Measurements and Scaling of Vascular Mechanics in Large and Small Mammals Craig J. Hartley, Ph.D. Department of Medicine, Program in CV Sciences Baylor College of Medicine, The Methodist Hospital, and The DeBakey Heart Center, Houston, TX USA Craig J. Hartley, Ph.D. Professor of Medicine, Program in Cardiovascular Sciences Director, Instrumentation Development Laboratory The DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center Baylor College of Medicine and The Methodist Hospital Houston, Texas Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Washington, 1970 Post Doctoral Fellow, Bioengineering, Rice Univ. 1970-72 Faculty at Baylor College of Medicine 1973 - Present Adjunct Professor of BME at Rice and Univ. of Houston Dissertation: "Ultrasonic properties of artery walls." About 15 years ago we started using mice in our research, and we wondered if we could adapt what we had developed for use in patients and larger animals for use in mice. “Have a nice day at the lab, dear?” And could we do it noninvasively so our patients don't go home like this. Genomics Why use mice? or genetic engineering Allows us to study human cardiovascular diseases and conditions such as: cardiac hypertrophy, atherosclerosis, hypertension, aging, and many others. But… How similar are the cardiovascular systems? Comparison of Heart sizes Dog Rat Mouse Are mice good models for human diseases? What are the similarities and differences? Mice are much smaller and shorter lived, but Their cardiovascular systems appear similar. Does the size difference matter? Scaling in mammals from elephants to mice Based on cell metabolism, diffusion distances and times, and energy transport Y = a BW b Heart weight LV volume Stroke volume Heart rate Cardiac output Aortic diameter Aortic length Arterial pressure Aortic velocity PW velocity Entrance length Life span Relationship to BW(kg)* a BW1 a BW1 a BW1 a BW-1/4 a BW3/4 a BW3/8 a BW1/4 a BW0 a BW0 a BW0 a BW3/4 a BW1/4 4.3 BW 2.25 BW 0.95 BW 170 BW-1/4 224 BW3/4 3.6 BW3/8 13 BW1/4 100 100 500 20 BW3/4 7.5 BW1/4 BW=25g 112 mg 56 ml 24 ml 427 bpm 14 ml/min 0.9 mm 5.2 cm 100 mmHg 100 cm/s 500 cm/s 1 mm 3 years How these“Engineering theoretically relationships compare reality? * Dawson, design of derived the cardiovascular system of mammals” , Prenticewith Hall, 1991. Log-log plots of heat production, oxygen consumption, and heart rate versus body weight Heart rate -1/4 power Heat production 3/4 power 3/4 power Oxygen consumption Cardiovascular parameters of interest • • • • • • • Blood Pressure Flow & Velocity Dimensions Cardiac Function Impedance All are functions Reflections of time, so we Stiffness need waveforms Challenge is to be noninvasive with high spatial and temporal resolution mouse aorta Methods to measure pressure, flow, and dimensions in mice • • • • • • • • Fluid-filled catheters Micromanometers Tonometry Tail cuff Ultrasonic transit-time Ultrasonic Doppler Sonomicrometry M-mode echo & Doppler intravascular Intravascular extravascular noninvasive extravascular noninvasive extravascular noninvasive Set-up for noninvasive Doppler measurements in mice Cardiac Doppler measurements in mice systolic and diastolic function and timing +12- +90 Aortic ------P +8- Accel Probe mc | mo | +410 MHz kHz 0pulsed Doppler -4- | ao -8- Mitral ECG +60 | ac A---------E | ao R | +30 cm/s -0 -30 -60 ECG 380 ms | Velocity and| waveforms are simliar to man Carotid arteries 20 MHz Sample volume Doppler Probe Doppler probemm mm Mouse carotid Dopper signal processing Indus peak Doppler shift 256 point FFT 125 k-samples/s Df = 2 fo(V/c)cosθ V (cm/s) = 3.75 Df (kHz) Human Carotid |— 1 sec —| -60 -40 -20 cm/s -0 ECG What about other vessels? 