Performance Benchmark N.12.B.2 countries have varying environmental impacts. E/S

Performance Benchmark N.12.B.2
Students know consumption patterns, conservation efforts, and cultural or social practices in
countries have varying environmental impacts. E/S
All our daily activities involve some use of natural resources. Generally speaking, how we use
our resources is embedded in our cultural and social practices. For example, we use paper freely
without thinking about what types of raw materials are needed or what by-products are
generated. The amount of energy, resources, by-products and waste generated by making paper
is not generally a concern for us. The same is true for all the familiar and not so familiar products
and processes that we rely on daily as a society. How our expectations for everyday life impact
our environment is not a concern for the majority of our citizens.
What are consumptive patterns? Consumption is the use of goods and materials to satisfy human
needs. These needs are generally determined by the society in which we live. The term
consumption can have both negative and positive connotations. Consuming goods and materials
to satisfy basic human needs implies a survival mechanism. Consuming goods and materials for
enjoyment can lead us to a discussion of sustainable living and the over consumption of
resources that leads to non-sustainable consumptive patterns. For example, the over-reliance on
automobiles for transportation has lead to an appetite for oil that exceeds the resource. This
consumptive pattern among countries relying on the automobile has caused environmental
impacts such air and water pollution. The environmental impact might be studied in terms of
degradation to the environment but also to the health of populations in the affected communities.
In another example, the cultural/social consumptive practice of consuming shark tail fins has
resulted in a decline in populations of certain shark species. These two cited examples might be
classified as cultural consumptive patterns that are unsustainable and have serious environmental
impacts. Several years ago, a popular chef publicized the recipe for blackened red snapper which
lead to the catastrophic decline in the population of this species. Many chefs now routinely use
“sustainable” recipes that don’t impact one species in such a manner.
The nature of consumption is a sobering reminder that in using resources there is always a
positive and negative impact. The negative aspect reminds us that resource use always involves a
trade off. Continued consumption is possible if our resources can be renewed and made available
on a sustained basis (
Another aspect to consumptive patterns is the amount of consumption. As indicated above, the
over use of one species of fish lead to its species decline. Humans need clothing to keep
themselves protected, warm and comfortable yet many people are influence by fashion trends
and have wardrobes of clothing exceeding their needs. Modern clothing employs many synthetic
fibers which are petroleum based products. Once again, there is an over reliance on one
particular resource.
To learn about the environmental impacts of electricity generation technologies (i.e., coal, oil,
nuclear, hydroelectric, etc.) and the environmental impacts of various energy resources (i.e.,
water resource use, solid waste generation, land resource use, etc.), go to
Important educational efforts include helping students understand resource use in conjunction
with community attitudes and needs. Recycling practices need to be discussed and reviewed with
students. Brainstorming activities can help students develop imaginative solutions. Recognizing
that man’s reliance on resources is psychological, physical and physiological will help the
students understand the complexity of the concept of consumption.
Water is a critical natural resource for survival. The limited abundance of water in Nevada
elevates discussion about resource availability, depletion, environmental degradation and
conservation. Pat Mulroy of the Southern Nevada Water Authority says that water usage is
steeped in our attitudes, culture and history. Early pioneers came to this area because of the
abundance of natural springs. Almost immediately, they realized that only a small agrarian
population could be sustainable in this environment. They also learned that a desert environment
can become treacherous during rainfall resulting in erosion and degradation of fragile land
resources. Not understanding the desert environment creates a non-sustainable use of the limited
water resources.
Las Vegas (2007) has a population rapidly approaching 2 million citizens who have come from
all parts of the country and the world. These citizens bring their cultural understandings and
attitudes about water with them. Attempting to recreate tropical jungles and beautiful green
lawns does not let us manage our precious water resource. Even with conservation efforts, Las
Vegas seeks water from other locations within the state. Fortunately, the water districts are
working to educate the population about sustainable methods of using water through their Las
Vegas Springs Preserve.
