Welcome to 2A! Room 150 Section 2A Mrs. Eyerman

Welcome to 2A!
Room 150
Section 2A
Mrs. Eyerman
About me!
8:50-9:20 Students arrive, select lunch, unpack
9:20-9:30 Morning Meeting
9:30-11:30 Reading
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:30 Recess
12:30-12:45 Student Reader/Mystery Reader (Monday)
12:45-1:55 Math
2:00-2:45 Special
2:45-3:20 Science/Social Studies
3:20-3:30 Dismissal
Special Schedule
Monday- Integrated Arts 2:15-3:15
Tuesday- Art w/ Mrs. Townsend
Wednesday- Music w/ Mrs. Froehlich
Thursday- Library w/ Ms. Conn
Friday- Gym w/ Ms. Lepant
Communication with
Mrs. Eyerman
Write a note/ Call the school secretary
– Pick up for today (must call before 3:00)
– Early dismissal for today
– Medication for today
E-mail: aeyerman@northallegheny.org
I check it in the morning before 8:50AM, at times throughout the day and after school
when the students leave.
Voicemail: 724-935-4044 x6126
I will check my voicemail each morning before 8AM and after school.
Lunch Money
Your child has a “pin” number to purchase a school lunch in the
Money may be applied to your child’s account on any day.
Please make sure that your child’s name, our classroom section
and room number (2A-150), pin number, and the amount are
written on the outside of the envelope.
If your child has brought money for only that day’s lunch, he/she
will send the money to the office to be deposited onto his/her
You may also utilize the PayForit.net or go to the North
Allegheny Website and locate “PayForIt”
Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers are very welcome and needed in
our classroom. If you can assist in any way, your help
will be greatly appreciated!
Parents will need clearances to volunteer in NASD
classrooms. See the NA website for details.
Please sign up on my website! It’s simple!
I will send out an email as needed once we can start
to plan for parent volunteers.
Mystery Reader
Mystery Reader will be most Mondays from:12:30-12:45
Sign up if you’d like to participate on the table for ONE spot.
Once each family has had a chance, I will ask for more
Please plan on arriving at
– Sign in at the office.
– Come straight to our centrum.
– The students will return from recess and wait at the carpet
see you!
– Please plan on being here from 12:30-12:45 and reading 3-4
picture books from home.
Star Student
We will start next week!
Each student will have a turn at being the Star Student
He/she will complete a poster and will get to discuss it at morning
The poster will be displayed in the classroom the entire week.
Here’s what I have planned for the students:
Monday: Share your poster
Tuesday: Show and Share 5-10 pictures from home
Wednesday: Show and Share 1 toy/item from home
Thursday: Read Aloud a favorite picture book
Friday: Pencil and certificate reward
Student Readers
Your child is a student reader EACH WEEK and therefore
should bring and be prepared to read a picture book to a small
group weekly.
Students should practice reading a different book weekly.
Choose books from home or the school/public library, which will
last approximately ten minutes.
The schedule is: (will start in October)
Tuesday: Noa, Becca, Braeden, Kylie, Avyukt
Wednesday: Aryan, Brody, Nathan, Penelope, James
Thursday: Joshua, Sreeja, Alexander, Alexis, Elyse
Friday: Michael, Shana, Tyler, Kendall, Ella
Birthday Celebrations
We like our children to share birthday celebrations with their
Due to the “Wellness Policy” and to protect children with
allergies, please consider a non-food item if you want to provide
a treat. If you need suggestions, I would be happy to help you.
Edible treats MUST be approved by nurse 48 hours prior to
We can celebrate half birthday for those who have summer
Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless
there is one for every child of that gender or the entire
class. We don’t want any hurt feelings.
Behavior Management
Tally Marks- Teams of students receive tally marks for:
– Working together
– Working quietly when asked
– Keeping desk areas clean
o The team with the most tally marks at the end of the month will get
to choose a prize from the treasure box. This is full of fun pencils,
erasers, stickers, bookmarks, key chains and lots more.
o Donations of fun prizes to this treasure chest is GREATLY
o Teams are switched every month and will a mixture of boys and
o The last two months of the school year, students will get to choose
any team regardless of the number of boys and girls! 
Behavior Management
Bee-Havior Clips
– Everyone starts at Step 2 with a chance to move up to Step
1 for Bee-ing Great!
– Students move around 6 steps with any bee-havior
-Step 1 Reward Ticket
-Step 2 Right on track
-Step 3 Warning
-Step 4 Five minute loss of recess
-Step 5 Fifteen minutes of recess and a note home
-Step 6 Buzz on Down to the Principals’ office
Getting Better at Getting Along
Olweus Program
– Monthly Themes
(i.e., respect,
– Class Meetings daily
– Bully Prevention is
addressed constantly
Second Step
– Empathy
– Impulse Control and
Problem Solving
– Anger Management
Homework Policy
A Homework Guideline is 20-30 minutes for second grade.
Homework mean practice: practice reading skills; practice
working with words; practice math concepts
Homework/practice will be Monday through Thursday
nights. (Occasionally on Friday if a test is following.)
