Persuasive Writing Lesson 2 Step 1: Look over the topics. Each issue has positives and negatives or advantages and disadvantages. Preview the Topics for Persuasive Writing sheets at your tables. • Select three topics to explore. • Use search engines to explore topics. • Which one held your interest? • Which topic has the most clear information? Choose one topic for your persuasive writing piece. EXAMPLE: Helmets for protection Many cities are requiring children under the age of 16 to wear helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of wearing helmets. Step 2: Take a stand. Think about the stand and how you will provide three reasons for your argument. Directions for Writing: Write a persuasive essay stating whether children under the age of 16 should be required to wear helmets. Give reasons to support your position arguing in such a convincing manner that others will agree with you. Step 3: Prepare the graphic organizer. Fold your paper into 4 squares. Step 4: Complete the graphic organizer. Unfold the paper and draw a box in the center. In the center box write a sentence to convey your stand. Step one 3:NonComplete the another graphic Write Write Example: Example: reason reason you organizer. helmet useyou can Children think helmets think helmets cause more under the should be should be traffic fatalities. age of 16 feel required. required. invincible. Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. It is important to wear a helmet. Example: Physical This is one way to prevent injury from these fatalities. Children under the age of 16 need someone looking out types of accidents for them because they feel make demands on invincible. The serious physical injuries resulting from not wearing our health care a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. system. Write another reason you think helmets should be required. Summarize your 3 reasons. Example: Children under the Step 3: Complete the graphic WriteNon-helmet 3 details Example: use age of 16 3 feel invincible. Write details can cause more trafficorganizer. about this •Lack of maturity about this fatalities. reason. •Head injuries •Reckless •Understanding of reason consequences Video games – get another life. •Unnecessary grief Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. Example: Physical injury from these types of accidents make Write 3 details demands on resources. about this •Long term care reason. •Health Care expense •Convalescent Home It is important to wear a helmet. This is one way to prevent fatalities. Children under the age of 16 need someone looking out for them because they feel invincible. The serious physical injuries resulting from not wearing a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. Summarize your 3 reasons. Step 3: Complete the graphic Elaborate organizer. on one •Head injuries ELABORATE detail. •Reckless Example: Non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. •Unnecessary grief Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. Example: Example: An unhelmeted motorcyclist Those under 16 do not Step 3: Complete the graphic Children under the is 40 %more likely to suffer a often consider theage of 16 feel invincible. organizer. fatal head injury and 15% dedication of a loved •Lack of maturity more likely to suffer a one caring for aof •Understanding ELABORATE nonfatal injury than a quadriplegics consequences resulting helmeted motorcyclist when from •Video – get angames unhelmeted involved in a crash. another life. accident. Elaborate on one detail. Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. Those under 16 do not Example: Example: An unhelmeted motorcyclist Step 3: Complete the graphic Children under the consider theage of is 40 %more likely to suffer a often 16 feel invincible. organizer. dedication of a loved fatal head injury and 15% •Lack of maturity one caring for a more likely to suffer a •Understanding of quadriplegics nonfatal injury than a consequences resulting helmeted motorcyclist when from angames unhelmeted •Video – get involved in a crash. accident. another life. Elaborate on one detail. Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. NHTSA estimates Example: Physicalthat injury from these types helmet motorcycle of accidents use saved make billion $19.5 demands in economic on resources. •Long from costs term 1984 care through •Health Care expense 2002. ELABORATE •Convalescent Home Elaborate on one detail. Step 5: Add transitions. For example, Non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. •Head injuries An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 %more likely to suffer a fatal head injury and 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury than a helmeted motorcyclist when involved in a crash. •Reckless Moreover, Children under the age of 16 feel invincible. •Lack of maturity •Understanding of consequences Those under 16 do not often consider the dedication of a loved one caring for a quadriplegics resulting from an unhelmeted accident. •Video games – get grief another life. In•Unnecessary other For these Children under the age of 16 words, should be required to wear reasons, helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. It is important to wear a Physical injury from these helmet. This is one way to types of accidents make prevent fatalities. demands on resources. Children under the age of •Long term care 16 need someone looking •Health Care expense out for them because they NHTSA estimates that motorcycle feel invincible. The helmet use saved $19.5 billion in serious physical injuries economic costs from 1984 through 2002. resulting from not wearing •Convalescent Home a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. A list of transition words is online! Step 5: Add transitions. For example, Non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. •Head injuries An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 %more likely to suffer a fatal head injury and 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury than a helmeted motorcyclist when involved in a crash. •Reckless Moreover, Children under the age of 16 feel invincible. •Lack of maturity •Understanding of consequences Those under 16 do not often consider the dedication of a loved one caring for a quadriplegics resulting from an unhelmeted accident. •Video games – get grief another life. In•Unnecessary other For these Children under the age of 16 words, should be required to wear reasons, helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. It is important to wear a Physical injury from these helmet. This is one way to types of accidents make prevent fatalities. demands on resources. Children under the age of •Long term care 16 need someone looking •Health Care expense out for them because they NHTSA estimates that motorcycle feel invincible. The helmet use saved $19.5 billion in serious physical injuries economic costs from 1984 through 2002. resulting from not wearing •Convalescent Home a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. A list of transition words is online! Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. For example, Non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. •Head injuries An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 %more likely to suffer a fatal head injury and 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury than a helmeted motorcyclist when involved in a crash. •Reckless Children under the age of Moreover, 16 feel invincible. •Lack of maturity •Understanding of consequences Those under 16 do not often consider the dedication of a loved one caring for a quadriplegics resulting from an unhelmeted accident. •Video games – get •Unnecessary grief another life. For these In other Children under the age of 16 reasons, be required to wear words, should helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. It is important to wear a Physical injury from these helmet. This is one way to types of accidents make prevent fatalities. demands on resources. Children under the age of •Long term care 16 need someone looking •Health Care expense out for them because they NHTSA estimates that motorcycle feel invincible. The helmet use saved $19.5 billion in serious physical injuries economic costs from 1984 through 2002. resulting from not wearing •Convalescent Home a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. Each square will become a paragraph. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. • The introductory paragraph (the center box) sums up each reason. Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. Not wearing a helmet results in more fatalities. Helmets take care of children who do not understand the full consequences of their choices. Many resources are tapped caring for those injured as a result of not wearing a helmet. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. • Begin the introductory paragraph with a hook. Samples of hooks can be found online. Mark Twain once said, “Laws control the lesser man... Right conduct controls the greater one.” This can also be said of the helmet law. Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear helmets while biking, scooting, skateboarding, rollerblading, and skiing. Not wearing a helmet results in more fatalities. Helmets take care of children who do not understand the full consequences of their choices. Many resources are tapped caring for those injured as a result of not wearing a helmet. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to paper. Moreove For example, Next Paragraph Non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. •Head injuries An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 %more likely to suffer a fatal head injury and 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury than a helmeted motorcyclist when involved in a crash. •Reckless Children under the age of 16 feel invincible. •Lack of maturity •Understanding of consequences Those under 16 do not often consider the dedication of a loved one caring for a quadriplegics resulting from an unhelmeted accident. •Video games – get another life. •Unnecessary grief Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear For thes In other helmets while biking, scooting, reason skateboarding, rollerblading, and words, skiing. It is important to wear a Physical injury from these helmet. This is one way to types of accidents make prevent fatalities. demands on resources. Children under the age of •Long term care 16 need someone looking •Health Care expense out for them because they NHTSA estimates that motorcycle feel invincible. The helmet use saved $19.5 billion in serious physical injuries economic costs from 1984 through 2002. resulting from not wearing •Convalescent Home a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. Next Paragraph For example, non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. Those not wearing helmets are more prone to head injuries. An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 % more likely to suffer a fatal head injury and 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury than a helmeted motorcyclist when involved in a crash. Those reckless enough to endanger themselves without wearing a helmet are more likely to also endanger others. These actions cause unnecessary grief. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to paper. Moreove For example, Non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. •Head injuries Next Paragraph An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 %more likely to suffer a fatal head injury and 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury than a helmeted motorcyclist when involved in a crash. •Reckless Children under the age of 16 feel invincible. •Lack of maturity •Understanding of consequences Those under 16 do not often consider the dedication of a loved one caring for a quadriplegics resulting from an unhelmeted accident. •Video games – get another life. •Unnecessary grief Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear For thes In other helmets while biking, scooting, reason skateboarding, rollerblading, and words, skiing. It is important to wear a Physical injury from these helmet. This is one way to types of accidents make prevent fatalities. demands on resources. Children under the age of •Long term care 16 need someone looking •Health Care expense out for them because they NHTSA estimates that motorcycle feel invincible. The helmet use saved $19.5 billion in serious physical injuries economic costs from 1984 through 2002. resulting from not wearing •Convalescent Home a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. Next Paragraph Moreover, children under the age of 16 feel invincible. They lack the maturity to make such crucial decisions on their own. Those under 16 do not often consider the dedication of a loved one caring for a quadriplegics resulting from an unhelmeted accident. They lack the ability to not fully understand the consequences of their choices. Video games give young people a false sense of a chance at another opportunity at life. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to paper. Moreove For example, Non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. •Head injuries An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 %more likely to suffer a fatal head injury and 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury than a helmeted motorcyclist when involved in a crash. •Reckless Next Paragraph Children under the age of 16 feel invincible. •Lack of maturity •Understanding of consequences Those under 16 do not often consider the dedication of a loved one caring for a quadriplegics resulting from an unhelmeted accident. •Video games – get another life. •Unnecessary grief Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear For thes In other helmets while biking, scooting, reason skateboarding, rollerblading, and words, skiing. It is important to wear a Physical injury from these helmet. This is one way to types of accidents make prevent fatalities. demands on resources. Children under the age of •Long term care 16 need someone looking •Health Care expense out for them because they NHTSA estimates that motorcycle feel invincible. The helmet use saved $19.5 billion in serious physical injuries economic costs from 1984 through 2002. resulting from not wearing •Convalescent Home a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. Next Paragraph In other words, physical injury from these types of accidents make demands on resources. Those suffering from injuries received from not wearing helmets often require long term care. The cost to the health care system is great. NHTSA estimates that motorcycle helmet use saved $19.5 billion in economic costs from 1984 through 2002. Many spend months in convalescent homes. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. For example, Voting is your way to state your concerns and beliefs. •Taxes •Education Congress can help or hinder families trying to raise their children •War Every vote counts and is Moreover, important. •Close elections for office Everyone remembers the 2000 election between Bush and Gore that was too close to call for weeks. •Close elections for laws/decisions •Send mandates to the government. In other Voting is not only the privilege words, but the responsibility of every For these reasons, 18 year-old. Through voting we practice "democracy“ which we are trying to bring to others. •Example being set Summary Paragraph •Demonstrate belief in democracy •Respect for lives being lost protecting democracy 2,000 American Troops that have lost their lives in Iraq trying to bring democracy and the right to vote to that nation. It is important to exercise the right to vote. Through this process our beliefs and concerns are conveyed. Although many election contests are won by comfortable margins, some have been so close that a single vote has made the difference. We must show the world the importance of voting in a democracy. Step 6: From the graphic organizer to paper. Moreove For example, Non-helmet use can cause more traffic fatalities. •Head injuries An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 %more likely to suffer a fatal head injury and 15% more likely to suffer a nonfatal injury than a helmeted motorcyclist when involved in a crash. •Reckless Children under the age of 16 feel invincible. •Lack of maturity •Understanding of consequences Those under 16 do not often consider the dedication of a loved one caring for a quadriplegics resulting from an unhelmeted accident. •Video games – get another life. •Unnecessary grief Children under the age of 16 should be required to wear For thes In other helmets while biking, scooting, reason skateboarding, rollerblading, and words, skiing. It is important to wear a Physical injury from these helmet. This is one way to types of accidents make prevent fatalities. demands on resources. Children under the age of •Long term care 16 need someone looking •Health Care expense out for them because they NHTSA estimates that motorcycle feel invincible. The helmet use saved $19.5 billion in serious physical injuries economic costs from 1984 through 2002. resulting from not wearing •Convalescent Home a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. Summary Paragraph Step 6: From the graphic organizer to the paper. Summary Paragraph Ending PUNCH For these reasons, it is important to wear a helmet. This is one way to prevent fatalities. Children under the age of 16 need someone looking out for them because they feel invincible. The serious physical injuries resulting from not wearing a helmet put a real strain on the health care system. Protect yourself and others…wear a helmet! Step 7: Vocabulary Review your paragraphs. Can you add adjectives (describing words) and interesting adverbs (describing action words)? ADJECTIVES ADVERBS Step 7: Vocabulary BEFORE: Many resources are tapped caring for those injured as a result of not wearing a helmet. AFTER: Many precious resources are exhausted caring for those seriously injured as a result of not wearing a helmet. Step 7: Vocabulary Remember: The more sophisticated vocabulary you use…the higher your score. bad dreadful Step 8: Visual Expression Use metaphors and similes to give your essay more visual expression. The costtotothe thehealth The cost care system health care drains system our economy like a is great. leaky faucet. Step 9: Reread Your Work Reread your work to make sure you have: Taken a stand and stay on the topic Given your reasons in the introductory paragraph Have paragraphs that support each reason Elaborate on a reason in each paragraph Have a summary paragraph that restates your reasons Begin each paragraph with a transition word Include adjectives, adverbs, similes, and metaphors