Origen Exhibit at the Las Vegas Preserve
In this exhibit at the Preserve, the public can explore the history of the Las Vegas Valley from
early American cultures to Anglo-European settlers. Newcomers to the Valley can become
familiar with the history of water use over the past several centuries. The ORIGEN Experience
captures the essence of the land, the early inhabitants and the many possibilities for Las Vegas’
Figure 1. The ORIGEN Experience at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve.
To learn more about the Las Vegas Springs Preserve, visit their robust website at
The Las Vegas Water Authority works diligently within the community and with other
government agencies to conserve the water that returns to Lake Mead. There is a complex
relationship between the amount of water that Southern Nevada withdraws from the Colorado
River (via Lake Mead) and the amount of water that is returned to the river. Credits are issued by
the federal government through the Colorado River Compact. The Las Vegas Wash is the main
channel returning water. Over the years, efforts have been fortified to prevent water loss and
land erosion. Students can study the Wash by visiting the Las Vegas Wash website. The water
district exemplifies the best aspects of sustainable resource in the description that follows this
Figure 2. The Las Vegas Wash
Recycling Las Vegas History at the Wash
On March 13, 2007, the Stardust Casino was reduced to rubble in a grand implosion that echoed
throughout the Las Vegas Valley. The much celebrated demolition event garnered television
coverage and national media attention with articles in the New York Times and USA Today.
When it opened in 1958 the Stardust was touted as the biggest and best hotel-casino on the Las
Vegas Strip. As the years passed it became infamous as the host of Hollywood films and real
life mafia characters. But like many classic casinos on the Strip, it began to pale in comparison
with the newer casinos, and was slated for demolition to make way for progress. The implosion
amid the fanfare reduced the 32-story Stardust to 170,000 tons of debris.
What should be done with so many tons of debris? To place it all in landfill would be one way
to get rid of it, but it would be a shame for the remnants of a Las Vegas icon to be forgotten. So,
to give these old hotels a second life, the Southern Nevada Water Authority works with
demolition and development companies to acquire and use the broken concrete as riprap
embankments in the Las Vegas Wash.
To learn more about the Las Vegas Wash visit
Figure 3. Map of the Las Vegas Wash showing placement of concrete debris to create riprap
embankments which prevent soil erosion. (from
Thus far only water has been discussed as one resource that can be conserved through business,
community and government efforts. Further discussions with students can center on the concept
of sustainability and the positive aspects of recycling. The Sustainability Gallery at the Las
Vegas Springs Preserve reveals the use of native plants, recycling of many ordinary objects, and
selecting resources based on environmental impacts. As mentioned above the Southern Nevada
Water Authority reuses concrete debris from hotels that have been imploded.
Figure 4. A life-size garbage truck made of recycled materials is also a theater.
Students can relate easily to community efforts to recycle newspaper and aluminum cans. One of
the most important concepts for students to understand is the nature of local attitudes towards
environmental issues. Teachers need to help students understand that moving towards “greener”
energy sources have economic impacts as well as hidden environmental impacts. Class
discussions can focus on efforts to conserve water in the southern Nevada but also in other parts
of the country as well. Efforts to conserve any and all of our resources through common sense
practices should be emphasized.
Performance Benchmark N.12.B.2
Students know consumption patterns, conservation efforts, and cultural or social practices in
countries have varying environmental impacts. E/S
Common misconceptions associated with this benchmark.
1. Students incorrectly think that conservation is only an American concept.
The reality of this misconception is that many countries have conservation efforts that protect
and preserve their natural resources. Costa Rica is a country dedicated to preserving its natural
This site describes the efforts of Costa Ricans to conserve and preserve their resources.
Descriptions about the pros and cons of ecotourism are emphasized.
2. Students incorrectly think that conserving resources is being a “tree hugger.”
The reality of this statement is that many media outlets have distorted reports about the
environmental impacts of various practices involving resource use. The public has developed a
mistrust of environmental efforts to protect resources.
