Active Wireless Sensing in Time, Frequency and Space IPAM 2007 Mathematical Challenges and Opportunities in Sensor Networks Akbar M. Sayeed (joint work with Thiagarajan Sivanadyan) Wireless Communications Research Laboratory Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison Supported by NSF Motivation In-network processing Information processing in sensor Sensor network: networks spatio-temporal sampling Sensors communicate and relay information among themselves Disadvantages Excess delay: Multiple multihop transmissions across the network Excess energy consumption: Additional tasks such as routing and coordination among nodes Physical spatial signal field E.g: Consensus algorithms require O(n1.5 log n) radio transmissions (Dimakis et al. IPSN ‘06) Active Wireless Sensing Alternative Approach for Rapid Information Retrieval Downlink: Space-time interrogation waveforms (high power) Uplink: Weak sensor response (energy-limited) Consensus achieved in two channel uses Wireless Information Retriever (WIR) Other Motivations and Connections Network to fusion-center communication architecture Advances in RF technology – reconfigurable RF front-ends – Source-channel matching - Information retrieval at multiple spatial resolutions – New tradeoffs between rate, energy and reliability/fidelity Connections – Imaging sensor networks (Madhow) – radar – Multipath channels, multi-antenna (MIMO) communication – Joint source-channel communication (Gastpar & Vetterli) Distributed beamforming (Mudumbai 2005) – Distributed time-reversal (Barton 2005) – Cooperative/opportunistic relaying (Scaglione) – Cognitive radio/radar Overview Salient characteristics – “Dumb” sensors: limited computational power, relatively sophisticated RF front-ends – “Smart” Wireless Information Retriever (WIR): computationally powerful, equipped with an antenna array Basic protocol (Line-of-sight communication) – WIR interrogates sensor ensemble with wideband space – time waveforms – Sensors respond to WIR interrogation signals – WIR exploits the space-time characteristics of sensor ensemble response for information retrieval Interplay between sensing, processing, and communication – Canonical sensing configurations : spatial scale of signal correlation and/or network cooperation – Matched source-channel communication: energy efficiency and sensing capacity AWS over multipath channels Basic Communication Protocol s(t) WIR t carrier tone Sensor 1 T Sensor 1 receives s(t) Sensor 2 Sensor 2 receives s(t) Carrier synch: The WIR transmits a carrier tone to synchronize the frequency of local sensor oscillators Interrogation: Temporal The WIR transmits code a wideband acquisition spatio-temporal waveform s(t) - Temporal pseudo noise (PN) code by sensors t Fixed Delay t Sensor transmissions: sensors modulate the PN code to transmit their (compressed) measurements to the WIR: - Non-coherent transmission - Coherent transmission (sensor phases stable over two channel uses) Line-of-Sight Sensing Channel M-element array (ULA) at the WIR PN code : q(t) Duration : T Bandwidth : W K : number of sensors or active scatterers i : sensor data i i : sensor phase : sensor delay i : sensor angle i i e ji q(t i ) Received signal r1 (t ) K ji r (t ) i e a(i )q(t i ) w(t ) rM (t ) i 1 Array response vector 1 j 2 e a j 2 ( M 1) e Sensor Resolution in Angle-Delay Spatial resolution: resolve the received signals from M fixed uniformly-spaced directions via receive beamforming Delay resolution: resolve the signals in each spatial beam by correlating with uniformly delayed versions of the PN code