Please check my NA website for updates on 2A’s Weekly
PLEASE check over your child’s homework nightly. Often
times careless mistakes can be caught and addressed at
home. 
Nightly Folder
PLEASE check this folder every night!
Keep at home- keep all of these papers
Return to School- this will almost always
be your student’s homework for the
evening, or it will be something else that
needs to be returned
Missing Assignment Sheet
•Sign and return notice
•Points deduced from 100 total
points at the end of the nine
weeks for each subject area
•Student reader books and
reading books are included on
incomplete or missing
•Return Assignment Notice
with assignment if the
assignment needed to be
Report Card
Book Orders
News & Notes -> Parents’ Page
– www.scholastic.com/bookclubs
– Activation Code: GZ8QM
Order with an Order Slip
• Orders CANNOT be placed after due date
• If ordering by order slip, please send a check payable to
Scholastic Book Orders.
• No cash is accepted.
– First Order by: 9/18/15, next Friday
– Amazing prices for the BEST books!
– Log onto the Marshall Website
– Go to Building Staff
– Find Eyerman, Amy
– There you will find lots of fun and helpful
information for you and your child.
– Homework is updated weekly.
Thursday E-Blast
Go Green! List of items can be accessed via
NA website
An EMAIL is still sent out me every Thursday
MES,NASD and community information
Check often for special opportunities for your
child and important information from MES
All children go outdoors for recess
unless it is extremely cold, raining, or
It is always windy on this hill.
Please keep these factors in mind and
dress your child accordingly.
It’s better to overdress than under
ELA (English Language Arts)
Story Town- Harcourt
Thematic- grouped into 5 stories by theme
After some themes are completed, we will THEME TEST. Theme 1 and 4
Various types of literature (fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry…..)
Phonemic Awareness
High Frequency Words
Robust Vocabulary
Check teacher website
Study guide home with stapled spelling test
Multiple tests: HFW, phonics, reading, spelling, focus skills, and Robust vocabulary
Possible drop in scores as they become independent
Developing concepts w/ manipulatives
Practicing for understanding
Developing fluency of numbers & facts
– Harcourt Math Pennsylvania Edition
– Otter Creek Math Facts (Rocket Math)
Check teacher website
A1 VS A2
End of book test, problem solving, basic facts. Scores compiled and placed into A1 or A2.
Same concepts but at different pace, more independence and supplemental Think Math.
Check HW on teacher’s website
Basic facts are addressed on Report Card but not part of grade.
Math Concepts
Chapter 1: Numbers to 100
Chapter 2: Number Patterns
Chapter 3: Comparing and Ordering Numbers
Chapter 4: Table and Graphs
Chapter 5: Addition Strategies
Chapter 6: Subtraction Strategies
Chapter 7: Explore 2-Digit Addition
Chapter 8: 2-Digit Addition
Chapter 9: Explore 2-Digit Subtraction
Chapter 10: 2-Digit Subtraction
Chapter 11: Practice 2-Digit Addition and
Chapter 12: Counting Money
Chapter 13: Using Money
Chapter 14: Telling Time
Chapter 15: Understanding Time
Chapter 16: Interpret Tables and Graphs
Chapter 17: Probability
Chapter 18: Plane Shapes
Chapter 19: Solid Figures
Chapter 20: Spatial Sense
Chapter 21: Patterns
Chapter 22: Length and Temperature
Chapter 23: Capacity and Weight
Chapter 24: Metric Measurement
Chapter 25: Explore Perimeter, Area, and
Chapter 26: Fractions
Chapter 27: Numbers to 1,000
Chapter 28: Comparing and Ordering
Greater Numbers
Chapter 29: Adding and Subtracting 3-Digit
Chapter 30: Multiplication and Division
All About Plants
All About Animals
How Plants and Animals Live Together
How Living Things Grow and Change
Earth and Space
Technology in our World
Small Quizzes from class worksheets
Graded: quizzes and unit test
– Jeopardy to help prepare for tests
– Study guide…..
Social Studies
Scott Foresman Social Studies text- People and Places
Unit 1 Where We Live
Unit 2 Our Earth
Unit 3 Working Together
Unit 4 Our Country Today
Unit 5 Our Country Long Ago
Unit 6 People and Places in History
Study guides are given as homework before the test. It is to be
returned as homework and will be given back to the student to use as a
study helper.
Graded: small quizzes from some worksheets, study guide, unit tests
Jeopardy to help prepare for tests
Important Test Dates
No vacations are approved
– IOWA week January 11-15
– CogAt week Feb. 2-5
Practice and prepare in class.
At home, get good sleep, good breakfast and
be on time! 
Remind Text Messages
To receive text messages from Mrs. Eyerman
with reminders for your second graders,
please sign up using theses directions.
To receive messages via text, text @mrseyer
to (484) 577-2194. You can opt-out of
messages at anytime by replying,
'unsubscribe @mrseyer'.
Or review these directions on my website
If you could “BEE”
kind, capture a
bee and return
the needed item
with your child!
Thank you!
Mrs. Eyerman
Questions Time