Honors Latin I-B Stage 15 Interrogatio Outline Part One:

Honors Latin I-B
Stage 15 Interrogatio Outline
Part One: lege fabulam novam! This is a continuation of the stage 15 storyline
Part Two: English short answer comprehension questions about the storyPart Three: Free response questions about the grammar of the storyYou tell me what tense? what case? what degree?
Part Four: Fill in the relative pronoun chart –
Part Five: Supply the correct form of the relative pronoun to complete a Latin
example---Quintus, ______ Rufilla invitavit ad villam, est vir.
Make sure you review the gender of recent nouns!
Part Six:
Combine independent sentences into complex sentences containing
relative clauses. There are 2 sets of sentences and you have to give
both possibilities for both (4 new sentences total)
Part Seven: Match characters from the stage 15 stories to Latin descriptions
about their actions, feelings, or personalities.
Part Eight: Brief short answer questions about major facts and figures of the
reading: (Boudicca, Cartimandua, Caratacus, Cogidubnus)
and their reactions to the Roman invasion