INVITATION FOR TENDER AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Proposal for design and implementation of Acoustical absorbing treatment Undergraduate Program Building No.2 (Old Physics Building) Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - 560012 Undergraduate Program Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560012 INVITATION FOR TENDER The Institute is inviting two cover tenders for supply and installation of Acoustic Absorbing treatment, details of which are given in subsequent sections. The activity will cover understanding the technical and functional requirements clearly, arriving at a suitable and cost effective configuration meeting all the stated functional requirements. The selected bidder will have the responsibility to supply, install and manage the installation for the stated period of time. It is envisaged that the bidder will have to provide warranty and comprehensive maintenance services for a period of at least three years. Guidelines to Tenderers 1. The tender, including all proposals, should be addressed to The Dean Office of the Undergraduate Programme Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012 2. A two-cover system is proposed for the submission of tenders, consisting of Cover A : Technical Bid : containing i. Executive Summary of the proposal as per Proforma given in this document. ii. Complete Technical Details of the proposed work iii. Performance details iv. Terms and conditions for the offer. v. Supporting technical material, such as brochures white papers etc. Cover B: Price Bid: containing only prices. 3. The individual covers to be sealed and super scribed as UGProg/acoustics/2014-1 dated 29th Sept. 2014/Technical Bid, and UGProg/acoustics/2014-1 dated 29th Sept. 2014 Price Bid respectively. 4. The two sealed covers should be placed in another sealed cover, addressed to The Dean Office of the Undergraduate Programme, Indian Institute of Science and should be super scribed as UGProg/acoustics/2014-1 dated 29th Sept. 2014 5. The sealed cover should reach the office of Office of the Undergraduate Programme, Indian Institute of Science, latest by 20th Oct 2014 6. No request for any further extension of the above deadline shall be entertained. Delayed and/or incomplete tenders are liable to rejection. 7. All the covers should bear the name and address of the tenderer. 8. The Technical Bid and the Price Bid should be duly signed by the authorized representative of the tenderer. 9. The Technical Bid and the Price Bid should be bound separately as complete volumes. 10.The prices should not be mentioned in the Technical Bid. 11.A tender, not complying with any of the above conditions is liable to rejection. 12.The tenderers are requested to go through the General Terms and Conditions, detailed in this document, before filling out the tender. TECHNICAL SCOPE OF WORK 1. Introduction The Indian Institute of Science is a premier Research and Education institute in the country. The campus has no. of departments which are engaged both in teaching and research program. Undergraduate program is a newly started program in the Institute. We have no. of class rooms where in lectures are held continuously almost the full day. Class rooms/lecture halls are of different sizes and capacity of each room differs both in total volume and sitting capacity. Office of the Undergraduate Program at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is planning to implement a standards based on state of the art class rooms/lecture halls to suite the acoustic needs such that noise and echo created due to the usage of audio system which are in use during the teaching hours or any other programs is negligible. The broad scope of this tender, which is detailed in subsequent sections, is to supply, install and commission, operationalise and maintain the acoustics in the class rooms/lecture halls as a total turnkey solution. The bidders have to understand clearly the requirements from the subsequent sections design and implement an optimal and cost effective solution to meet the stated requirements. 2. Bidder's Eligibility Criteria: The bidders who have the necessary technical competence and capability with prior experience of having designed and implemented such complex solutions in the recent past and meeting the criteria stipulated below only need apply. The technical solution provided by the bidders will be evaluated by the technical committee only after the bidders meet all the criteria stipulated. 1. Bidder should be ISO 9000 certified or if the bidder happens to be integrator either the bidder or one of the OEMs should meet the above condition. The bid should include the authorization from the OEMs. The technical bid should clearly demarcate the bidder and the OEMs. Complete details of the same to be submitted with the bid. 2. Bidder has to be a current legal entity and has to provide evidence. 3. Bidder should be a profit making company for the last three financial years. 