These two sites confront the problems posed by conservation and the ever-changing challenges
involving politics, cultures, and economies.
3. Students incorrectly think that only other countries waste resources.
Americans routinely believe that other people are the source of the problem while failing to
recognize that waste is a by-product of human activity. Helping students understand that their
actions have environmental impacts will help them understand how conservation and sustainable
practice can have positive impacts on their lives. By better understanding waste issues and
changing habits, students can understand how they can improve their community and the
environment around them.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed materials for high school teachers
and students that address issues relate to resource use and conservation practices that provide
positive ideas and projects. This information can be accessed at
4. Students incorrectly think that sustainability costs more.
The sustainable approach may require a greater commitment of time and a focused effort, but it
frequently costs less to implement than a conventional design. Moreover, a guiding concept of
sustainability is to evaluate efficiency using total lifecycle cost. By that measure, initial capital
costs pale in comparison to human costs, and to the potential gains from even modest
improvements in worker productivity that sustainable treatments often support.
The following website has a question and answer format addressing some of the more poignant
issues regarding sustainable design. They state that the sustainable approach may require a
greater commitment of time and a focused effort, but it frequently costs less to implement than a
conventional design.
5. Students incorrectly think that sustainability is too complex to be achievable.
The difficulty with the term sustainability is that most people don’t know what it means. Many
people think it is just about sustaining ourselves economically and don’t look at the
environmental and social aspects that are crucial to sustainability. Additionally, there have been
hundreds of different definitions for sustainability that vary in specificity. This makes it difficult
to achieve a widespread, commonly accepted concept of sustainability. A frequently cited
definition is “improving the quality and equity of human life while living within the carrying
capacity of supporting ecosystems.” Finally, many people believe that sustainability pits the
environment against business, when in fact business must play a critical role in creating
The University of Colorado has a question and answer page about the concept of sustainability.
Please see
6. Students incorrectly think that energy is associated with humans or movement.
For example, students believe energy is associated only with humans or movement, is a fuel-like
quantity which is used up, or is something that makes things happen that is expended in the
process. (Benchmarks for Science Literacy, p. 338.) Although students typically hold these
meanings for energy at all ages, upper elementary-school students tend to associate energy only
with living things, in particular with growing, fitness, exercise, and food. (Benchmarks for
Science Literacy, p. 338.) In addition to not readily understanding the conservation of energy,
students do not understand that once energy is converted, it is not necessarily in a usable form.
This website contains student lessons on energy. The focus of this section of the website is on a
lesson designed to help students investigate and evaluate renewable energy sources. See
7. Students incorrectly think that holes in the ozone lead to enhanced green house effects.
Regarding air pollution and damage to the ozone layer through use of CFC’s, many students
believe holes in the ozone layer allow more solar radiation to pass through the atmosphere
leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect. Ozone is a gas that occurs both in the Earth's upper
atmosphere and at ground level. Ozone can be "good" or "bad" for people's health and for the
environment, depending on its location in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is the rise in
temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor,
carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun.
A good document for discussing ground level ozone vs upper atmospheric ozone is found at and
Another website excellent for the greenhouse effect is and
Performance Benchmark N.12.B.2
Students know consumption patterns, conservation efforts, and cultural or social practices in
countries have varying environmental impacts. E/S
Sample Test Questions
1. Which of the following would be considered a non-sustainable practice?
a. using solar energy
b. mining for gold
c. recycling glass
d. eating red meat once a week
2. The average ecological footprint of a citizen of the United States is:
a. 24 acres
b. 2 acres
c. 58 acres
d. 150 feet
3. How much power is used by the average human being?
a. 10 watts
b. 100 watts
c. 1000 watts
d. 10000 watts
4. The average human consumes 2000 kcal of food. What is the approximate equivalent of this
in kilowatts? (hint: 1.0 kwatts is equivalent to13,543 kcal)
0.02 kilowatts
0.2 kilowatts
2.0 kilowatts
20 kilowatts
5. Compared to a hunter/gatherer society, energy consumption in an industrial society is
a. 5 times higher
b. 15 times higher
c. 50 times higher
d. 100 times higher
6. Archeologists have evidence that the southwest region of the United States had a 40 year
drought about a thousand years ago. Most native people moved away from the area. What is
the most likely reason why these people abandoned their communities?
