Department of Youth Development Committee of Professors Meeting 9:30 a.m.

Department of Youth Development
Committee of Professors Meeting
9:30 a.m.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Founders Room, Old Main Hall, UW-Stevens Point
1. Matysik called meeting to order.
2. Matysik indicated Wisconsin Open Meetings Law Compliance has been met.
3. Barker was appointed secretary
4. Attendance: Bob Matysik, Katy Forsythe, Barb Barker, Sue Pleskac, Melanie Miller, Pam Hobson,
Donna Duerst, Sally Schoenike, Frank Ginther, Kandi O’Neil, Denise Retzleff, Rosanne Schleif
5. Agenda was reviewed.
6. Consideration of Minutes from the September 22, 2009 meeting. Matysik clarified under item 5 that the
letter of recommendation from the Department of Youth Development to the Dean comes from the
Department Chair with input from the primary reader and the chair of the committee of professors.
Pleskac/Hobson moved for approval. Motion carried.
7. Matysik reviewed the criteria and process for review of candidates for promotion to professor
8. Ginther/Miller moved go into to Closed Session per Wis. State Statute 19.85(1) (c) to review, discuss,
and vote on Portfolio, Supportive Materials and Teaching Seminar of Candidates for promotion from
Associate Professor with tenure to Professor with tenure. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
9. Miller/Retzleff moved to go into Open Session per Wis. State Statute 19.85(2). Motion carried
unanimously by roll call vote. The committee recommends Mollendorf’s promotion to rank of professor
with tenure.
10. Professor Promotions Committee
Pleskac/Forsythe moved to approve the changes to Appendix G & J as presented. Forsythe/Hobson
moved to amend the original motion to change Appendix G IV.5.d. “ten copies” to “a copy of the portfolio
and support materials to each member of the Professors Promotion Committee.” The original motion
as amended was approved.
O’Neil/Forsythe moved to add “the committee of professors delegate authority to recommend promotion
to professor to the Professor Promotion Committee” in the Department of Youth Development
Handbook under Section IV.A. Motion carried.
Ginther/Duerst moved Appendix G IV.C.5.d. include “The chair of the professor promotion committee
will provide the candidate(s) with name of the committee members.’ Motion carried.
Professor Promotion Committee membership to include Duerst, Matysik and Forsythe serving two year
terms and Barker, Hobson, Retzleff serving one year terms. Membership rotation will be done on a
volunteer basis. O’Neil/Forsythe moved to cast a unanimous ballot to elect Matysik to be chair of the
Professor Promotions Committee. Motion carried.
11. Discussion of Seminar Presentation
Ginther/Schleif moved to add “A seminar which receives an overall rating of “meets” or “exceeds”
expectations by a majority of the Professors evaluating the seminar, need not be repeated if the
candidate is not promoted at the first review of their portfolio within the 24 month period. If a seminar
does not receive an overall rating of “meets” or “exceeds” another seminar must be presented within the
same 24 months” to Appendix G IV.C.5. b. Motion carried.
Duerst/Forsythe moved to change Appendix G IV.C.5.a and b to “No later than July 1, the candidate
should send a letter of intent to the Chair of the Professor Promotion Committee requesting to be placed
in nomination to promotion to professor. The candidate should include a seminar proposal with the
letter of intent. The candidate has 24 months to present the seminar and submit their portfolio to be
reviewed. Seminar proposals must be reviewed and approved by the Chair of the Professor Promotion
Committee. The seminar proposal is to include date, time, location, topic and audience. Seminar
needs to be presented and reviewed prior to the portfolio review.” Motion carried.
12. Discussion of Published Paper required for promotion - Retzleff/Hobson moved to change Appendix G
IV.C.3. b to “Minimum of one juried paper (evaluative, philosophical, research or teaching packet)
published to the Department of Youth Development published since the last promotion and prior to the
July 1 notification of intent to submit materials for promotion.” Motion carried.
13. Discussion of Electronic Submission of Portfolios - Reviewed that it is candidate’s option is to submit
document electronically and committee members can request printed copies.
14. Day of Learning-Future Options/alternatives for candidates for seminar presentations It is not to be
assumed by candidates the Department of Youth Development will host a day of learning as it is the
candidate’s responsibility to make arrangements for the presentation of their seminar. Retzleff indicated
the next face to face Department of Youth Development meeting will be at the UW-Extension All Staff
Conference in October as there are no funds available to have separate Dept of Youth Development
meeting. The October All Staff conference planning committee will accommodate professor seminar
presentation requests.
15. Role of Committee of Professors – Discussion of additional roles of the committee of professors
included providing educational leadership to topics such as conducting research, sources and utilization
of quality research; lead a book review/discussion of related journal articles; philosophical papers
publications/discussions. Miller, Schleif and Forsythe will continue the discussion with Miller being
responsible for convening the group.
16. Election of Committee Chair-2010-11
Miller/O’Neil nominated Barker to be chair of the Committee of Professors. O’Neil/Forsythe moved to
cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried.
17. Other items for discussion only/Future Agenda items – Retzleff shared results from department survey
on recognizing colleagues.
18. Next Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, September 29; 10 am to noon
19. Ginther/Schoenike moved to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Barker