Putting a Vortex in Its Place Chris Snyder National Center for Atmospheric Research Introduction Data assimilation spanning a range of scales is difficult---a central unsolved problem in assimilation/state estimation Hurricanes are an obvious example – – – – Large-scale “steering” flow Axisymmetric vortex Asymmetric structure; rain bands Convective elements, eye-wall details, … Introduction Importance of remotely sensed observations – Indirect; instrument does not measure model variables – Patchy in time and space Also special, in-situ observations – Reconaissance flights provide position and intensity of vortex Themes 1. Initializing forecast/simulation model with vortex in correct location – Two scales: “environment” and vortex 2. Monte-Carlo (ensemble) methods for DA Bogussing • ICs for hurricane forecasts often involve some form of bogussing • A simple, empirical approach to intializing hurricane vortex – – – • Obs of intensity, size of vortex (e.g. from reconnaisance flights) Use these to determine parameters in analytic, axisymmetric model of vortex … a “bogus” vortex Information from bogus vortex inserted into ICs at observed location of vortex Operational (NHC/GFDL) scheme 1. Remove existing vortex from ICs 2. Spin up vortex in an axisymmetric model, constraining low-level winds to match those from specified bogus vortex 3. Add axisymmetric vortex to ICs at observed location A Simple 2D “Hurricane” Experiment • • • • • 10-4 s-1 2D (barotropic) vorticity dynamics (2400 km)2, doubly periodic domain Strong vortex (80-km radius) embedded in largescale turbulent flow Construct 31 ICs with small disp.s of vortex and small diff.s in large scale 30 ensemble members + 1 “true”/reference state A Simple 2D Experiment (cont) t=24h 91 km 127 km Position Errors in Hurricane Data Assimilation • • Errors in large scales produce wind errors local to vortex, and thus position/track errors Vortex intensity and structure also influence track and can lead to position errors Resulting difficulties for data assimilation: • Influence of obs depends strongly on presence, location of vortex • Even small displacements of vortex imply non-Gaussian pdfs Most practical DA schemes assume Gaussian prior with stationary, isotropic covariances PARTICLE FILTER 1 PARTICLE FILTER 2 PARTICLE FILTER 3 PARTICLE FILTER 3 Other Non-Gaussian Assimilation Schemes • 4D variational methods – Assume Gaussian prior and observation errors – Compute maximum likelihood estimate given obs in time interval – Nonlinear minimization in many variables • Methods based on “alignment” or “distortion” – Assume prior is known function of uncertain spatial coords – E.g. suppose = (x + x, y + y), with x, y Gaussian – Lawson and Hansen (2004), Ravela et al. (2007) Assimilation of Position Observations http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/tropic/archive/montage/atlantic/2004/IVAN-track.gif • Wish to avoid difficulties associated with large position errors • Geostationary satellites provide vortex position almost continuously in time • Assimilating such obs should limit position errors in analysis Details of Position Assimilation • Need operator that returns vortex position given model fields, e.g., location of minimum surface pressure • For small, Gaussian displacements, errors are Gaussian with covariances related to gradient of original field (x + x, y + y) - (x, y) (x, y) • If position obs are accurate and frequent, can assimilate with a linear scheme Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) • Estimates/models of forecast and obs. pdfs are crucial to DA. • EnKF uses sample (ensemble) estimates • EnKF considers only 1st, 2nd moments---linear scheme EnKF Analysis Equations • Assimilate obs serially (one at a time) • Given single obs y, any state variable x is updated via xa = xf + k ( y - yf ), where yf = Hxf, k = cov( xf, yf ) / ( var(yf ) + 2 ) . Both cov( xf, yf ) and var(yf ) are sample (ensemble) estimates • Loop over state variables, loop over observations • For large ensembles, converges to KF (or BLUE) • No adjoint or minimization algorithm required. 2D Experiment Revisited • • • • 2D (barotropic) vorticity dynamics (2400 km)2, doubly periodic domain Strong vortex (80-km radius) embedded in largescale turbulent flow Construct 31 ICs with small disp.s of vortex and small diff.s in large scale 30 ensemble members + 1 “true”/reference state • • Simulate obs of vortex position with random error Assimilate 1-hourly obs with EnKF • Chen, Y. and C. Snyder, 2007: Assimilating vortex position with an ensemble Kalman filter. Mon. Wea. Rev., in press. 