Honors Latin II Nōmen ___________ Original Composition Assignment

Honors Latin II
Nōmen ___________
Original Composition Assignment
Write, in Latin, a paragraph of at least 8 sentences. The topic is your choice—modern or classical,
continuation of a Cambridge story, original idea—whatever you want. Your story must be
entirely original- no sentences should resemble the examples in the books or in our
packets. You need to include at least one example of each of the 5 subjunctive usages we’ve
learned: cum clause, indirect question, purpose clause, indirect command, result clause.
You can use your notes, books, etc but you must work individually. Remember the KISS principal—
Keep It Simple, Silly. Don’t try to use grammatical structures that you don’t know or understand or
tons of vocabulary you haven’t learned. Remember that we only know the imperfect and pluperfect
tense subjunctives, so keep your indicative verbs in the past (imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect).
Remember the concepts of noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement and what each case
is used for.
We will have two days in class before break and one day after break in the library to work.
USE OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE or other online translation aids will result in a ZERO!
Due Date: final copies due Tuesday, January 7th, typed and double-spaced. This
assignment will go on the 3rd nine weeks. You will lose 10% of the final grade (5 pts) for each
day your composition is late.
Everyone is required to submit a hand-written rough draft and any other
preliminary materials along with your typed final copy.
Optional Rough Drafts: I will look over your handwritten rough drafts and circle (but not
correct) any mistakes. I will collect these on Friday December 20th if you chose to do so.
Grading Criteria:
Subjunctives: correct formation and usage, including having all the components of each specific type of subjunctive clause
10 points
All Verbs (includes indicatives) subject/verb agreement,
10 points
Nouns: proper case usage, proper declension endings, singular/plural
10 points
Noun/Adjective agreement:
5 pts
Vocabulary: appropriate and wide variety of vocabulary words
5 pts
Directions/Creativity: adherence to criteria and framework, originality NO ROUGH DRAFT- 0/10
10 pts
Structure/Organization: is your story coherent? does it make sense?
5 pts
Total Points:
55 pts
VERY LONG Composition Example
olim erat magistra optima. magistra discipulōs semper laudabāt
et praemia eīs dābat. discipulī tamen erant molestissimī. cum
magistra silentium iuberet, discipuli dicere vehementius coeperunt.
magistra saepe discipulōs orābat ut bonī et benignī essent, sed
discipulī eam derisērunt et recusavērunt. discipuli erant tam
molesti ut magistra semper lacrimaret. magistra nescivit cur
discipuli essent tam scelestī.
olim magistra non erat in camerā. magistrā non erat in scholā!
discipulī ubique quaesiverunt sed magistram nusquam invenīre
poterant. magistra discipulōs et negotium deseruerat! etiam in
Targetā eam invenīre temptāverunt, sed eheu! magistra ibi non
tandem discipuli villam magistrae iērunt ut cum eā
dicerent. Dīscipuli lacrimābant et dolebant. magistram orāverunt
ut ad scholam rediret. Tandem magistra benignissima eīs ignovit et
eōs docēre iterum incēpit. nunc discipulī sunt optimī et semper
magistram diligentissimē audiunt. Omnes sunt laetissimi!