I. II.


Biology 241 – Lecture Chapter 12 ( Nervous Tissue ) Practice Quiz


Arrange the answers in their correct sequence:

_____, _____, _____ 1.

In order of transmission across a synapse, from first structure to last:


Presynaptic end bulb B.

Postsynaptic neuron C.

Synaptic cleft

_____, _____, _____ 2.

Membrane potential values, from most negative to most positive:


Resting membrane potential B.

Reversed membrane potential C.

Threshold potential


Circle the letter preceding the one best answer to each question:


Choose the one FALSE statement:


The membrane of a resting neuron has a membrane potential of -70mV.


In a resting membrane, permeability to K + ions is less than permeability to Na + ions.


Thin, unmyelinated neuronal fibers have a relatively slow rate of nerve transmission.


A term that means the same thing as afferent is:


Autonomic B.

Somatic C.

Peripheral D.

Motor E.



When an action potential reaches presynaptic end bulbs, the neurilemma there becomes more permeable to

_____ which then initiate release of neurotransmitter from synaptic vesicles.


Na + B.

K + C.

Ca +2 D.

Cl -


Circle T (True) or F (False). If the statement is false, cross out the word(s) that make it false and write in an appropriate correction so that the statement now becomes a true statement.

T F 6.

The concentration of potassium ions is considerably greater inside a resting cell than outside it.

T F 7.

Oligodendrocytes,astrocytes, ependymal cells, and neurons are all neuroglial cells.

T F 8.

Neurotransmitter substances are released at synapses and at neuromuscular junctions.

T F 9.

The brain and spinal nerves are parts of the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

T F 10.

An excitatory nerve stimulus will temporarily increase permeability of the neurilemma to Na + .


Using the blanks provided, fill-in the word or phrase that best fits the description given:

_____________________ 11.

This branch of the Nervous System consists of the Symphathetic and Parasym-

pathetic Divisions.

( Give a brief explanation ) 12.

Application of cold to a painful area can decrease pain in that area because:

_____________________ 13.

Release of neurotransmitters only from these explains the one-way nerve impulse

transmission along neurons.

_____________________ 14.

Schwann cells can regenerate, and they are found ONLY around neuron fibers

belonging to this part of the nervous system.

_____________________ 15.

This is the full name of the neurotransmitter substance whose abbreviation is ACh.
