Parliamentary Procedure Cheat Sheet Motion Main Motion Purpose To present an item of business to the group or organization for consideration. 2nd Yes Amendable Yes Debatable Yes Vote Example Majority I move that Wayne buys the county board ice cream. Amend To add, subtract or alter part of the motion Yes Yes Yes Majority I move to amend the motion by adding “on Tuesday” after “board” Amend an Amendment To add, subtract or alter part of the amendment Yes No Yes Refer to a Committee To have a committee find more information on the motion and report back To temporarily set a main motion aside Yes Yes Yes Majority I move to amend the amendment by striking the words “on Tuesday” and inserting “on Wednesday” Majority I move to refer to the snack committee the motion that Wayne buys ice cream for the county board Yes No No Take from the Table To take a motion that had been previously tabled Yes No No Rescind To take a motion away before the action has taken place Yes No Yes Lay on the Table Majority I move to lay on the table the motion that Wayne buys the county board ice cream Majority I move to take from the table the motion that Wayne buys ice cream for the county board Majority I move to rescind the (Previou motion that Wayne s buys the county board Notice) ice cream 2/3 (No Previous Notice) Sara Gronski, 4-H Youth Development Agent, Clark County; developed April 2010 Motion Reconsider Ratify Suspend the Rules Limit/Extend Time for Debate Call for Previous Question Point of Order Parliamentary Inquiry Point of Information Purpose To reconsider a motion that had previously passed 2nd Yes Amendable Yes Debatable Yes To approve something done without a vote or permission by the board after it has happened To set aside a rule of the group except for bylaws, fundamental principles of parliamentary law or rules that protect absent members/basic rights To change the rules of debate Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 2/3 I move to suspend the standing rule that ice cream cannot be eaten in the county board room Yes Yes No 2/3 To end debate Yes No No Inform the chair that parliamentary law has been broken (you may interrupt the speaker) Ask a question about parliamentary law (you may interrupt the speaker) Ask a question about the motion or agenda No No No 2/3 or unanim ous consent None I move to extend time for debate to 15 minutes per person per debate Question or I call question No No No None I rise to a parliamentary inquiry (after recognized – state your inquiry) No No No None I rise to a point of information (after recognized – state your question) Vote Example Majority I move to reconsider the motion that Wayne buys ice cream for the county board, I was on the prevailing side Majority I move to ratify the action taken by Wayne to purchase ice cream for the board Sara Gronski, 4-H Youth Development Agent, Clark County; developed April 2010 I rise to a point of order (after recognized – state your point)