Stage #19 Pensum “Derivatiōnēs – Nouns & Adjectives” Nōmen ______________________

Stage #19 Pensum
Nōmen ______________________
“Derivatiōnēs – Nouns & Adjectives”
Diēs _________________________
I. scribe verba Latina et significationēs! {Write the Latin root word for each English derivative. Also identify the declension,
gender, and meaning of the Latin root word.}
Latin Root Word
1. affiliate
2. allocate
3. caress
4. dulcimer
5. gratuity
6. hastate
7. humerus
8. itinerant
9. negligent
10. perilous
11. pluralism
12. sonnet
13. vociferous
Flashcards due:
Vocabulary Quiz is:
Stage #19 Pensum
Nōmen ___________________
“Flashcard Checklist – Nouns & Adjectives”
Diēs _____________________
compara responsa! {Match the derivative with their meanings!}
_____ _
a. to distribute; to designate
b. traveling from place to place
c. vehement, deafening shouting
d. to associate as a member
e. an American stringed fold instrument
f. a leaf shaped like the head of a spear
g. not taking prudent care
h. hazardous, dangerous
Verba Latina
cārus, -a, -um
dulcis, dulcis, dulce
fīlia, filiae
grātia, gratiae
hasta, hastae
iter, itineris, n.
locus, locī
neglegēns, {gen. neglegēntis}
perīculum, periculī
plūrimus, -a, -um
plūrimī, -ae, -a
sonitus, sonitūs, m.
umerus, umerī
vōx, vōcis, f.
Part of Speech
i. a state of society in which members of
diverse groups maintain an autonomy
k. the long bone of the upper arm extending
from shoulder to elbow
l. to embrace
m. something given voluntarily in return for
some service; a tip
n. a poem in fixed verse form using iambics
and rhyme
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