4. Bidder must have prior experience of implementing the similar work. It is mandatory for the bidders to provide all the necessary documentation in support of the above. Non-submission of the necessary documentation along will the offer will result in disqualification and the bid will be summarily rejected. The requirements stipulated in this document is to ensure that the total solution provided by the bidders as a response to this tender is able to meet all the stated technical and functional requirements with the expected levels of performance, scalability, availability, fault tolerance and mean time to restore in the event of a fault or failure. The successful bidder has to supply, install and commission, operationalise and ensure that all the stated requirements are met during the acceptance before it is handed over to the Institute. The warranty support required is at least for a period of three year 3. Evaluation Methodology: 1. The response to the RFP by the bidders will be the technical and commercial response as a two part bid. The technical response has to include the complete product specification and standards compliance details and should include responses to the technical information required and the technical bill of materials. 2. Based on the technical offer received from the bidders, the technical committee will evaluate the suitable ones and invite them for a technical presentation and discussion. 3. The bidders, during the above mentioned session, have to clearly give details of the solution proposed as well as an implementation plan for smooth and seamless integration of the products. 4. The representation should cover all the additional benefits of the proposed solution including support for the optional functional requirements, as listed above. 5. After the presentation/discussion, taking into account the technical offer submitted by the bidders, the technical committee will shortlist bidders and the short listed offers will be considered for further evaluation. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Technical Bid : 1. The technical bid should be complete as per the items mentioned in the guidelines to the tenderers. Incomplete proposals are liable for rejection. 2. The Executive summary should be furnished as per the proforma supplied with this document, along with the profile of the company. Tenders not adhering to this format are liable for rejection. 3. The Technical proposals should be in line with the specification given in the earlier section of this document. Deviation from these specifications if any should be highlighted. IISc holds the right to accept or reject proposals with such deviations Price Bid: 1. Unit price for each of items should be quoted. Prices for any additional components offered as value additions should be quoted as separate line items. 2. The Prices for all imported items to be quoted in US Dollars in FOB basis. Letter of Credit would be the preferred mode of payment for imported items. 3. Agency commission, Installation, if any, will be paid only in Indian Rupees to the Indian agent after successful delivery, installation, commissioning & satisfactory working and acceptance of the equipment. Such charges, if any, should be quoted clearly in the Price Bid. 4. The offer should be valid at least for a period of …30 days….. from the date of submission of the complete tender. Installation and Acceptance of the work 1. The tenderer should be able to install and commission the work at the designated locations within the IISc Campus. 2. Subsequent to successful installation at IISc, the work will be accepted after a successful uninterrupted operation for a period of 30 (thirty) days. Warranty 1. Warranty on all the hardware components should be valid for a period of at least 3 years from the date of acceptance of the work at a particular location. 2. During the warranty period, the tenderer shall be fully responsible for the manufacturer’s warranty in respect of proper design, quality and workmanship of all the work. 3. During the warranty period, the tenderer shall attend to all the hardware problems on site and shall replace the defective parts at no extra cost to the purchaser. 4. General 1. IISc reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders, wholly or partly without assigning any reason thereof, and shall not be bound to accept the lowest tender. 2. IISc reserves the right to distribute the work across multiple tenderers, if necessary 3. IISc reserves the right to alter and revise the technical specifications or the required quantity at any point of time, In case of such alteration, the tenderers will be notified duly. 4. Tenderer is to abide by all the Terms and Conditions detailed above. In case, these terms and conditions are not acceptable to any tenderer, he should clearly specify the deviations in his tender. IISc reserves the right to accept or to reject them. Proforma for Executive Summary 1. Name and Address of the Manufacturer: 2. Name and Address of the Tenderer: 3. Tenderer’s Proposal Number and Date: 4. Summary of the solutions proposed: Item A B C D Make and Model No. 5. Checklist for documents attached (please √ appropriately) Technical details of the proposed work. Performance Details of the proposed wok. Terms and conditions for offer Authorization Letter from Foreign Principal if any Supporting Literatures Company’s profile Any other documents (please specify) 6. Contact details of the personnel for all future correspondence related to this proposal: Name & Designation: Phone No: Fax No: Mobile : Email: ………………………………Signed by ………………………………Name & Designation …………………………….. Organization