave up to $2,500 to be used for book son reserve at the Library, and we are presenting the check to Mr.
Geissler. The money was used to buy 25 new titles to be on reserve at the Library.
VI. Unfinished Business
6.01 Appointment of New Members
E. Rebolledo Moves to appoint Gregory Pierot as Associate Justice and Anna Shuch as Commissioner,
Seconded by Nawabi.
6.02 Resolution Reconciliation
We received a packet that was found on an administrator’s computer, and will be going over them and
presenting them next Council if relevant.
6.03 Impeachment
VII. New Business
7.01 Helpful Hawk Project Submission – Nathan Underwood (Discussion/Action)
SCC Library Charging Stations for Mobile Devices. Charging stations are one of the most requested things for
the library, but the budget for the library does not cover this request. The funds would be used to buy heavy
duty charging stations that would last a long time with high traffic use. They are requesting $1,400 for the
charging stations. Barajas Moves to allocate $1,400 from the Helpful Hawk Program Account 6650 for library
charging stations, Seconded by Nawabi.
Padilla Aye
Nabilsi Aye
Gagnon Aye
Licari Aye
Rebolledo Aye
Dice Aye
Rebolledo Aye
Barajas Aye
Magana Aye
Chian Aye
Chau Aye
Mendoza Aye
Wagstaff Aye
Eng Aye
Clemenz Aye
Preciado Aye
Fahmi Aye
Carr Aye
Cho Aye
Nawabi Aye
Berry Aye
Manriquez Aye
The motion passes.
7.02 Helpful Hawk Project Submission – Nathan Underwood (Discussion/Action)
The Veterans and Scholarship Office are requesting the maximum available to create a book stipend to help
assist Veterans buy books on time for their classes. This would also help scholarship students who are unaware
how scholarships work and the annual processes. Half of the total amount would go to the Fall semester, and the
rest would go to the Spring semester. They would like to allocate $1,500 for the project. Cho Moves to allocate
$1,500 From the Helpful Hawk Program, Seconded by Chau.
Padilla Aye
Nabilsi Aye
Gagnon Nay
Licari Aye
Rebolledo Aye
Dice Abstain
Rebolledo Aye
Barajas Aye
Magana Aye
Chian Aye
Chau Aye
Mendoza Aye
Wagstaff Aye
Eng Aye
Clemenz Aye
Preciado Abstain
Fahmi Aye
Carr Aye
Cho Aye
Nawabi Aye
Berry Aye
Manriquez Aye
The motion passes.
The TRIO program is not able to use their federal funds to furnish their room, A-104, and the space currently
only has one table for tutoring. They are requesting $1,500 to purchase a new table and chairs for their room.
Licari Moves to allocate $1,500 for the purchase of a new table and chairs from the Helpful Hawk Program
Account 6650, Seconded by Nawabi
Padilla Aye
Nabilsi Aye
Gagnon Aye
Licari Aye
Rebolledo Aye
Dice Aye
Rebolledo Aye
Barajas Aye
Magana Aye
Chian Aye
Chau Aye
Mendoza Aye
Moon Aye
Wagstaff Aye
Eng Aye
Clemenz Aye
Preciado Aye
Fahmi Aye
Carr Aye
Cho Aye
Nawabi Aye
Berry Aye
Manriquez Aye
The motion passes.
7.03 Allocation of Funds for T-107 Furniture – Nathan Underwood (Discussion/Action)
We are going with the contractor Office Furniture Unlimited. We changed the ADA tables to one table due to
issues finding the correct height chairs, and added on two rolling whiteboards. The total amount will be
$17,101.09. Chian Moves to approve up to $18,000 for the purchase of furniture for the Student Center in T-107
from the contractor Office Furniture Unlimited, Seconded by Fahmi
Padilla Aye
Nabilsi Aye
Gagnon Aye
Licari Aye
Rebolledo Aye
Dice Aye
Rebolledo Aye
Barajas Aye
Magana Aye
Chian Aye
Chau Aye
Mendoza Aye
Wagstaff Aye
Eng Aye
Clemenz Aye
Preciado Aye
Fahmi Aye
Carr Aye
Cho Aye
Moon Aye
Orrillo Aye
Nawabi Aye
Berry Aye
Manriquez Aye
The motion passes.
7.04 ASG Elections – Daniel Rebolledo (Discussion/ Action)
D. Rebolledo moves to allocate $5,000 from account 6650 for the purchase of food trucks for ASG Elections on
April 25-26, 2016 from 10:00am-6:00pm for food distribution, Seconded by E. Rebolledo.
7.05 Resolution XXII: Calendar Relocation – Amber Wagstaff (Discussion/Action)
Wagstaff read Resolution XXII: Calendar Relocation for a second time.
Barajas- this would increase student attendance at ASG events.
Wagstaff moves to approve Resolution XXII: Calendar Relocation, Seconded by Moon.
