I. II. write in an appropriate correction so that the statement now...

Biology 241 – Lecture
Chapter 15 (Autonomic Nervous System)
Practice Quiz
I. Circle the letter preceding the one best answer to each question:
1. All of the following are parasympathetic effects except:
A. Increase contractions of stomach and intestine B. Increase salivation C. Constriction of the pupil
D. Increase sweating and causes “goose bumps” E. Increased blood supply to the GI Tract
2. All of the following are activities characteristic of stress response, or “fight-or-flight” reaction, except:
A. The liver breaks down glycogen to glucose. B. The heart rate increases.
C. Blood vessels in the skin and abdominal organs widen so that more blood flows to those regions.
D. Hairs stand on end (“goose bumps”) due to contraction of smooth muscles of the hair follicles.
3. All of the following nerve fibers release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine except:
A. All somatic neurons. B. All preganglionic axons C. All postganglionic parasympathetic axons.
D. Most postganglionic sympathetic axons
II. Circle T (True) or F (False). If the statement is false, cross out the word(s) that make it false and
write in an appropriate correction so that the statement now becomes a true statement.
T F 4. Sympathetic cardiac nerves stimulate heart rate, and the Vagus Nerve slows down heart rate.
T F 5. Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers are found in anterior roots of spinal nerves emerging from
cervical and lumbar regions of the spinal cord.
T F 6. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers are found in all spinal nerves.
T F 7. Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers synapse in terminal ganglia.
T F 8. Preganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers synapse in sympathetic trunk ganglia and prevertebral
T F 9. Under stress conditions, the Sympathetic system dominates over the Parsympathetic system.
T F 10. The sympathetic division of the ANS has a more widespread effect in the body than the parasympathetic division.
III. Using the blanks provided, fill in the word or phrase that best fits the description given:
_____________________11. These are the three types of effectors innervated by the ANS nerves.
_____________________ and ___________________________.
_____________________12. List the four “E situations” that trigger sympathetic responses.
_____________________, _____________________________, and __________________________.
_____________________13. This is the part of the brain that serves as the major ANS controller/integrator.
_____________________14. List by name & number the Cranial nerves that contain parasympathetic neurons.
_____________________, _________________________, and _________________________.
_____________________15. These are the structures that carry nearly 80% of all parasympathetic preganglionic axons in the body.
Biology 241 – Lecture
Chapter 15 (Autonomic Nervous System)
Practice Quiz (Page Two)
IV. Circle the one word in parentheses that is the best choice to complete the statement:
16. Which neurotransmitter is released by all parasympathetic postganglionic neurons? (ACh / NE)
17. Which neurotransmitter is released by most sympathetic postganglionic neurons? (ACh / NE)
18. During stress, the (sympathetic / parasympathetic) neurons predominate. Therefore, stress responses primarily involve the neurotransmitter (ACh / NE).
19. The ANS neurotransmitter that “hangs around” longer (aka has more lasting effect) is (ACh / NE). This fact
provides one explanation for the longer-lasting effects of (sympathetic / parasympathetic) neurons.
20. Why doesn’t the parasympathetic neurotransmitter “hang around” as long as its sympathetic counterpart?
(Give a brief explanation.)
V. Use arrows to indicate effects of parasympathetic (P) and sympathetic (S) nerves on the activities
listed below. The first one is done for you. Choose from the following answers:
↑ Stimulate or increase
↓ Inhibit or decrease
─ No innervation
a. P___↓__ S___↑__ Dilation of pupil
b. P______ S______ Heart rate and blood flow to coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle
c. P______ S______ Blood sugar level
d. P______ S______ Salivation and other digestive organ contractions and secretions
e. P______ S______ Erection of genitalia
f. P______
S______ Dilation of airways for easier breathing
g. P______ S______ Contraction of bladder and relaxation of internal urethral sphincter, causing urination
h. P______ S______ Contraction of arrector pili muscles, causing “goose bumps”
i. P______ S______ Release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla
j. P______ S______ Coping with stress, “fight-or-flight” responses
k. P______ S______ Enhances “rest-and-digest” activities
l. P______ S______
Increases sweat to cool the body
m. P______ S______
Splenic contraction, releasing stored blood to the general circulation (increases BP)
n. P______ S______
Stimulates breakdown of adipose connective tissue to increase blood levels of fatty acids
o. P______ S______ Secretion of ADH by the posterior pituitary causing increase in blood volume and BP