LAB #12

Biology 242 – Lab
LAB #12
(12th/19 Lab Sessions for Winter Quarter, 2008)
The twelfth lab session of Biology 251 for this Winter Quarter, 2008 is reserved for LAB PRACTICAL EXAM #2.
This second lab practical exam is devoted to Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiology, including the complete Spirometry topics we dealt with in Lab and the Acid-Base Balance Status “case-scenario” problems we
worked. Please review compensated/uncompensated//respiratory/metabolic//acidosis/alkalosis issues. Also,
Digestive System Anatomy is testable in the cat specimens, on models, diagrams, and charts; and the Digestive
System Physiology questions will center mainly upon questions from the Digestive Chemistry Lab #11.
Please refer to the 251 Concept Review Sheet for Lab Practical #2 (accessible from the Biology 251-Lab Page
of the website) for a more detailed summary of topics included within each of the headings that are testable.
Stations will consist of either a cat, a model, a diagram, a chemical set-up, or a written description of chemical
test and a “cue card” on which 2, 3, or 4 questions are asked. Each question is numbered; you are to write each
answer on your Answer Sheet (that will be provided for you as you enter the Lab Room) IN THE NUMBERED
BLANK THAT CORRESPONDS TO THE NUMBER of the question you are answering. You should, upon
entering the Lab Room and positioning yourself at one of the stations, circle (on your Answer Sheet) the number
that corresponds to the lowest number of whatever questions appear on your “cue card” – that way, you will
know WHERE you started in the continuous sequence of questions of the Exam.
Each Station is time – 2 – 2 ½ minutes is allowed; and upon the Instructor’s command, ALL STUDENTS
MOVE AT THE SAME TIME to the Station that in their own individual sequence has the next higher set of
numbered questions. No two students may be at the same Station at the same time, and there is NO
There will be BONUS POINT QUESTIONS build into this Exam – either as additional questions embedded in
some of the Stations, or as Stations of their own. Each of these BONUS POINT QUESTIONS will be clearly
indicated; and answers to them will be placed on a well-marked, designated section of the Answer Sheet.
The main things to remember are:
(1) READ THE ENTIRE “Cue Card” first – so that you have a sense of what information you are being asked
for. Then, proceed one question at a time with your answers, being as complete, precise, and concise as you can
be. If the questions are associated with colored pins – please put your answers in the order of the colors of the
colored pins. (We will have practiced this during our “Practice Practical Exams”.)
(2) There will be a forceps and a probe available for you to use if needed. You may gently probe the specimen;
UPSET THE SET-UP. Please be respectful of those who come after you to leave the specimen as you found it!
(For the most part, the theme is “LOOK….BUT DO NOT TOUCH!” Great care is taken during the setting-up
of a Lab Practical Exam to expose the desired structure or to mark it in a way that can be easily and directly
viewed! (Sometimes, however, the anatomy is small or crowded, so one must LOOK CAREFULLY.)
(3) If you need more room than the blank provides, turn your paper over and continue your answer on the back.
(4) If you are not sure what the question is asking, raise your hand and the Instructor will come over to help you
process it.
(5) Be sure to include R (Right) or L (Left); A (Artery) or V (Vein) where appropriate; and also include UNITS
wherever appropriate and ESPECIALLY when instructed to do so!
(6) When instructed to SHOW YOUR SCRATCH WORK or SHOW YOUR EQUATION, you MUST do so in
order to be awarded full credit for your answer. (ie, if asked for the equation and scratch work for calculating
IC, you must show that IC = TV + IRV; then plug in the values given and show calculations.)