Forsyth Central High School Senior Profile 2015-2016 All seniors are required to complete this profile no later than October 1, 2015 (September 12, 2015 for Early Action applicants). Please return it to the counseling office. This form needs to be completed only once. Each counselor keeps this form on file. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY or TYPE. NAME____________________________________________________________________________________________ (LAST) (LEGAL FIRST) (Preferred Name) Date of Birth Student Cell Phone: ________________________ Student Email Address: ____________________________________ 1. Are you the first person in your immediate family (parents/siblings) to attend college? Yes No 2. Where did your parents attend college? 3. Where do you see yourself? Next Year: In Two Years: In Five Years: 4. List any colleges/universities or other opportunities you are considering after high school and what they offer that make them attractive to you. 5. List clubs, activities, and service organizations you have participated in at high school. What grades were you a participant? List your leadership roles, if any. Name of FCHS Activity List Grades You Participated (9, 10, 11, 12) Leadership Role, if any. 6. List non-school activities (community, religious, employment, etc.). How long did you participate in these organizations? List your leadership roles, if any. Name of Non-School Activity List Grades You Participated (9, 10, 11, 12) & Leadership Role, if any. Length of Service COMPLETE INFORMATION ON THE REVERSE SIDE * 7. List any honors and awards you have received in or out of high school. Give description and year received. Name of Honor/Award & Organization Description of Award Year Received 8. Three words that best describe you: _____________________, _____________________, _________________ 9. Please write a short general statement about your strengths (address both personal & academic). 10. Life’s obstacles allow us to grow. Describe an obstacle and its maturing effect on you academically, physically, and/or personally. 11. How would you rank your commitment to service in both the school and community? (Below Average, Average, Above Average, Excellent or Outstanding and WHY.) 12. How would you rank your ability to interact with different groups or people unlike yourself and why? (Below Average, Average, Above Average, Excellent or Outstanding and WHY.) 13. Describe an incident in which you demonstrated strong character (loyalty, integrity, self-discipline, kindness, commitment to high ideals, caring for others, respect for diversity, etc.). Think outside the box. 14. Name four teachers at Forsyth Central High School who know you best- who I can ask for additional feedback about you. ______________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ *ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAPER IF NECESSARY. A RESUME CAN BE ATTACHED AS WELL.