10-4 s-1 2D Experiment Revisited Without assimilation With assimilation t=24h 91 km 127 km Have also explored assimilation of intensity and shape of vortex Experiments with WRF/DART • • WRF -- Weather Research and Forecasting model DART -- Data Assimilation Research Testbed: http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/ • • • • 36 km horizontal resolution, 35 vertical levels 26/28 ensemble members Ensemble initial and boundary conditions are generated by perturbing GFS(AVN) analysis/forecast with WRF-VAR error statistics Assimilated observations: – – • hurricane track (center position and minimum sea level pressure from NHC advisories) Satellite winds (3% available observations) Compare forecasts initialized from the EnKF mean analysis and from the GFS analysis Hurricane Ivan 2004 – – – 36-km horizontal resolution, 28 ensemble members Assimilate position, intensity and satellite winds every 3h for a total of 24h Compare forecasts initialized from the EnKF analysis and from the GFS analysis Hurricane Ivan 2004 – – – 36-km horizontal resolution, 28 ensemble members Assimilate position, intensity and satellite winds every 3h for a total of 24h Compare forecasts initialized from the EnKF analysis and from the GFS analysis Hurricane Ivan 2004 – – – 36-km horizontal resolution, 28 ensemble members Assimilate position, intensity and satellite winds every 3h for a total of 24h Compare forecasts initialized from the EnKF analysis and from the GFS analysis Hurricane Katrina 2005 36-km – Analysis: • • – 12-km 36-km horizontal resolution, 26 ensemble members Assimilate position, intensity, and satellite winds every hour for a total of 12 hours Forecasts: • Compare forecasts initialized from the EnKF analysis, from the GFS/AVN forecasts and from GFDL analysis at 36-km and 12-km resolutions Hurricane Rita and Ophelia 2005 – – – 36-km horizontal resolution, 26 ensemble members Assimilate position, intensity, and satellite winds every hour for a total of 12 hours Compare forecasts initialized from the EnKF analysis and from the GFS/AVN forecasts. Typhoon Dujuan 2003 Forecast time (day) – – – 45-km horizontal resolution, 28 ensemble members Assimilate position, intensity, satellite winds, and GPS refractivity for 1 day or 2.5 days Compare forecasts initialized from • • • EnKF analysis WRF 3DVAR analysis (3DVAR, cycling for 2.5 days) GFS analysis (3DVAR-non) Increments to Vortex Structure RITA at 2005-09-20-23Z RITA 2005-09-20-23Z Center Lat. (oN) Center Lon. (oW) Mini. SLP(mb) Observation (error) 24.00 (0.3) -82.20 (0.3) 973.0 (5.0) Prior mean (spread) 23.85 (0.24) -82.33 (0.23) 988.6 (2.0) Posterior mean (spread) 23.89 (0.15) -82.29 (0.18) 986.5 (2.0) Vortex Spin-up 6-h Accumulated Precipitation Katrina 2005, 12-km Vortex Spin-up Hurricane Ivan 2004 Surface Pressure Tendency GFS0913 EnKF 2006 Real-time Forecast 2-way nested domain: 36km (183x133x35) – 12km (103x103x35) Assimilation window: 12Z – 00Z, every hour Observations: vortex position, intensity; MADIS satellite wind; dropsondes Helene (2006) forecast hour forecast hour Summary Hurricane track observations can be easily assimilated with an EnKF--effectiveness depends on frequent, accurate observations. When position errors are larger, non-Gaussian effects important. General purpose ensemble filters (esp. PF) are not feasible solutions. Track forecasts initialized from the EnKF analysis are significantly improved in retrospective tests. EnKF analysis produces dynamically consistent increments, and reduces spurious transient evolution of initial vortex. EnKF Forecast/Analysis Cycle 1. Forecast: integrate ensemble members to time of next available observations 2. Update members given new observations 3. Repeat EnKF initializes its own ensemble and provides short-range ensemble forecast; unifies DA and EF D1 . D3 obs . obs D2 WRF/DART for Doppler Radar Analysis reflectivity (color), obs. (20 dBZ, black contour) 21:30 UTC km 21:10 UTC KOUN 22:10 UTC km 21:50 UTC km km WRF/DART for Doppler Radar Velocity (m/s) Reflectivity (dBZ) Background minus observation statistics (av’d over 3 analysis cycles/3 elevation angles) Analysis time (UTC) Analysis time (UTC)