Padilla Aye
Nabilsi Aye
Gagnon Aye
Licari Aye
Rebolledo Aye
Dice Aye
Rebolledo Abstain
Barajas Aye
Magana Aye
Chian Aye
Chau Aye
Moon Aye
Mendoza Aye
Wagstaff Aye
Eng Aye
Clemenz Aye
Orrillo Aye
Preciado Aye
Fahmi Abstain
Carr Aye
Cho Aye
Nawabi Aye
Berry Aye
Manriquez Abstain
The resolution passes.
7.06 Resolution XXIV: Attendance Accountability – Christopher Barajas (Discussion/ Action)
Barajas read Resolution XXIV: Attendance Accountability for the first time.
Barajas – This resolution could prevent the possibility of members not representing the students, and would
prevent the amount of times we lose quorum during council.
D. Rebolledo – Classes are important and there are members who submit emails letting the executive board
know that they cannot attend. Accountability is important in this organization and creating leaders. This
resolution helps us better advocate for our students.
Padilla – This organization has diverged from creating leaders and is now focusing on punishing leaders
instead. If someone has to leave council for private reasons, then the more we focus on implementing
consequences the more we force leaders to have to leave the organization.
Berry – We do have to fulfill our responsibilities, but everyone has external factors that affect our attendance in
Barajas Moves to waive the second reading of resolution XXIV, Seconded by Preciado.
Manriquez Nay
Padilla Nay
Nabilsi Nay
Gagnon Nay
Rebolledo Nay
Dice Abstain
Rebolledo Aye
Barajas Aye
Magana Aye
Chian Aye
Chau Aye
Mendoza Aye
Wagstaff Nay
Eng Nay
Clemenz Aye
Moon Aye
Orrillo Nay
Preciado Aye
Fahmi Aye
Carr Aye
Cho Abstain
Nawabi Aye
Berry Nay
The motion does not pass.
VIII. Reports
8.01 Inter-Club Council Report
Gaming Club is having a Smash Bros. Tournament. SCC Research Alliance went to a symposium to present
their research, and they received lots of positive feedback. The Active Minds had money approved to send
students to a workshop to learn how to implement more leadership in their clubs. Geology Club went hiking
over the break and collected rock samples. Geology, Basketball, and SCC Gaming Clubs are having a
fundraiser at Wise Guys next week. ICC is planning a Spring Fling Event for students to distress, and it will be
on May 4, 2016. Looking into having Kona Ice coming to the event.
8.02 Director Reports
Fahmi, Director of Fundraising – had our first event yesterday at Buffalo Wild Wings! Quad-Chella will be
May 11, 2016 from 10:00am-4:00pm.
Carr, Director of Green Operations – It’s unprofessional to not respond to people trying to contact you
regarding ASG business. Earth Day is next Thursday April 21, 2016 from 10:00am-2:00pm and we need
volunteers to help work the event. There will be two spots for an ASG table, there will be a fruit smash area,
and a raffle/food area.
8.03 Senator Reports
Clemenz, Senator of Veteran Affairs – Did a survey, and one question was if Veterans felt appreciated by the
staff which was overwhelmingly answered with yes. Veterans voiced they feel very appreciated. Meeting
tomorrow to discuss the addition of a Veterans’ counselor.
8.04 Executive Reports
Gagnon – Earth Awareness Day will be on April 21, 2016 and an upcoming E-Waste Drive. Met with ms. Perez
which will help us get equity money, so the event will be pushed back to late May.
Nabilsi – Congrats to Pierot for becoming an Associate justice, and the position of Senator of Technology is
now available.
D. Rebolledo – The pre-elections meetings are ending tomorrow. Santa Ana wants to extend the Student trustee
deadline even further. Receipt expenditures are due tomorrow.
Underwood – Melanie made the pink flyers (25 flyers per class) for us to give classroom announcements on
Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
8.05 Office of Student Life and Leadership Report
There is a job fair coming up on _____, and on Friday April 26, 2016 there will be a resume writing workshop
which students can sign up for. April is Self Defense training and Sexual Assault Prevention month, and classes
will be on Tuesday April 26, 2016 in the SCC gymnasium. There are various ways for individuals to sign up for
the classes. The IT Department are working on a student portal so students will be able to easily see which
events are coming up. There is a link on the SCC website under administrative services where you can request a
job order if you need something done.
8.06 Board of Trustee Liaison Report
This last Monday we had a board of trustee meeting, and there discussion on the gift ban for the board of
trustees. They have decided to take the County of orange’s gift ban policy and applied it to our district. It will
be discussed further at the next meeting. The student life and leadership change implementation will hopefully
be going to the district cabinet, college council, and the board of trustees soon.
8.07 Delegate Report
8.08 Ad-Hoc Committee: Helpful Hawk Project
We have seven total requests for the Helpful Hawk Project, and will be going over the remaining requests soon.
8.09 Ad-Hoc Committee: Banquet
Met with Melanie on Monday, and is looking into the date Banquet will take place.
IX. Events and Reminders
9.01 Student Life and Leadership Sticker
If you are new, be sure to get your student life and leadership sticker.
X. Public Forum
Shakespeare in the Park will be after Earth Awareness Day next week on April 21, 2016.
Pierot wrote an article in the newsletter which will be sent out soon!
XI. Adjournment
Underwood adjourns the meeting at 5:08pm.