Delay 1 W Angle 1 M A single sensor in each resolution bin for large W Sufficient Statistics: Angle-Delay Matched Filtering K r (t ) i e ji i 1 Uniform Angle-Delay Sampling 1/ M 1/ W a(i )q(t i ) w (t ) W 0, , L , L maxW , m 0 a M h(m, ) wm, H K i i m , i 1 m m , m 1, , M M T max zm , r (t )q t W wm, dt Angle-Delay Matched Filtering Sensor Angle-Delay Signatures Angle-delay Channel Coefficients Sensor Angle-Delay Signature K h(m, ) i i m , i 1 i m, e ji m g i , i M W sin( M ) sin W g ( , ) sin( ) W Sensor Localization h(m, ) iS S ,m i {1, S ,m i {1, S , i i m, , , K } : i 1 m 1 m , M 2M M 2M , K} : i 1 1 , 2W W 2W W For sufficiently large W, only one sensor in any angle-delay bin (m, ) th angle delay bin i(m, ) th sensor h(m, ) i i ( m, i m, e ji ) m, m g i , i M W System Equation – Max Resolution z1 K z MεΓβ w Mε γ kk w k 1 z N Γ γ1 , γi , γK γi i (m, ) – Angle-delay signature vector of i-th sensor – Sensor transmission energy N ML K – Angle-delay matched filter outputs Ideal Scenario: Orthogonal Signatures Delay Sensor signature 1 W Angle 1 M Sensor locations Angle Delay Sampling ith sensor : i , i m M W , for some (m, ) γi Orthogonal No interference between sensor transmissions Reality: Inter Sensor Interference Delay 1 W Sensor signature Angle 1 M Sensor locations Angle Delay Sampling ith sensor : i , i m M W , for any (m, ) γi Non-orthogonal inter sensor interference M spatial bins Space-Time Dimensions in AWS N ML K angle-delay resolution bins parallel (interfering) channels between the sensor ensemble and the WIR L < TW delay bins TW temporal dimensions (length of spreading code) Canonical Sensing Configurations K Kind K coh N = K = 108 M=9, L=12 Kind K 108 # Independent bits per channel use K coh 1 # Sensors transmitting each bit K ind 9 K coh 12 Partitioning of Sensor Transmissions and MF Outputs 1Kcoh 0 1 0 1Kcoh β Uβ K 0 0 1 0 1Kcoh Kind 0 z1 K ind z MεQβ w Mε k q k w k 1 z K ind Q ΓU q1 , , q Kind qi kSCR i γk qi 2 K coh Effective angle-delay signature associated with the bit in i-th group Information Retrieval at Max Resolution Simplest receiver structure for recovering bit from i-th group Match filtering to angle-delay signature ˆ β sign Re QH z Pe (i) Q SINR(i) 2SINR(i) , i 1, 2Mε qi , K ind 4 ε K ind qi Mε q q k 2 2 k 1 k i H i 2 2 qi 4 K ind q k 1 k i H i qk 2 MMSE Interference Reception ˆ β sign Re Lopt z Signature-matched filtering 2 Lopt arg min E Lz β QH R 1 L Interference suppression R zz H MεQQ H 2 I BER Performance Matched Filter: Error floors Int. Supp: No error floors SNR loss More bits per channel use Per sensor Kind bits per channel use (dB) ε ρ= σ2 Pe Q 2M qi ρ 2 K Q 2M K ind ρ Source-Channel Matching What if we could map the identical transmissions from K coh sensors in each group coherently into one angle-delay bin at the WIR? Source-channel matching M=9 Max. resolution L=12 ML K 108 K ind 9 K coh 12 Sensor transmissions Dimension reduction by K coh Reception at the WIR in K ind 9 angle-delay bins System Equation: Source-Channel Matching K 1 Kind z MεQβ w Mε iqi w (max resolution) i 1 Kind 1 Kind zsc MεQHQβ wsc MεVβ w Mε i vi wsc i 1 V Q HQ v1 , vi 2 Effective “focussed” angle-delay signatures , v Kind K coh qi 2 K 2 coh Coherent K coh 1 angle-delay “focussing” (coherent MAC) Max-Resolution Versus Matched SourceChannel Communication K Pe Q 2M K ind ρ versus Pe,sc 2 K Q 2M ρ K ind How do we do Source-Channel Matching? Highest resolution Source-channel matching Array reconfiguration Distributed time-reversal to line up sensor delays in each group Distributed beamforming in each group Alternative Approach