Skill profile sought for temporary staff for the activities under

Skill profile sought for temporary staff for the activities under
CCA, at different units of administration:
A. Senior Software Analysts (SSA):
Essential Qualifications:
A degree or diploma in any discipline and an experience of at least 10 years in software
development, IT management, team lead and a good control on asp.NET based server-client
application development, deployment and debugging.
Ability in handling a software project independently with a team of fresh graduate engineers and
ability in modifying, maintaining and customizing already developed packages as the need arises
at different admin units of the Institute.
Age is not a constraint. However applicants are considered qualified subject to their medical
fitness, deemed to be considered fit by the CMO of the Institute.
Desirable Experience:
Management of Database Servers, Network Systems and exposure for Server clusters, NAS,
Automated Data Backups on NAS, exposure to Advanced Microsoft Server and Development
Platforms and software version updates and upgrades in a seamless functionality of the working
Monthly Remunerations & General Terms:
The salary would be fixed based on the experience and suitability of the candidate. However, it
would be a fixed and consolidated pay in the range of Rs.25,000 to 50,000 depending on the
fixation by an expert committee. Periodic technical reviews would be held for assessment of the
performance. Performance based remuneration enhancements may be considered by CCA. The
starting remuneration would be set to be commensurate with the technical competence and
experience and is decided based on the technical assessment of the candidate by a committee.
B. Project Assistants (Senior & Junior)
Minimum (Essential) Qualification:
A degree in Engineering (any discipline) or MCA or M.Sc. (in the area of Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science or Information Technology) with a minimum of II Class
in the degree.
Adequate knowledge of computer programming with an exposure to Microsoft .NET and SQL, C#
and/or VB.Net.
Experience (for Project Assistant-Senior):
Essential: A minimum of 1 year experience in one or more of the following areas – software
development, programming in languages under .Net and/or SQL environments, debugging
developed packages, database management and data security, customization of the end-use
package, data-mining and ad-hoc and unscheduled report generation, transaction analysis and
optimization of transaction flow.
Desirable: General computer system administration (of Servers and Clients); office network
management; automated backups of database, applications and system configurations; tuning
scheduled jobs on the servers for an optimal performance and consistency.
Monthly Remunerations & General Terms:
Project Assistant - Junior (candidates with no working experience): Rs.10,000/- p.m. (fixed).The
position is for a period of 1 year. However, the offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of the
Institute administration at any time during this period in case of unsatisfactory performance.
Candidates performing well during the 1 year period may be considered against vacancies, if any,
for the PA-senior position.
Project Assistant - Senior (candidates with appropriate experience): Rs.12,000/- p.m. (fixed).
Periodic technical reviews would be held for assessment of the performance. Performance based
remuneration enhancements may be considered. The starting remuneration would be set
commensurate with the experience and based on the technical assessment of the candidate by a
C. Data Assistants (Senior & Junior)
Minimum (Essential) Qualification:
A diploma in Engineering (any discipline) or BCA or Graduate (B.Sc., B.A., B.Com. and equivalents)
with a minimum of II Class in the degree.
Adequate knowledge of computer operations, basic programming, database creation, querying
and report generation and working with third party application packages.
Experience (Data Assistants-Senior):
At least one year of work experience in the areas specified above , including supporting the use of
application packages
Monthly Remunerations:
Data Assistant - Junior (candidates with no working experience): Rs.8,000/- p.m. (fixed). The
position is for a period of 1 year. However, the offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of CCA at
any time during this period in case of unsatisfactory performance. Candidates performing well
during the 1 year period may be considered against vacancies, if any, for the Data Assistant senior position.
Data Assistant - Senior (candidates with appropriate experience): Rs.10,000/- p.m. (fixed). The
starting remuneration would be set in relation to the experience and technical assessment by a
committee. Periodic technical reviews would be held for assessment of the performance.
Performance based remuneration enhancements may be considered.
D. General terms applicable to all the above categories:
The positions are purely temporary and the maximum tenure is limited to a period of 5 years.
However, the Institute administration can terminate the position with one month notice, without
assigning any reason. The appointments may be continued depending on requirements. The
candidate can opt to quit on any reason with a notice of one month.
No accommodation or other benefits are made available for the temporary appointments made
under this advertisement.
The number of positions depends on the requirement at the Institute.
Aspiring candidates may send the application in the format provided in Annexure-A with
necessary support documents electronically (by email) to office of CCA, to having its subject inscribed “Temporary Staff Recruitment - CCA”.
From the collected list of applications, based on the requirements, selected candidates will be
called for written tests and/or interviews.
Beyond filling up of the required positions a waitlist of the interviewed candidates may be created
to fill up vacancies that may arise in the short term (within 6 months).
The applicants should provide the information in the format specified in the Annexure-A below
and any additional information and supplementing documents be attached to it. Incomplete
information or applications without necessary supplementing documents in favor of their
credentials – are liable to be rejected.
Format for Providing the essential details of the applicant
Name (in capitals):
Address of Communication:
Personal Details:
a) Age and Date of Birth:
b) Email-ID:
c) Mobile No.:
Highest educational qualification with
class of passing, year and University /
Organization awarding the degree (Copy
of Certificates to be attached):
Experience (Testimonials to be attached): a) Nature of work:
(A detailed resume to be attached)
b) Years of Experience:
Position applied for (Notify with an ‘Yes’ Senior Software Analyst:
to the applicable one):
Project Assistant:
a) Junior:
b) Senior:
Data Assistant:
a) Junior:
b) Senior: