PTO Minutes May 3, 2016 Present: June Litscher, Heather Johnson, Kelly Albert, Kate Fjelstad, Lori Przybylski, Paula Gerrish, Sarah Reiter and Wade Pilloud Review of April Minutes: Motion to Accept: Kelly Albert, 2nd by June Litscher Treasurer’s Report: Checking $19,151.93 Savings: $17,875.43 CD: $10,108.64 Motion to Accept: Kate Fjelstad 2nd by Heather Johnson Committee Reports Culvers Night- next one is May 10th; still trying to get a stamp TV Ads- five for the year so far Box Tops-received a check for $864.60 Milk Caps-May 27th will be the last submission for the year Gordys- made $308 this school year Scrip—no update Campbell Soup Labels— starting in August 2016, Campbells will only be accepting labels that say “Label for Education” on them Coke Points—no update Principal’s Report: Wild Animal Adventure-good attendance, turned out good, was educational Forward Test is going well PTO Survey closed on Sunday, May 1st; PTO board will meet over the summer to discuss the direction of PTO based on the survey results Old Business: New Business: Teacher Appreciation –the meal was today, May 3rd; Current Catering did a good job Summer Learning Challenge Picnic-PTO will have a table set up at the picnic; will make a display board to have set up End of Year Treat date; freezies on moving up day; ice cream on last day New Officer—there was a nomination for Lori Przybylski to be the Treasurer for the 2016-2017 school year by Kelly Albert; There was a motion to accept by Paula Gerrish, 2nd by June Litscher; no one opposed the motion Motion to Adjourn by Kate Fjelstad, 2nd by Paula Gerrish. Meeting adjourned at 6:37 pm.