WNEP Nutrition Educator Position—Final Interview Results

WNEP Nutrition Educator Position—Final Interview Results
Please fill out this form to record the results of the final interview. Among other things, this information
is needed to document the hiring process for Equal Employment Opportunity purposes and compiles the
information needed for entry into UWEX’s Applicant Tracking Database System.
For each candidate that was interviewed, clearly and concisely describe the top 3 to 5 Strengths and/or
Limitations that are the basis for why the person was either hired or not hired. Please write your
comments in terms of the specific essential job functions and minimum qualifications for the position.
Refer to completed “Applicant Assessment Forms” for comments from members of the Interview team.
PVL #: _________________
Date Interviews were Conducted: ___________________________
County: __________________________
County Coordinator: __________________________________
Name of Candidate selected for the position: _________________________________
Starting date: _______________________
Strengths of this Candidate:
Limitations of this Candidate:
Name of Candidate not selected: _________________________________
Strengths of this Candidate:
Limitations of this Candidate:
Name of Candidate not selected: _________________________________
Strengths of this Candidate:
Limitations of this Candidate:
Name of Candidate not selected: _________________________________
Strengths of this Candidate:
Limitations of this Candidate: