SFHS Science National Honor Society Spring 2016 Eligibility Verification

SFHS Science National Honor Society Spring 2016 Eligibility Verification
Full Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
What is your current grade level?
Email ________________________________________________________________
2015-2016 Service Hours Completed
2015-2016 Mandatory Event
Attach your service hours log to this sheet
2015-2016 Clubs – The club sponsor must sign to verify that you are an active member in good standing.
Science-related Club Name: __________________________________________________________________
As the sponsor of the club listed above, please check one:
Active member in good standing
Member is not in good standing Comments: ____________________________________________
Sponsor’s Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________
Did you compete in the 2015-2016 Science Fair? _____ If yes, your school science fair advisor must verify.
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Additional Member Requirements
A copy of your current grades is required for GPA verification. Your progress report grades will need to print
your report card from parent portal and attach it to the back of this application. If a copy of your report card is
not included, your eligibility cannot be verified and you may be placed on probation.
Members must also:
 Complete and log at least 6 hours of service to the scientific community by Spring 2016.
 Attend at least 75% of the chapter meetings, activities, or events.
 Pass all courses each semester.
 Maintain behavior that is acceptable to the guidelines of SFHS.
I understand all of additional member requirements listed above. I certify that my answers are true and
complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or misleading information in my eligibility
verification may result in my dismissal from the Society.
Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _______________