Acting Internship Guidelines Welcome to WakeMed. We enjoy teaching and getting to know our medical students, and hope you have a rich learning experience. We will discuss your individual goals before the start of the rotation, but here are some basic guidelines. Morning Rounds - Begin at 6:30am on the B side - Please place your initials next to at least 2 postpartum patients on the master list. - After examining those patients, present them to a supervisor (resident or PA); they will cosign your note and cross the patient’s name off the master list. - Once all A & B side patients have been seen, you may get breakfast before 8:15 attending rounds in the resident lounge. - We have Morning conferences in Conference Dining throughout the rotation, on those days meet at 6:15 am on the B side for morning rounds. You will receive a conference schedule at the start of your rotation. Daytime Responsibilities 1. L&D a. Check TO DO list with residents after rounds b. Hold the intern pager c. Perform supervised, uncomplicated vaginal deliveries; write delivery notes, postpartum orders, and delivery summaries. d. Attend teaching service cesarean sections; write operative notes and postoperative orders with resident’s supervision and to be cosigned by the residents. 2. GYN a. The day prior to being on GYN, get the next day OR schedule b. Discuss the cases with the GYN resident to see which cases you should attend. Read about the case the night prior to surgery. c. The morning of surgery, preop the patient with the GYN resident and write a preop note. d. Participate in OR cases as directed by the resident and attending physicians e. Write postoperative note and orders; to be cosigned by the resident f. Hold the consult pager and assist the Gyn resident with ED and floor consults 3. Clinic a. Our clinic can only accommodate 2 students. Please see the clinicattending physician for your assignment when there are no residents in the clinic. b. Present the patients to the residents (or attending as instructed). Present complete history; develop a differential diagnosis, and a plan for treatment. You may not perform breast or pelvic examinations without supervision. Discuss the differential and treatment plan with the resident or attending prior to discussion with the patient. 4. On Call Responsibilities a. Hold the intern pager/phone b. Admit and follow at least 2 laboring patients, (write admission H&P, orders, 2 hour notes, delivery notes and delivery summary, postpartum orders); all to be supervised and cosigned by the resident. c. Perform supervised, uncomplicated deliveries d. Attend cesarean sections and other obstetrical procedures as directed by the residents e. See triage patients, help with histories and admissions as appropriate f. You have very few clinical duties the day after call, (you do need to stay through your lectures and conferences) so please try to stay up with the residents while on call. OB is a fast-paced specialty and you will miss valuable learning experiences if you sleep on call. We will not look for you or page you to come do deliveries if you are sleeping. The residents and interns are too busy to try to find you. Remember, you are adult learners and are responsible for your own learning experiences. 5. Post Call a. Round on postpartum patients, and attend morning rounds b. Once all clinical duties are finished, you may sleep. c. Once all lectures are done for the day you may go home; you may not leave before the lectures and conferences are concluded for the day. You may call me anytime at 350-8535 (office) or 393-6178 (pager). Karen Tapp, MD Clinical Assistant Professor UNC School of Medicine Department OB/GYN, Wake AHEC