Content Benchmark E.8.C.8

Content Benchmark E.8.C.8
Students know soils have properties, such as color, texture, and water retention, and
provide nutrients for life according to how they form. E/S
Sample Test Question
1st Item Specification: Understanding the relationship between particle size and soil
composition and the ability of the soil to retain water.
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
1. Mechanical weathering of exposed bedrock causes the rocks to
A. breakdown.
B. grow larger.
C. oxidize.
D. melt.
2. Which of the following soil characteristics control the rate of water infiltration?
A. Color
B. Particle size
C. Minerals in the soil
D. Leached materials in the subsoil
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
3. Use the diagram showing plastic beads of different sizes sorted into three beakers to
answer the following question.
Which of the following would allow for the fastest infiltration of water?
A. Beaker A
B. Beaker B
C. Beaker C
D. A mixture of all three beakers.
4. Use the diagram showing plastic beads of different sizes sorted into three beakers to
answer the following question.
A soil composed of which of the following particle sizes would allow for the greatest
amount of water retention during a drought?
A. Small particle size (beaker A)
B. Medium particle size (beaker B)
C. Large particle size (beaker C)
D. Mixture of medium and large particles (beakers B and C)
2nd Item Specification: Identify properties of the soil such as color, texture, and
water retention
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
5. Which of the following particle sizes are NOT typically found in mature topsoil?
A. Cobbles
B. Sand
C. Silt
D. Clay
6. The texture of the soil is determined by
A. organic remains.
B. color.
C. particle size.
D. gases.
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
7. Which of the following best explains why a desert’s soil supports less plant life than a
rainforest’s soil?
A. The temperature is too hot to support a soil.
B. The soil has a relatively low mineral concentration.
C. The rock particles of the soil allow water to infiltrate too quickly.
D. The amount of water in the soil is too low.
8. Color, texture and water retention are all properties of soils. Which factors control
color and water retention?
A. Minerals in the soil and particle size.
B. Minerals in the soil and the amount gases.
C. Amount of gases and the particle size.
D. Particle size and surface temperature.
3rd Item Specification: Understand how soils form and the major components of
Depth of Knowledge Level 1
9. Exposed rock will eventually weather to form what component of the soil?
A. bedrock
B. humus
C. organic material
D. rock particles
10. Use the diagram of a soil profile to answer the following question.
What horizon contains the largest amount of organic material?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. O
Depth of Knowledge Level 2
11. Why is weathering an important process in soil formation?
A. Weathered material is the main component in the soil.
B. Weathering brings water into the soil layers.
C. Weathered material provides the organic nutrients into the soil.
D. Weathering removes the soil, and therefore prevents soil formation.
12. Which of the following statements describe why different soils form in different
locations around the Earth?
A. Weathering only occurs in warm climates.
B. Different types of bedrock occur in different areas.
C. The crops that are grown in the soils.
D. The atmospheric gases present in the different locations.
Constructed Response E.8.C.8
1. The diagram below shows a soil profile. Use the soil profile to answer the following
A. Label the four horizons of the soil profile from the top of the profile to the bottom.
B. Describe the factors that control the ability of the soil to retain water.
C. Differentiate the soil types that would form in a desert climate with the soils that
will form in rainforest’s climate.
Content Benchmark E.8.C.8
Students know soils have properties, such as color, texture, and water retention, and
provide nutrients for life according to how they form. E/S
Answers to Sample Test Questions
1. A, DOK Level 1
2. B, DOK Level 1
3. C, DOK Level 2
4. A, DOK Level 2
5. A, DOK Level 1
6. C, DOK Level 1
7. D, DOK Level 2
8. A, DOK Level 2
9. D, DOK Level 1
10. D, DOK Level 1
11. A, DOK Level 2
12. B, DOK Level 2
Constructed Response E.8.C.8 Score Rubric
Response addresses all parts of the question clearly and correctly.
3 points
A. From top to bottom the horizons are O, A, B, and C.
B. The main controlling factors for water retention in the soil are
particle size (controls permeability), compaction of the soil, and the
amount of water available (climate). As the particle size increases the
ability of the soil to retain water decreases.
C. Desert soils lack moisture where rainforest soils contain an
abundance of moisture. This is due to the amount of precipitation and
the soils ability to absorb and retain water. This influences the plant
growth which, in turn, influences the compaction of the soil and gases
within the soil. Both types of soil have very thin topsoil. However, the
reason for this in the desert is lack of precipitation while in the
rainforest is due to an abundance of precipitation which results in
large amounts of leaching.
2 points
Response addresses all parts of the question and includes only minor
1 point
Response does not address all parts of the question.
0 points
Response is totally incorrect or no response provided.