Name ______________________________ Parent Signature ______________________

Week 21
Name ______________________________
Flake, The Missing
Parent Signature ______________________
This board includes many different activities to help your child practice his/her spelling words. Your child
must choose and complete at least three of the activities for weekly homework. The activities must make a
tic-tac-toe line: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. Please mark your choices with crayon, marker, etc.
Parents, you are encouraged to assist your child as needed to make homework a positive learning
experience. Please sign and return this sheet on Friday.
Spelling words: came, gate, game, late,
lake, take, day, play,
four, place
Challenge words: skated, brave, milkshake,
states, baseball,
your words
using Popsicle
sticks to make
each letter.
Ransom WordsWrite your
words by
cutting out
letters in a
newspaper or
magazine and
gluing them
onto blank
Magazine Words- Pyramid WordsUse an old
Write your
magazine or
words adding or
newspaper and
subtracting one
find your word. letter each
Cut it out and
time. The
glue it onto
result will be
blank paper.
a pyramid shape
of words.
Write the words Play
Cheer Your
you are a
cheerleader and
call out your
Rainbow WordsWrite each word
in three
Play hangman.
in ABC order