20 MHz Doppler signals from peripheral arteries in a mouse right carotid 20 MHz Doppler Probe left carotid mm aortic arch ascending aorta -100 descending aorta -50 cm/s -0 | 250 ms right renal celiac | left renal abdominal aorta Stop Velocities are similar in magnitude and shape to those from humans Pulse-wave velocity measurements in mice (((( Sample Volume Probe 20 MHz Doppler 40 mm ECG 12 ms c2 = Eh/dr c = PWV = 3.3 mm/ms PWV=is40/12 similar in man Pulse-wave velocity in knockout mice and responses to phenylephrine 1200 *p<0.05 vs normal **p<0.05 vs control PWV 900 Control Phenylephrine 600 300 cm/s 0 465 ** 990 Normal, n=19 * 360 * 432 αSMA-/-, n=10 * 1037 Matrix GLA-/-, n=3 Again, the values are administer similar to those from humans. What happens if you a vasoconstrictor? Arterial Tonometry in Mice Millar 1.4F micromanometer Mouse Aorta 0.45 mm diameter ECG 50 ms/div Pressure waveform ECG, Doppler velocity, tonometric pressure, and derivatives from a mouse carotid artery 100 Velocity mmHg or cm/s Pressure 50 0 dP/dt dV/dt -50 ECG -100 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 200 300 waveform 400 noninvasively? 500 600 Can we 100 generate a pressure 800 0 msec Real-time 2-D image of a mouse carotid artery taken with a 30 MHz state-of-the-art VisualSonics scanner Vessel walls generate well-defined moving echoes. Can we measure the waveform of the diameter pulsations during the cardiac cycle? Blood velocity and wall motion measured in a mouse carotid artery xmit samples xmit time Multigate 20 MHz Pulsed Doppler Doppler Probe coupling gel skin gate 1 gate 2 gate 3 - 90 120 Diameter change =near-far sound beam wall motion - 60 90 SV1 carotid artery Near-wall motion f1 - 30 60 blood velocity SV SV2 ~500 mm Blood Velocity df2/dt -0 30 SV3 wall motion Far-wall motion f3 0 600 |How do ms we200 stabilize 700 cm/s or mm | probe? 800 the Anesthetized mouse showing Doppler probe in clip holder at 60o to the right carotid artery Noninvasive displacement signals from the carotid artery, abdominal aorta, and iliac artery of a mouse 160 120 R-wave ECG 2 Abdominal aorta (~110mm) Displ ECG 2 80 Displ ECG 2 Carotid (~50mm) 40mm Displ 40 Iliac (~20mm) 0 400 0 msec 500 100 600 200 Resemble waves Waveformspressure damp with distance Diameters pulsate about 10% 700 300 Carotid artery diameter signals from different types and strains of mice 200 aSMA (100 mm) 50mm 150 Old (55 mm) 100 WT (45 mm) 50 ApoE (14 mm) 0 10 0 msec 110 100 210 200 How Resemble good ispressure the resolution? waves 310 300 -4 Carotid artery wall motion in an ApoE-KO mouse demonstrating high spatial and temporal resolution -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 1 mm -10 -11 What about the inflections? -12 -13 -14 -15 Mouse red cell -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 150 0 ms 200 50 250 100 300 150 350 200 Vessel diameter and velocity showing how the augmentation index is calculated from strain 150 3- 125 local minimum mm/s 120 0- AI = max-inf 95 max-min wall velocity inf max __ 90 net diameter change DD = max-min 65 Dopp Near 30mm __ 60 Diam min dD/dt 35 30-30 5 blood velocity cm/s 0-0 0 600 msec 100 700 200 800 In humans, AI increases with age and vasc disease -25 900 300 Far Carotid artery augmentation index versus diameter pulsations for several types and strains of mice 0.3 0.3 AI 0.2 0.2 T W WT ApoE ApoE aSMA aSMA Old Old 0.1 0.1 Diameter change 0 0.0 0 0 mm 220 0 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 Aorta Carotid artery Velocity Pressure ECG Why do the velocity different? Pulse transmission and waveforms reflection inlook a compliant tube PWV = c = (Eh/dr)1/2 •PWV is a function of stiffness and geometry and is faster in hard vessels and slower in floppy ones. •The interaction of the forward and backward waves generate the shape of the measured pressure and flow waves at each site. •Because the waves distort and meet at different times, the shape of the measured pressure and flow waves is a function of position. •In arteries, the speed is fast enough and ejection takes long enough that reflections start to arrive at the heart before the end of cardiac ejection. Wave transmission and reflection in the aorta Aorta Heart Forward wave Backward wave Time Measured wave Wave transmission and reflection in the aorta Aorta Heart Forward wave Pf Pb Backward wave Pm Measured wave Time Qm Flow wave Pm = Pf + diameter, Pb Pressure, Qm =and (Pf -velocity Pb)/Zc flow, start up at the same Pf = and (Pm + ZcQm)/2 time have Pb = (Pshapes )/2 similar until m - ZcQm the reflected wave Zc = dPs/dQs arrives. Qf = Pf/Zc Qb = -Pb/Zc 150 Velocity, Diameter, and calculated60 forward and backward waves in a mouse carotid artery 100 50 40-50 40 Diameter Velocity 30-0 Pressure ~ Diameter Flow ~ Velocity D = Df + Db v = (Df - Db)/Zc 30 50m 20-50 20 Df = (D + Zcv)/2 Db = (D - Zcv)/2 Zc = dDs/dvs (=rc) -100 10- 10 G(f) = Db/Df = |G| ejf Forward cm/s 0-150 400 0 Backward msec 500 100 600 200 Why Does are this there happen 2 peaks in man? in Df? 0 700 300 Z(f) = |D/v| ejf Human carotid pressure and velocity signals 140 140Press 120 120- 120 Tonometric Pressure 100 -80 Velocity 60 -60 100 100- 80 80 80- Doppler Velocity -40 60 60- 40 40 40- 20 -20 cm/s 0-0 Forward 20 20mmHg 0-0 700 0 Backward 900 1100 1300 Seconds 1500 1700 1 1900 2100 2300 2500 -20 2700 2 Can we measure coronary blood flow in mice? Body Worlds 3 - Gunther von Hagen Cast of Coronary Arteries What happens to coronary flow? Doppler catheters can be used to sense flow in man. However, because of compensation, resting flow is often normal even with a severe coronary stenosis. What is limited is maximum flow. In humans, the physiological significance of coronary artery disease is often assessed by the ratio of peak hyperemic velocity (after administration of a vasodilator) to resting baseline coronary velocity (H/B). A form of stress test. Injection of contrast agent H B raw phasic velocity fast | slow paper speed filtered mean velocity H/B = 3.0 2 ----Hyperemic -----Baseline 1 sec timer Cole & Hartley, Circulation, 1977 3 Can we do this 1 in mice? Coronary Blood Flow in Mice? Problems: Coronary arteries are small, ~200mm They are close to many other vessels Everything around them moves It seemed impossible to measure flow .... until we tried. Method to sense coronary blood flow noninvasively in mice ((( 20 MHz Doppler Probe -50cm/s Is this coronary flow? Velocity in 3 mouse vessels showing relative timing Left main coronary flow ---maximum -50 cm/s -0 Common carotid flow -50 Aortic flow cm/s -0 -100 -50 cm/s -0 ECG HR = 550 Noninvasive coronary Doppler signals from a mouse anesthetized at low and high levels of isoflurane gas --80-- low =1.0% --60-- H/B = Vhigh/Vlow = 2.2 Vmax Vmean high = 2.5% --40-- This give us baseline velocity, but, how can we --20-measure hyperemic cm/s ---0--- velocity and coronary reserve noninvasively? HR = 398 b/min ECG HR = 412 b/min | 800 ms | What about old and ApoE mice? 140 140- 120 120- Coronary flow velocity reserve (H/B) in mice as a function of age and atherosclerosis B - Baseline Peak Diastolic Velocity (1.0 % Isofl) H - Hyperemic Peak Diastolic Velocity (2.5 % Isofl) CFR = H/B Mean +/- SE 100 100- H/B -4Base H 80-80 Hyper H/Bx 6060 40-40 H/B B -3 -2 20-20 -1 n = 10 n = 10 n = 10 n = 20 cm/s 35 84 