Web Portal One-Time Set up Minimum Requirements

Web Portal One-Time Set up
Minimum Requirements
Operating System
Supported Internet browsers:
o Internet Explorer 5.5+
o Firefox 2+
o Netscape 7.2+
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768
Adobe Reader
To view and save files in .PDF format, you will need the Adobe Reader
Forms Viewer
IBM Lotus Forms Viewer 3.5.1 fixpack 2 or higher: The Document Manager system
requires a one-time installation of the IBM Lotus Forms Viewer. The system will walk you
through this installation the first time you open or create a document.
Java VM
Java VM (supported versions):
o 5 or higher
Log into the GXS Web Portal
1. Goto URL https://tradinggrid.gxs.com/TigerPortal/ and log into your account.
Document Manager
2. Click on the Document Manager tab
Creating Documents
3. Click on the Creating Document button on the left-hand tab.
Create New Document
4. Click on the Create button
Software Download
5. This will download the Lotus Viewer required to use the GXS Web form. Click “Download
Save download
6. Save the file to your desktop
7. To install the viewer click Run.
Click Run if prompted of a Security Warning
Select the language desired for the install. Click OK
Click Next
Install (cont.)
Accept the terms of agreement. Click Next.
Review the default destination path and Click Next once the destination is defined.
Go back to make changes or Click Install to start the install
Install (cont.)
Click Finish.
Close your browser completely
8. For the install to complete you must close your browser, reopen the browser, and log
back in.
Login to GXS Trading Grid
9. Follow steps 1 – 4 to navigate to the Purchase Order page. You will see the message [X]
Test Completed this indicates that the install was successful.
Set up is now complete.
IBM Lotus Viewer - ERROR
After installing the viewer and restarting your web browser, you receive an error.
Possible reasons for this error:
1. You do not have Java VM installed on your computer
2. You have Java VM installed, but the version isn’t supported by the IBM Lotus
Form Viewer
3. You have the proper version of Java VM installed, but have a lower version
of the IBM Lotus Form Viewer.
How can I tell if I have the right version of Java VM installed?
1. From your Windows Start bar navigate to Run.
2. Type the word cmd
then, press OK.
3. From the command line type java –version (space between java and the
dash – no space between the dash and version
4. This command will return the version of java installed (1.5.x or 1.6.x is
acceptable). If Java VM is not installed, you will receive an error message
that ‘java’ is not recognized as and internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
Lower version of Java 4 (v 1.4x) installed
No Java installed
How do update or install the Java VM software?
1. If the version is lower than 1.5.x or you receive the above error message that
java is not recognized, you need to install the latest version of Java VM
(version 6 or higher), which can be found here: