Preliminary Automaticity Data Analysis by Pete Kaslik September 7, 2013

Preliminary Automaticity Data Analysis
by Pete Kaslik
September 7, 2013
As of this date, not all the data for the automaticity experiment has been received.
This is a limited analysis of the data that was received. The primary focus of this analysis
is to see the relationship between the maximum flash card score and the final GPA, and
to see how the distribution of flash card scores vary when grades are separated by
A,B,C,F and Pass/Fail. An A grade had a GPA higher than 3.5. A B grade had a GPA in
the interval [2.5,3.5), A C grade had a GPA in the interval [1.5,2.5), and an F grade had a
GPA less than 1.5. A D grade was considered an F grade. The dividing line for
Pass/Fail grades was 2.0 since that is what is required to move to the next level of math.
A separate analysis was completed for each of the developmental math classes,
Math 51, Math 54, Math 60, and Math 98. The analysis only included students who took
the flash card test at least one time and who completed the course.
Math 51
The automaticity test was a 1-minute random mixture of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division problems. All numbers will be positive numbers between 0
and 10 for addition, subtraction and multiplication and the division problems will have
solutions between 0 and 10.
In Math 51, there is a statistically significant correlation between flash card speed and
final grade for the quarter. Based on a one-way ANOVA test, at least one of the grades
has a mean that is significantly different (F = 7.3, p = 0.0002, DF = 3).
Math 54
The automaticity test was a 1-minute random mixture of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division problems. All numbers will be positive numbers between 0
and 10 for addition, subtraction and multiplication and the division problems will have
solutions between 0 and 10.
For Math 54, there is not a significant correlation; nor is there a significant difference
between the letter grade groups. The sample size is very small for this class.
Math 60
The automaticity test was a 1-minute random mixture of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division problems. All numbers will be between -10 and 10 for
addition, subtraction and multiplication and the division problems will have solutions
between -10 and 10.
For Math 60, there is not a significant correlation. Nor is there a significant difference
between the groups. The sample size is small for this course.
Math 98
This was a 1 – minute random mixture of one-step linear equations that will require
adding, subtracting or multiplying numbers between –10 and 10 and will have solutions
between those same values for the division problems.
In Math 98 there is a significant correlation between flash card speed and final
grade for the quarter. Based on a one-way ANOVA test, at least one of the means is
significantly different (F = 6.2, p = 0.0006, DF = 3).