2.4 30 84 3.0 25 87 3.6 52 120 2.5 0 0-0 6 wk 3 mo 2 yr ApoE -/6 wk 3 mo 2 yrand vascular 2 yr ApoE What about non-coronary forms of heart disease? Aortic banding in mice Produces cardiac hypertrophy and carotid -pressure overload remodeling 27 gauge Before After Right mm Left Carotid Flows? Simultaneous Doppler signals from a banded mouse mm scale Aortic Arch Jet Velocity - 10 MHz Doppler DP~75 mmHg Left Carotid Artery Velocity - 20 MHz Doppler Right Carotid Artery Velocity - 20 MHz Doppler Aortic Band left main coronary artery -500 cm/s -0 -20 -0 -160 cm/s -0 ECG What msec happens to coronary flow? Coronary blood velocity in a banded mouse 2.5% isoflurane H/B = 2.0 -100 -50 1% isoflurane Pre Band cm/s -0 |H/B = 1.7 400 ms 1 Day H/B = 0.9 21 Days | Response of coronary velocity and heart rate to isoflurane in 10 banded mice during remodeling 4-4 Hyperemic/Baseline Velocity H/B Heart Rate 3-3 (CFR) (Little change) 2-2 H/B H/B-HR 1-1 0-0 3.2 Pre Pre 2.2 1d 1 day 1.7 7d 7 day 1.4 1.1 1414dday 2121dday Systolic/Diastolic coronary velocity area ratio before and after banding in mice 1.01.0 0.8 0.8- S/D Baseline S/D Hyperemic 0.60.6 S/D-B 0.4 0.4- S D S D 0.2 0.2- 0.0 0.0- .17 .23 .29 .50 Pre Pre 1d 1 day .67 .81 7d 7 day .83 .88 .92 .86 14 14dday 21 21d day S/D-H Differences in timing between left and right coronary flow velocity in a patient Systole ECG 200 Pressure 100 mmHg 0 8 Doppler Shift 4 kHz 0 Left coronary artery Right coronary artery Scaling in mammals from elephants to mice Y = a BW b Heart weight LV volume Stroke volume Blood volume Heart Rate Heart Period Circulation time Life span Artery length Artery diameter Wall shear stress Cardiac output Entrance length Acceleration, dP/dt a BW1 a BW1 a BW1 a BW1 a BW-1/4 a BW1/4 a BW1/4 a BW1/4 a BW1/4 a BW3/8 a BW-3/8 a BW3/4 a BW3/4 a BW-1/4 Capillary diameter Capillary length Capillary number Capillary velocity Cell number Cell length Cell volume Elastic modulus Blood viscosity Arterial pressure Blood velocity PW velocity Diameter pulsation Coronary reserve a BW1/12 a BW5/24 a BW5/8 a BW-1/24 a BW5/8 a BW1/8 a BW3/8 a BW0 a BW0 a BW0 a BW0 a BW0 a BW0 a BW0 *T.H. Dawson, “Engineering design of the cardiovascular system of mammals” , Prentice Hall, 1991. Human/mouse scale factors Allometric Equation Parameter Heart & blood volume Cardiac output, flow Cell number Vessel diameter Y = a BWb Linear dimension Vessel length, periods Cell length Capillary diameter Human/mouse Blood pressure & vel. Capillary velocity 70kg / 25g Heart rate, Accel.-1/4 Power Ratio 1 3/4 5/8 3/8 1/3 1/4 1/8 1/12 0 -1/24 2800 385 143 20 14 7 2.7 2 1 0.7 0.14 Conclusions - (Measurements) •Blood velocity signals from the heart and most arteries of mice can be obtained noninvasively •High-fidelity arterial displacement signals can also be obtained noninvasively at the same time •Pulse wave velocity, augmentation index, percent diameter change, and coronary reserve can be determined from velocity and displacement signals and their responses to vasoactive agents Conclusions - (Scaling) •Blood velocity, blood pressure, pulse wave velocity, and percent wall displacement in mice and humans are similar in both magnitude and shape. •The arterial time constants are scaled to heart period such that reflections return to the heart at similar times during the cardiac cycle. Waveforms •Most of the things we can measure in mice and man are altered by age and disease in similar ways. Credits Faculty Collaborators Anil Reddy Lloyd Michael Mark Entman George Taffet Yi-Heng Li Dirar Khoury Sridhar Madala (Indus) Y-X (Jim) Wang (Berlex) Technicians Thuy Pham Jennifer Pocius Jim Brooks Ross Hartley Alex Tumang