2015-2016 Syllabus Note: The gray italicized texts are instructions and/or examples. Please delete the green texts from your actual syllabus. PLEASE update the name and date of most recent revision in the footer! I. Self and Culture II. 4th Year Elective (self-directed) III. Continuous IV. Leila E. Diaz, MA, MEd and Bobbie Ann White Adair, MA Name Email Elective Director Leila E. Diaz ldiaz@medicine.tamhsc.edu Phone Office location Office hours Campus 254-724-4903 MEC 410 (Temple) By appointment Temple Elective Co-Director Bobbie Ann White bawhite@medicine.ta mhsc.edu Coordinator TBD TBD 254-724-6480 MEC 410 (Temple) Temple a. Other participating faculty (may include in Appendices) V. Course Description (from HSC Course Catalogue) and Overview http://www.tamhsc.edu/education/catalog/ Self and Culture is an elective for individuals that want to explore their own and others ideas about culture and its role in Medicine. Culture has many implications and could never be defined in a one to three week elective, so our goal is to assist students in understanding the importance of broad culture and help them understand their own perceptions and how they apply it to their role as a physician. This elective aims to promote self-awareness to enhance professional understanding and compassion for everyone. Our educational objectives are broken into three timeframes: Level 1 (Level A), Level 2, and Level 3. We anticipate students may be interested in varying timeframes and we want to be flexible, hoping that this flexibility will allow us to reach the majority of our students as we think this content is important for everyone and their development as professionals. THIS COURSE CAN BE TAKEN AT ANY CAMPUS AND IS FULLY ONLINE. Students are able to select 1, 2, or 3 weeks of the course. There will be three corresponding levels (Level A, Level B, Level C). If multiple weeks are selected, students can schedule them consecutively or split them up. Date Created/Revised: 4/28/15 By: Leila Diaz Page 1 2015-2016 Syllabus *Housing will not be provided.* VI. Course Objectives and Evaluation Method See COM Competency Based Learning Objectives below. Evaluation Methods a. All modules are graded for completeness and thoroughness within the subject. b. All modules are pass/fail. c. If an assignment is not completed fully, the course director will contact the student to fix and resubmit. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: (COM Competency Based Learning Objectives: http://medicine.tamhsc.edu/academicaffairs/curriculum/objectives/) Course Objective: COM Competency Based Learning Objectives Evaluation: Taught (T) and/or Evaluated (E): Describe their “culture” PROF4 E Graded Exercise Define the differences between acculturation and assimilation, emic and etic, religion and spirituality, culture and ethnicity PROF 4 E Graded Exercise Reflect on how their individual worldview affects interpersonal relationships. PROF 4 E Graded Exercise Improve self-awareness and identify biases that may influence the clinical care provided. PROF4 E Graded Exercise Recognize and appropriately address gender and cultural biases within healthcare delivery while considering the health of the patient, and that patient's perceptions of healthcare. PROF4 E Graded Exercise Commit to personal accountability for understanding cultural and behavioral PROF4 E Graded Exercise (Example shown) PBLI2 PBLI1 ICS3 Date Created/Revised: 4/28/15 By: Leila Diaz Page 2 2015-2016 Syllabus aspects of healthcare and build effective communication strategies that promote mutual respect and reduce intercultural conflicts, misconceptions, or misunderstandings in the healthcare setting. Develop an understanding of the manner in which the people of diverse cultures and belief systems perceive health and illness and respond to various symptoms disease and treatments Identify behavioral and social factors related to culture and health and the impact of healthy literacy Explore the role of diversity in medical education. Recognize the issue of racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare and the role of stereotype threat. Devise strategies to enhance skills toward the provision of care in the culturally aware practice. PROF 4 E Graded Exercise PROF 4 E Graded Exercise PROF 4 E Graded Exercise PROF 4 E Graded Exercise PROF 4 E Graded Exercise ICS3 PBLI 1 VII. Attendance Policy Students are not required to be on any specific campus. All modules can be completed in a self-directed fashion. VIII. Policies and Procedures (generic information for all campuses) Assignments must be completed in Level order (ex. Level A, then Level B, etc; if a student registers for only one week, they must complete the Level A modules). The levels must be taken in order depending on the number of weeks registered for. Weekly modules deadlines are as follows: June - July: deadline Aug 15 August - December: deadline Jan 31st January - February: deadline March 15th March and April: deadline 2 weeks after the last scheduled week May (if applicable): deadline Monday before commencement Date Created/Revised: 4/28/15 By: Leila Diaz Page 3 2015-2016 Syllabus Example 1: If you schedule one week of Self & Culture in June, one week in November, and one week March 6-12, your deadlines are as follows: · June: Week 1 Modules (1.1-1.4) due by August 15th · November: Week 2 Modules (2.1-2.4) due by January 31st · March 6-12: Week 3 Modules (3.1-3.3) due by March 26th Example 2: If you schedule two weeks together in August and one week in February, your deadlines are as follows: · August: Weeks 1-2 Modules (1.1 – 2.4) due by January 31st · February: Week 3 Modules (3.1-3.3) due by March 15th If a student has scheduled to take a week(s) that overlaps months, the deadline will pertain to the month the last day of the week falls under. Students should contact the instructor with any