TOPIC REVIEW SHEET I. Digestive System

Biology 242 – Lab: Lab Practical Exam #3 TOPIC REVIEW SHEET
I. Digestive System
A. Be able to ID the gross structures of the GI Tract an Accessory Organs (Esophagus, stomach*, duodenum,
Jejunum, Ileum, ileocecal junction, cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic
flexure, sigmoid colon, rectum, appendix, Liver, gall gladder, Pancreas, and, of course, the mesenteries!
Specifically, about the *stomach: 4 regions: Cardia, Fundus, Body, Pylorus, two sphincters: lower esophageal sphincter and pyloric sphincter; two curvatures: Greater curvature and Lesser curvature, rugae, and 4
types of gastric epithelial cells: mucous, parietal, chief, and G-cells. (Know what each produces; and what
each product does.) Also: the Human Dentition and “Dental formula”.
B. Be able to identify the above sstructures in the Cat, on models, and on diagrams.
II. Urinary System
A. Urinalysis
1. Macroscopic Analysis: Characteristics of Urine
a. Color
b. Clarity
c. Specific Gravity (using a Refractometer)
d. other
2. Biochemical Analysis (using a Chem-Strip 9)
a. Leukocytes c. pH
e. Glucose g. Urobilinogen i. Blood (and hemoglobin)
b. Nitrites
d. Protein f. Ketones h. Bilirubin
3. Microscopic Exam (Centrifuge sample, pour off supernatant, make a smear of “button” at bottom
Of urinalysis centrifuge tube)
Significant Findings: A. Cells: (1) Epithelial Cells – Squamous, Transitional, Renal
(2) Blood cells: RBC’s, WBC’s
(3) Bacteria
B. Crystals: Ca-Oxalate, Hippuric Acid in Acidic Urine;
Triple Phospate in Alkaline Urine
C. Casts: Hyaline, Cellular, Granular, Waxy
D. Tonicity: Hypo- / Hyper- / Isotonic Urines
E. Other: Mucous threads, clothing fibers, TP residues, etc.
B. Urinary Anatomy
1.Be able to ID all structures in situ in the cat
2. Be able to ID all structures on models – both male pelvis and female pelvis; Torso models,
Urinary Apparatus model; Kidney – Nephron – Renal Corpuscle model.
3. Be able to recognize structures (and parts of structures) on a diagram / drawing.
III. Reproductive System (both Male and Female)
A. Anatomy of Reproductive System
1. Be able to ID in situ in cat – both male and female cats; preferably including one pregnant female cat
all pertinent gross reproductive structures.
2. Be able to ID all pertinent gross reproductive structures on models – both male pelvis and female pelvis;
also Ovary model and male Urinary Apparatus model; also Torso models.
3. Know to recognize diagrammatic representations of parts of the reproductive organs.
4. Know the stages of follicular development; the phases of meiosis; and when spermatocytes and
Oocytes are 2n (diploid) and when 1n (haploid). (Even when 1n, all the way through MeiosisII?)
5. Know the sequence of tubules (ductules) travelled by a developing/maturing spermatozoan.
B. Physiology of Reproductive System
1. Relate the appropriate “stimulating hormones” to their “target cells” within their target organ(s).
2. Review “Genetics” with terminology of genes, alleles, chromosome loci, homologous pairs of
chromosomes and special role of synapsis (tetrad formation) and crossing-over during Prophase I.
3. Review Meiosis I (“Reduction Division”) and Meiosis II (“Equatorial Division”) and ALL their phases.