Decreasing antenna spacing decreasing carrier frequency Alternative to time-reversal: decreasing signaling bandwidth Distributed beamforming in each low-resolution bin fc 3 W W 4 fc Sensing Capacity C K ind , K ind log 1 SINR L TW L Fraction of temporal dimensions used Angle-delay Parallel channels Ideal case: SINR SNR bps/Hz Received SINR per parallel channel Capacity: Max Resolution (Ideal) K C K ind , K ind log 1 K ind Coherence gain M L TW L Array gain Sensing capacity increases monotonically with Kind Kind K : Cmax K log 1 M K ind 1: Cmin log 1 MK Maximum parallel channels Minimum SNR per parallel channel Minimum parallel channels Maximum SNR per parallel channel Capacity: Source-Channel Matching K 2 Csc K ind , K ind log 1 M K ind Coherent “beamforming” in each group/parallel channel Each parallel channel is a K coh 1 coherent MAC Multiplexing gain versus received-SNR tradeoff (AS & Raghavan 2006) MK 2 K ind,opt 2 ε 2 Capacity-maximizing configuration Sensing Capacity Comparison: With or Without Source-Channel Matching Kind K SNR Max. resolution Source-channel matching (adaptive resolution) AWS over Multipath c Scatterer Sensor Ensemble LOS Path WIR Scattered Path 50c 50c AWS over Multipath: Multiple Bounce c Scatterer Sensor Ensemble LOS Path WIR Scattered Path 50c 50c System Equation K LOS: z MεΓβ w Mε γ ii w i 1 Multipath: Γ γ1 , , γ K Γlos Γmp U Effective signature of i-th sensor: Average received per-sensor SNR: NK N Np Np K Ensemble Signature Matrix (low rank) Scatterer Signature Matrix (full rank) EnsembleTo-Scatterer Coupling Matrix (full rank) γ i γ i,los Γ mp ui M 1 N p 2p Impact of Multipath Signal dispersion in space and time Pros: • Higher capture of transmitted sensor energy • Higher spatio-temporal diversity • Distinct sensor signatures for denser ensembles • Distinct sensor signatures with smaller arrays and bandwidths Cons: • Sensor localization information lost • Fading Sensor Signatures – Line-of-Sight (LOS) Paths K = 108 sensors in 3 angle – 4 delay bins Scatterer Signatures 108 Scatterers 27 Scatterers Scatterer Positions Signatures Induced by a Single Sensor: Single Bounce Scattering Signatures Induced by a Single Sensor: Multiple Bounce Scattering Dimensions Induced by Sensor Ensemble 27 Scatterers Scatterer Positions Single Bounce Scattering Multiple Bounce Scattering (Angle=9, Delay = 18) (Angle=9, Delay = 38) Dims = 102 108 Scatterers (Angle=9, Delay = 24) Dims = 118 Dims = 142 (Angle=9, Delay = 46) Dims = 228 Effective Sensor Signatures Single Bounce Scattering Multiple Bounce Scattering Eigenvalues of the Coupling Matrix Single Bounce Scattering Multiple Bounce Scattering Sum of Eigen Values: LOS - 42.12 Sum of Eigen Values: LOS - 42.12 27 Scat. – 2651 ; 54 Scat. – 5307 27 Scat. – 2982 ; 54 Scat. - 5944 108 Scat. – 10318 ; 162 Scat. – 15704 108 Scat. – 11590 ; 162 Scat. - 17587 Conclusions and Challenges Flexible architecture for information retrieval in sensor networks – Complementary to in-network processing (latency, energy efficiency) – Reconfigurable wideband multi-antenna RF front ends – X-fertilization between space-time wireless communications, radar, and sensor networks – Cognitive wireless communications and sensing Distributed source-channel matching – Multi-resolution space-time sensing and communication – New tradeoffs involving energy, information rate, fidelity Challenges and future research – AWS over multipath – sensor addressing via space-time reversal – Interplay with in-network processing – Optimization for inference applications – Learning unknown signal fields and channels