questions prior to the deadline. If the deadline dates are not adhered to, the instructor may elect not to award credit for the entire Level resulting in not passing the course. IX. Learning Materials and Activities Course materials are available online 24/7 via Blackboard. Textbooks (Required and Recommended Resources) N/A X. Grading and Remediation Policies The final course grade will be based on the following: Completed Exercises Pass Fail 100 100% GRADING SCALE 70-100 69 and below XI. Course Schedule (may include in Appendices if available) Students are able to select 1, 2, or 3 weeks of the course with three corresponding levels (Level A, Level B, Level C). If multiple weeks are selected, students can schedule them consecutively or split them up. The process for completing the assignments must be completed in order (ex. Level A, then Level B, etc; if a student registers for only one week, they must complete the Level A modules). The Date Created/Revised: 4/28/15 By: Leila Diaz Page 4 2015-2016 Syllabus levels must be taken in order depending on the number of weeks registered for. XII. Patient Encounter Logs: (N/A if this does not apply) N/A XIII. Important Legal Information and Policies a. TAMHSC E-mail Access and FERPA TAMHSC is communicating all official information to students through the students’ TAMHSC e-mail accounts. Please check the account frequently during the semester for updates. This course is supported with web-based and/or e-mail activities. In order to take advantage of these additional resources and participate fully in the course, you have been assigned an e-mail address by the Texas A&M Health Science Center. This e-mail address is for internal use only, so that faculty may communicate with you and the entire class. By registering for this course, you are agreeing to allow your classmates to have access to this e-mail address. Should you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 888-523-2905. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which the HSC complies fully, is intended to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their education records and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office of the Department of Education in Washington, D.C., concerning alleged failures by the HSC to comply with the act. b. Students with Disabilities The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Disability Services Office at 979-845-1637 or visit the website http://disability.tamu.edu/. Any student with a disability who needs accommodation should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. c. Professionalism and integrity Statement (Academic Honesty and Plagiarism) All TAMHSC students are required to comply with the student code of conduct and the academic integrity and honesty standards published in each component’s Student Handbook. Disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the policies of each component. Students found guilty of Academic Dishonesty will receive an “F”/Unsatisfactory in the course. As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of presenting as one's own the ideas, words, writings, etc., which belong to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person and turn it in as your own work, even if you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the worst academic violations, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which academic communication cannot be safely conducted. Date Created/Revised: 4/28/15 By: Leila Diaz Page 5 2015-2016 Syllabus d. Mistreatment of Students The College of Medicine is committed to providing a positive learning environment in which students can meet their academic goals based on mutual respect in the teacher/learner relationship. Both parties must be sensitive to the needs of others and differences in gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, age or disability. As outlined in the Standards of Conduct in the Teacher-Learner Relationship, belittlement, intimidation and humiliation are unacceptable for effective learning and undermine self-esteem. Breaches involving student mistreatment may result in a faculty or staff member being sanctioned or the loss of faculty and/or staff appointment. The College of Medicine internal policy for dealing with claims of student mistreatment or unprofessional behavior is described here. This policy addresses student mistreatment involving College of Medicine employees. However, we realize that a student may experience mistreatment from residents, affiliate staff, or patients. These instances will be discussed in Section V of the document. Please access the policy at http://medicine.tamhsc.edu/dean/policies/studentpolicies/mistreatment-of-students.html for more information regarding reporting, resolution of claims, appeals, and responsibilities. To report mistreatment via College of Medicine telephone hotline, dial 1(855)-397-9835. To report via web page, click http://medicine.tamhsc.edu/dean/policies/studentpolicies/form.html e. Exposure and Occupational Hazard The Needle Stick Policy for Medical Students may be accessed at: http://medicine.tamhsc.edu/dean/policies/student-policies/needle-stick-policy.html Note: More information is available on the aforementioned topics to all students in the online course catalog and or on the College of Medicine website. XIV. College of Medicine Competency Based Learning Objectives College of Medicine Competency Based Learning Objectives can be found under the Office of Academic Affairs website: http://medicine.tamhsc.edu/academic-affairs/curriculum/objectives/ XV. Principles and Guidelines for Curriculum Development Principles and Guidelines for Curriculum Development can be found under the Office of The Dean website: http://medicine.tamhsc.edu/dean/policies/pdf/curriculum-principles-guidelines.pdf Date Created/Revised: 4/28/15 By: Leila Diaz Page 6