a. The air temperature was too hot.
b. Large mammals migrated away from the area.
c. Soil characteristics changed.
d. The resources they needed for survival
Performance Benchmark N.12.B.2
Students know consumption patterns, conservation efforts, and cultural or social practices in
countries have varying environmental impacts. E/S
Answers to Sample Test Questions
1. (b)
2. (a)
3. (b)
4. (b)
5. (c)
6. (d)
Performance Benchmark N.12.B.2
Students know consumption patterns, conservation efforts, and cultural or social practices in
countries have varying environmental impacts. E/S
Intervention Strategies and Resources
The following list of intervention strategies and resources will facilitate student understanding of
this benchmark.
1. High School Center of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Students often stumble as they try to access competent information about resources. An
excellent EPA resource for high school students separates the major resources and discusses
each. Each portal contains other links to websites to guide students in their understandings
about consumptive patterns in relationship to the resource studied. Specific areas covered
include air, conservation, and ecosystems, health and safety, waste and recycling, water and
your neighborhood.
To access this resource go to
2. Ecological Footprint Quiz by the Earth Day Network
Ever wondered how much "nature" your lifestyle requires? You're about to find out. This
Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates how much productive land and water you need to
support what you use and what you discard. After answering 15 questions you'll be able to
compare your Ecological Footprint to what other people use and to what is available on this
To access this quiz, go to
3. Trophic Ecology of Humans by the National Health Museum’s Activities Exchange.
Humans eat. This simple statement hides many complexities. When viewed in an ecological
context, eating is the way energy and material entering individual organisms. Consideration
of how that energy is related to organisms is called trophic ecology. Energy moves from its
source in the sun through the photosynthetic organisms that make energy available to living
things (producers) and then through organisms that eat other organisms including the
photosynthetic ones (consumers). At each step much energy is lost, and it is of great
importance to study these energy relationships in order to understand the functioning of
communities and ecosystems.
To access the activities exchange and locate this lesson visit
4. Carbon Counter from the Climate Trust is a web site that allows you to calculate how much carbon dioxide you
emit into the atmosphere. It empowers individuals to become CO2 free by donating to real
projects and programs that reduce carbon dioxide in the environment.
To access this resource go to
5. Leaders of Waste Reduction (LOWR)
A free waste prevention and recycling resource aimed at informing the consumptive,
purchasing, and disposal choices of Washoe County School District students in grades 3 10. As part of this effort, Environmental Leadership has compiled information aimed at
providing teachers and students with current and comprehensive educational resources on
waste reduction.
To access this resource go to
6. Why Native Landscaping? From the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
After European settlement, people planted gardens with plants brought from their home
country. They were tiny, comfortable garden plots set in a huge wilderness. Today, however,
the reverse is true. Agricultural and garden plants introduced from all over the world
dominate the landscape, while native plants are managed in small preserves. In recent years,
natural landscaping - using native plants and plant communities in landscaping - has become
more common.
To access this resource go to
7. Clark County Regional Flood Control District Resources
Here you will find information about flood events around Clark County and the work that the
District performs to improve the protection of life and property for existing residents, future
residents, and visitors from the impacts of flooding.
To access this resource go to
8. H2O University from the Southern Nevada Water Authority
In Southern Nevada, residential water customers use 65 percent of the water supply.
Residents use 75 to 90 percent of their water outdoors. And, of the water Southern Nevadans
use outdoors, they waste one third. In 2002, we wasted 30 billion gallons of water. That's
enough water to provide 1.6 million people with drinking water for the next 50 years. It's also
enough water to wash 1.2 billion loads of laundry.
To access this resource go to