5 7 Grade Social Studies

7th Grade Social Studies
The Zhou Dynasty
Ancient China
Directions: Use the World History Atlas, page 22, and the World History Book, pages
166-171 to answer the following.
Time Line of the Dynasties
1122 b.c. – 256 b.c.
Zhou ( pronounced like Jo)
Describe the location and boundaries of the dynasty.
1. The feudal system was created during the Zhou Dynasty. It was a system of hierarchy
of power. The kings controlled the country, and under the kings were lords who owned
the different lands. Finally, under the lords were fighting men, peasants and slaves.
Describe what you think the roles/ responsibilities were of the following people.
Fighting men:
2. Describe how the Zhou Dynasty’s power diminished. Explain how this ushered in the
time of the warring states.
3. Describe who Confucius was and explain what his goal was for society. Select four of
his guidelines for society and demonstrate what they mean. Finally, explain how these
might be beneficial in today’s society.
4. Identify what Daoism was. Describe the major beliefs of the philosophy. Explain
how it was similar to Confucianism. Explain how it was different than Confucianism.
5. Identify what Legalism was. Describe the major beliefs of the philosophy. Explain
how it was similar to Confucianism. Explain how it was different than Confucianism.